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Ok Celebrity...it's been nice.


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All right, I'll give those three to you, but you don't deny the red flannel underwear with the backside trap door do you?


I could let you get away with that if you were a little further south than you are. Where I come from we are further south than most of New England and also parts of Northern California and not so far north of where you live! I think you would need the flannel underwear in the winter as much as we do!;)

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I grew up in New England and know all about red thermal "Johnnies". Now you know why I have such an affinity and fondness for my Great White Brothers and Sisters. After all, if it weren’t for you folks the Boston Bruins would have nobody to beat up on (when the strikes over).


Peace to you

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Should a cruise line offer cell service ?? Sure, why not,. they offer ship to shore now @ $10 a min so why not offer cell service to those who desire? May travelers, especially those from over seas, rent cell phones while they are in the USA, in fact you see cell phone Kiosks in almost every major airport.


We take our cell on the cruise just in case of any emergency (NO LAPTOP) just cell phone. We have only had to use it once when we were on a W. Carrib cruise... becasue when we left FL we were in the middle of selling our house........ we actully accepted the offer on our house on the balcony of an NCL ship in Grand Cayman.







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I fully support the ability to use cellphones aboard ship......BUT I also believe there should be rules around where they can be used (NOT in restaurants, NOT in show lounges, NOT around the pool, etc.)...but from the privacy of someone's cabin, balcony or out on deck, I have no problem with it. As an independent consultant, my cellphone is my lifeline to my business. Yes, I love getting away on vacation and have my 13th cruise coming up next month, but would also appreciate the ability to react to a valued client if needed. Saves a great deal of time than looking for phone cards and phones at each port (especially if each port is in a different country with their own phone system!).


I think most people will clearly respect boundries and, at the still higher-than-normal cellular rate of $1.50 per minute (at least that is what NCL is charging), I do not think a lot of cruisers will be talking at the drop of a hat! Remember....these are the same people that complain about cocktails being $5 at the bar! :D

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OK......... I have come up with the perfect solution. Smokers on the port side and cell users on starboard. Works well doesn't it?

I've got my cigarettes and will meet you on the port side.;)

I don't own a cell phone so that works for me.:rolleyes:



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I fully support the ability to use cellphones aboard ship......BUT I also believe there should be rules around where they can be used (NOT in restaurants, NOT in show lounges, NOT around the pool, etc.)...but from the privacy of someone's cabin, balcony or out on deck, I have no problem with it. As an independent consultant, my cellphone is my lifeline to my business. Yes, I love getting away on vacation and have my 13th cruise coming up next month, but would also appreciate the ability to react to a valued client if needed. Saves a great deal of time than looking for phone cards and phones at each port (especially if each port is in a different country with their own phone system!).


I think most people will clearly respect boundries and, at the still higher-than-normal cellular rate of $1.50 per minute (at least that is what NCL is charging), I do not think a lot of cruisers will be talking at the drop of a hat! Remember....these are the same people that complain about cocktails being $5 at the bar! :D


By the looks of your previous cruises, you have been cruising since before the invention and mass dissemination of cell phones. So a question arises for you and anyone else advocating their use during a public vacation: what did you do before they were invented, and why can't you do the same thing now? Technology is a wonderful thing, but it appears many are handcuffing themselves to it.

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Ok, Next solution is no smokers and no cell phones on board on one of Celebrity's ships. Brilliant idea we could call it "The Paradise". Been done before? It was a smashing success wasn't it? But all those that want a premium experience would be glad to provide the extra revenue that it would take to make it profitable. Don't you think?

I know what you are talking about, but I have my difficulties with this example.

OK they treid it and it wasn´t very succesful, but the question is why!

It might be because of the smoke free ship, but there are more possible reasons for me. Although I would love a smoke free ship too I would never have sailed the Paradise, because of ship and itinerary. So to make the experiment real they shouldn´t have taken one of the older ships on one single route.

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I know what you are talking about, but I have my difficulties with this example.

OK they treid it and it wasn´t very succesful, but the question is why!

It might be because of the smoke free ship, but there are more possible reasons for me. Although I would love a smoke free ship too I would never have sailed the Paradise, because of ship and itinerary. So to make the experiment real they shouldn´t have taken one of the older ships on one single route.


One of the major reasons it didn't work was that liquor and casino revenues were not up to par with the other similiar ships in the fleet. I can relate to this to an extent as I live about 80 miles from Atlantic City. If you go to the casinos on the busiest of days, the non-smoking sections are virtually empty.



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I am thinking you are very happy, you have found something else to complain about. I love Celebrity and no cell phone is going to keep me from going on a cruise. Maybe someone will give you a lollipop and make all the bad things go away. It always worked for my babies.

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IMO - There are a handful of people who will resist change. When a cruise line changes due to the market and what people want (a company doesn't make a decision like this if there M & S dept. says it will be poorly received) they get all upset. Bottom line things change you either change with them or resist and become bitter. I applaud danno for at least realizing that this is not for him anymore and moving on I wish some others would do the same istead of complaining about how bad the product is becoming.


Someone ( I don't remember who) asked "isn't it my right to have a business/cell free cruise" Yes it is so don't take your cell phone or business with you. But IT IS NOT YOUR RIGHT to dictate if others take their cell or business with them!!! That is what is great about the USA freedom, choice the fact that you make the decisions that are right for you. If you don't like it deal with it, choose a different line, a different vacation or a different country.

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just one more thing, in my experience the soundproofing on most ships is barely adequate, so if cell phone use is restricted to in-cabin and the cell phone user is one of those "CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW?" types, what exactly have i gained by the implementation of this rule if im next door to this cacophony? :mad:

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I am thinking you are very happy, you have found something else to complain about. I love Celebrity and no cell phone is going to keep me from going on a cruise. Maybe someone will give you a lollipop and make all the bad things go away. It always worked for my babies.


Excellent point, and I think most people here agree with you, but you must be specific of WHICH particular cry baby you are writing about.

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I will be writing Mr.Williams a nice letter this weekend and will be sending him back my Captain's Club cards...frankly I don't want to spend a week on a ship where this is done and I done want to be around people who think that a cruise ship is a fitting place to have a cell phone...I am obviously out of step with the future of cruising...so I'll move on.


You'll show him. And in a year when all cruise lines allow cell phones, will you be going to the moon for vacation?

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just one more thing, in my experience the soundproofing on most ships is barely adequate, so if cell phone use is restricted to in-cabin and the cell phone user is one of those "CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW?" types, what exactly have i gained by the implementation of this rule if im next door to this cacophony? :mad:

I would say you've neither gained nor lost anything in this scenario. If a loudmouth is in the cabin next to you, it doesn't matter if he's got a cell phone or not. He's going to talk to his roommate that way, and play his TV at those volumes, etc. An ahole is an ahole...cellphones notwithstanding.


If Danno is ready to accept not taking vacations because of the proliferation of cellphones in all potential vacation locations, and would like to wait until he has his own boat to sail with...avoiding ports where other boaters will be using cellphones of course, and hotels in ports that allow cellphones...then that is indeed his prerogative, and certainly nobody here should take that away from him. As unfortunate as it is, many of the rest of us, for and against the cellphone allowances, will continue to cruise and take other forms of vacations...simply accepting the inevitable progress of technology with all the good and evil it tows with it.


I will bring my cellphone on trips, and use it the way I personally feel I should - muted, never answering in public places (just allowing caller ID to show me who called and voicemail to leave a message), and calling back only from my own paid-for space with logical common courtesy. Since I use my cell phone on average less than 15 minutes a month, and have so far made exactly 1 call from all my 20 cruises combined, I don't feel too bad about my discourtesies to others...however I accept that there will be those who use cellphones more often, and even those who use it rudely or discouteously. And I will be right there with the non-cellphone arguers (the ones who will still take vacations) in berating and annoying those rude users to remind them that they are not in an invisible soundproof bubble.


The sailboat sounds nice Danno...I miss my boat which was sold years ago - too much upkeep and not enough use. I don't know if I'd go throughout the Caribbean in anything less than 100 feet though - a little too cramped and a little too bouncy!

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Ivcruise, before cellphones I wasn't an independent consultant, so that helped! But I do recall one Greece cruise/vacation where my boss "expected" me to check in every other day! It was phone cards and searching for working public phones!

Frank, your point is taken. However, you have also reminded me of why I dropped out of the corporate business world when you mentioned having to check in with the boss on your Greek cruise. I used to be a department head of a major regional bank in Florida. Whenever I went on a vacation, I had to check in on a daily basis if I wanted my job upon returning. I got tired of it and said no more because it wasn't really a vacation away from work, only the physical location.


A vacation to me is getting away from it all, and that includes bosses, clients and coworkers. If that cannot be accomplished, then it really isn't a true vacation. Likewise, if I have to be reminded of the business world by someone else talking business on a cell phone within hearing distance while I am enjoying my vacation, it detracts from the experience. Don't get me wrong - I'm not opposed to cell phones, change or advancing technology - I own two of them myself; I simply think there is a place for them and that place is not in the middle of a public vacation.


When the ships began having internet access, I thought it was a good thing. They all have an internet cafe of sorts, or you can gain access to it in your cabin. The ships did not make it available anywhere else and it cannot be used in the public areas. If the ships allow cell phone usage in the public areas, does that mean the next logical step will be to install wi-fi so people can use their laptops anywhere onboard the ship, including their table in the dining room? Think about that for a moment. Would you like to have to watch your tablemates bang on their computers while you're trying to eat dinner, only because they weren't able to take a true vacation and get away from their work? For those advocating change, that could be the next step.

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This thread was initiated by the OP just continue his ongoing grandstanding on the Celebrity board. What is the difference between a person on one side of you chatting on a cell vs a family on the other side of you chatting it up? Please explain I'm confused???


From what I've seen in the past it appears that you start threads with things that just pop into your mind. Perhaps it's time to think before you post.



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This thread was initiated by the OP just continue his ongoing grandstanding on the Celebrity board. What is the difference between a person on one side of you chatting on a cell vs a family on the other side of you chatting it up? Please explain I'm confused???


From what I've seen in the past it appears that you start threads with things that just pop into your mind. Perhaps it's time to think before you post.



Check out the results of this poll on cell phones. . .Danno is not alone in his view on things--in fact, he's in the majority.



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Check out the results of this poll on cell phones. . .Danno is not alone in his view on things--in fact, he's in the majority.



Your suggesting because 138 people actually replied with just over half thinking cell phones are a bad idea this should sway people to cancel future cruises?? :confused:


Please.............. with everything else going on in this world this thread wasn't worth the space it's posted on. You people know the OP will take his midol or hear back from the CEO and everything will be better in the am.



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Check out the results of this poll on cell phones. . .Danno is not alone in his view on things--in fact, he's in the majority.




Danno may not be alone but the amount of X cruisers who agree with him is miniscule at best. If most of X cruisers (not CC members) or even half for that matter agreed with him we wouldn't be talking about it b/c X wouldn't risk losing customers and the few they will lose, how many is it up to 5, they don't care about. It is such a small number that it is insignificant especially when you think about how many they are either making happy or gaining because of them welcoming technology. X has done their research on this as they do with any change. They first do extensive research studying market trends, seeing how it is received with their competitors and surveying. Then they do a pilot and then finally launched. If they even thought it wouldn't fly with the X customer they would only implement it on the RC ships. It sounds as if Danno and others like minded (on this subject at least) might be on the right track leaving X behind them it seems to cause them too much stress.



“When the boar and the hound fight, it is the butcher who wins.”


-- attributed to Kauthalya, who was the brains behind the founding of the Maurya dynasty. Meaning: When you deal with tension or fighting, it’s useful in many ways to look around for the butchers who stand to profit from such conflicts and see what part they play in encouraging it , however subtly.

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I dislike cell phones and incessant ringing wherever I go as much as the next person....honestly. BUT if X cruiseres are as classy as ya'll say they are, then there shouldn't be any rude cell users on any X ship...correct????

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I too hate the spread of cell phones everywhere you go. At least at sea that has been a refuge from the mindless chatter.


Talk if necessary, I dont care to be subjected to hearing about someone grocery list or how the dog misbehaved!!!


I hope Celebrity revises this policy

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Your suggesting because 138 people actually replied with just over half thinking cell phones are a bad idea this should sway people to cancel future cruises?? :confused:


Please.............. with everything else going on in this world this thread wasn't worth the space it's posted on. You people know the OP will take his midol or hear back from the CEO and everything will be better in the am.




Celebrity won't miss Danno or his 1 cruise a year. They'll move on, and he'll be vacationing in the Lincoln Tunnel, where you can't get cell phone reception.

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