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NOT Live from the Mariner 4/19-26/09

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Greetings fellow cruisers! I was so busy on my recent Mariner trip (with a WONDERFUL group of CC friends) that I never had time to edit my travel diary and create a daily "Live From" posting...


Please accept this delayed version. Jean (Critterchick) has already posted a terrific review, and I hope many from our sailing will add their experiences and perspectives to this thread as I go along. I will post day by day -- my "Live From" threads are a combo diary/blog/personal travel journal, fairly detailed and highly individualistic, rather than a general cruise review. It will be fairly chatty, so please feel free to ask questions -- I'm sure if I can't answer them, my HIGHLY CRUISED travel companions will be able to do so!!


A little background: I am a single mom who has usually traveled with my kids in the past; last fall, took my first RCL cruise with an adult roomie (MerionMom, the diva of the deep!!) and had a great time... what a difference paying tips (and cruise fares and excursion costs) for one instead of three!!! I have been on about 15 cruises (see my signature for details) with most of the recent ones on RCL -- mostly because of the great people I meet onboard and on these boards, too -- I am one credit away from being Diamond, and was frequently invited to diamond/diamond plus events as a guest of my many friends with 50-60-70 and more cruise credits. I enjoy the gym, theatre, music, dining, and excursions, so you will hear a lot about those things. (I usually get spa services, too, but this cruise I never even entered the spa! Such a lively cruise bunch, I was busy with group activities more than usual on this trip.)


Here is day one, pre-cruise travel day. Enjoy!


Saturday, April 18 – Travel Day

Set 2 alarms, and a good thing, too – I kept rolling over and turning off my regular alarm, but when my cell phone alarm went off I realized I had to get up. Fed cats, dressed, had some breakfast and went down to taxi at 6:15. Trip to airport very easy: went via 95 to Whitestone Bridge, drove past Citifield and the old Shea Stadium, Queens World’s Fair park with MIB “spaceships” and globe… Used local car service – $60 including tolls, and I gave driver $10 tip – wow, $70 for a 20-minute drive to JFK!!!

After being dropped off at Terminal 3 for Delta, I then discovered that gate B24 was in Terminal 4!! Had to walk down two flights of stairs carrying my bags to the tarmac and take a shuttle to the other terminal, along with dozens of other travelers. Boarding went very slowly; it was a completely full flight. I went all-carryon to avoid the $15 fee for the first checked bag… and discovered that my brown bag did not fit lengthwise in the upper bin, had to be placed sideways… and that my black bag did not fit under seat, had to go above. I brought my own snacks – Delta now only has “Food for Sale” plus peanuts or cookies – drank water and juice, read my book, did some needlework, sudoku, and listened to music… (FYI: Movies were $6 each, HBO $2, the regular TV channels didn’t work very well.)

Chatted with very nice airflight crew about how pleasant the passengers were; we all come on ready for difficulties and are compliant and quiet. Plane sat on the tarmac for nearly an hour after our scheduled takeoff time (including slow boarding with everyone having carryons to avoid bag fees). We talked about how young people with intimate piercings must have problems flying; the flight attendant said he had a pacemaker and it caused issues. My seatmates were quiet, a mother and daughter (I think the daughter may have been sick; I used a lot of Purell!!)

Got off plane quickly, went straight to SuperShuttle bench (since I had no luggage to collect), waited about 10 mins. for shuttle to Doubletree in San Pedro; agent said many people were coming in for cruises today, it was very busy. Indeed, the shuttle was completely full; I chatted with man sitting next to me who got stuck overnight in Texas due to weather – he was going on the NCL Star today, flying in from Ft. Lauderdale. He said he had only cruised rarely from his home port, preferred Oceania in the Mediterranean (small ships); he thought the Star at 1200 passengers was big! We went by the Port or Los Angeles first, and I saw his ship, plus the Sapphire Princess, both much smaller than the Mariner, which holds over 3,600 people.

From there to the Doubletree Hotel, where many of our CC group are staying. The room wasn’t ready yet, so I asked for a key to use the gym and pool. I took out workout gear, put my valuables in my locking suitcase, and headed for the gym. Followed a solid workout with a nice dip in the pool, then into Jacuzzi, where I took pictures of the beautiful foliage (floral arbor leading to Jacuzzi; giant black birds of paradise and palm trees towering two stories high, colorful flower beds). Then I spent some time resting and reading in the sun.

I went inside into sauna, back to sun for a while, then to lobby to reclaim my bags and check in… mmm, hot chocolate chip cookies! My box had arrived (I had shipped ahead my liquids so I could travel all carryon) and I took it up to the room, too. My room key didn’t work, so I had housekeeping let me into the room. I repacked everything for the cruise next day, leaving out my workout gear, dinner clothes and travel clothes for the next day. Carol (Merionmom), my cruise roomie arrived, dropped off her bags and headed out immediately with Celia (Tinkerme1) & her DH John. I took a leisurely shower and dressed for dinner. Called front desk to ensure free internet as a Gold VIP Hilton Honors member.

Took hotel shuttle to meet CC friends at Acapulco, a very nice harborside Mexican restaurant – with giant frozen drinks that all were enjoying (I had a nonalcoholic frozen mango one, very nice… plus fajitas grande, with steak, chicken and shrimp, and all the fixin’s)… lovely well-traveled bunch, all friends from online. We all traded tales and look forward to cruising tomorrow, taking in the beautiful marina and sunset views from our outside table. (Others from our CC group -- including Dirtgirl, Beachcruzer and Critterchick -- were at the Whale & Ale, enjoying dinner and drinks with RCCL staffers, while listening to a Beatles tribute group.) Back to hotel, watched TV news, read some more, booked space on 12:30 hotel shuttle to port (either that or 10, which we felt was too early).

And so to bed, excited about boarding the beautiful Mariner of the Seas tomorrow; it had been my first RCL cruise trip back in 2005 with my then-teenage children; my roomie had just sailed her around the horn for 46 days; we had a 12,000-post roll call that started over a year earlier... really looking forward to this cruise, a pre-birthday present to myself!

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Ask and you shall receive!


And away we go...


Sunday, April 19 – Embarkation, San Pedro

Woke up before 5am (still on east coast time) and headed to gym by 7am – and the place was packed! Worked out for a couple hours to kill time till our shuttle reservation; back to room, changed into swimsuit and headed down to pool for some swimming, sunning and Jacuzzi time, then back to room to shower and change.

Finished packing, left room almost exactly at 12:00 (moved up our shuttle reservation to 12:10), arrived at the port, waited on a swiftly-moving outside line, then went into priority boarding lines, and were on the ship by 12:40 – thirty minutes from door to door. Cabins not open until 1pm, so we headed up to the Windjammer. Found seats next to a nice older couple from Las Vegas. Carol had the honey-stung chicken; I had a big salad with Greek salad topping (i.e. tomatoes, onions, peppers, feta cheese), green beans, beef from the carving station and some paella with pork, chicken and seafood. Yum! Fruit cup for dessert, plus a cup of green tea. Gotta love this cruising thing; wide selection of yummy food at every meal, something to suit everyone’s taste, no cooking, no cleanup, how delightful!

Down to our junior suite on the hump – VERY nice, spacious, lovely balcony, bathroom with tub and marble appointments… walk-in closet… just delightful. (Many thanks to MerionMom for obtaining this wonderful upgrade from our D2.) We unpacked our carryons, and I went up to the gym to sign up for my classes (now $12 each!) – Spin at 8am, Yoga and 9am (Pilates is in the afternoon at 4pm, but I didn’t want to do that, since it often hurts my neck and back unless I am doing a private session… plus afternoon classes often interfere with other scheduled onboard activities!). I also plan to attend the free stretch class and abs class at 7am and 7:30am, so I have 3 hours in the gym first thing in the morning on our sea days!

Nisha, our stateroom attendant, stopped by to say she was available from 8-12 and from 6-9; she would keep our ice buckets filled, provide extra towels and toiletries, and check on our bags. All the staff who were still on from the around-the-horn trip remember Carol, and greet her as if she is an old friend. Abe Hughes is the CD – he was CD on my Brilliance trip with DD Ariel, and on Carol’s around-the-horn trip, too. He was supposed to be on break, but came on just for this week to fill in for the regular CD; Carol and I are both happy to see him – what a cutie!

Stopped by guest relations to check on my metal water bottle that I had pre-ordered online (“It will be delivered within 24 hours”) and to check the bulletin board – then Carol accompanied me to the spa raffle (we didn’t win anything) and I accompanied her to the “overflow” concierge lounge in the Dragon’s Lair; after that we returned to the room to see if our bags had arrived – at last! We unpacked, dressed quickly and headed down to the Savoy theatre.

We were front and center, and cheered Abe loudly – as well as the hunky “world champion” juggler (even though Carol hates jugglers, he was definitely nice eye candy)! I got to hold his big red balls, not once but three times – seriously!! His microphone pack wasn’t working, so he kept leaning down to me to give me the balls (which I dropped every time) while he tried to fix it. After impressively juggling the standard balls, clubs, etc., he then juggled a bowling ball, axe and an egg… and then an 8-year-old child and two hacky-sacks!!

Following the show we headed up to the Sound of Music dining room, where our gang has three tables all together!!! Carol and I are seated with Deb (MohaveMommy) and her lovely 16-year-old daughter Kelsey… and two empty chairs. The rest of the CC gang is at the two surrounding tables; once again, we were a raucous bunch. Dinner was delicious; Carol had the Vidalia onion tart and the smoked fish tapenade followed by the Shrimp ravioli; I had the spicy shrimp soup (lovely broth with cilantro and whole shrimps as well as Chinese mushrooms), spinach salad, and Vitality pan-seared salmon with green beans served over lentils. RCL’s fish is getting better!!

After dinner I went to the casino – put a $20 into a slot machine, won $5, put that back, cashed out, wandered around and put in a few quarters here, a few quarters there, won a few, lost a few… ended up cashing out with $19.75… went to play the 75 cents, and when it was a dollar, I brought it in for my original $20… which I then proceeded to play at the Roulette table, getting down to 5 chips at one point… but when I got it back up to 21, gave the tableman a chip and cashed out with my original $20! So I played for about an hour for “free”. (Unfortunately, while enjoying the casino I missed the opening night parade on the Promenade. Sigh…)

Walking back on the Promenade (I had lost Carol in the casino) I ran into Susie and Randy (SierraCruisers). We were talking when DGCarol stopped by, followed shortly by Jean, who both headed off for dancing at Dragon’s Lair… I would have joined them, but since I am getting up early tomorrow, and we’re losing an hour tonight, I decided to take a pass, and headed up to the cabin. Put away my clothes, cleaned up, typed this, and now to bed!!

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Gee, I keep waiting to post the next day's activities, so the other marinated ones can chime in with their experiences... After one Princess cruise, I actually waited a day between postings, so it felt like a real "live from" just with tape-delay!!


Anyway, here's the next day:


Monday, April 20 – At Sea, Cruising

Woke up at 7:15 – remembered to set clocks ahead but forgot to set alarm! Made it just in time for Fab Abs at 7:30 (missed stretch at 7am)… Good spin class at 8am… very nice Yoga at 9am… just one Gym staffer, Mic, works very hard, very pleasant and an excellent instructor – unusual for one to be good at both the stretching and Yoga classes AND the fitness and spin classes! Back to room, shower and dress to days activities; met Carol at Trivia in Schooner Bar at 11 (we won!!), ran to Meet & Mingle in Ellington’s (won nothing), went to Windjammer with Deb for a quick lunch before Pub Crawl.

Pub Crawl started in the 19th hole, a bar adjacent to Ellingtons on Deck 14. We each took a card, signed it along with the poker crawl master, mingled, then moved to the next bar – Sky bar, on Deck 12. We skipped the pool bars – I got lost when I went to the bathroom, but caught up with the crowd on the Promenade at Vintages Wine Bar. From there to Boleros, then Dragon’s Lair. We had our own traveling troupe of bartenders, blinking pins, mardi gras jewels with hot peppers, and a good time was had by all. (Didn’t win the poker draw either.)

We lined up in the Casino for the slot pull: $20 got you two pulls on a $2/5-line machine. We all went together, with two good hits (including the final one), but still came out with only $13 for our initial $20 investment. Afterwards, Deb, Carol and I went to the Ice show – same show, still just terrific!! I was hungry and fatigued by then, so I stopped by the Café Promenade for a snack (mmm, little sandwich and an apple; took an orange and a banana for the cabin – I do like that Princess delivers a fruit basket upon request… on RCL, I just bring my own fruit!) –

returned to the cabin for a brief nap before dressing for the captain’s party in the Lotus Lounge and late seating dinner. Missed most of the presentation, but enjoyed seeing my friends and having a complimentary (nonalcoholic) drink. FYI: You can order anything you want at these events, you don’t have to just take what comes by on the servers’ trays.

Formal dinner was delicious; I could have ordered almost everything on the menu!! I had the shrimp, escargots, filet of beef with green peppercorn sauce, asparagus and whipped potatoes, followed by the Grand Marnier soufflé (GOSH I wanted two of those!!) and some coffee with cream. Carol was feeling poorly, so we didn’t go to “Finish that Lyric” or the Front Row production show or the live comedy show, just back to the cabin for some reading and to bed before midnight.

Always enjoy reading through the Compass, highlighting activities of interest; now they have a one-page “Cruise at a Glance” schedule, which is also very helpful. Today was ALL about the Cruise Critic activities – Meet & Mingle, Pub Crawl/Poker Run and Slot Pull – I was going to change into my swimsuit after my morning gym classes, but realized I would have no time to go out on deck all day!! It was great fun, however, and allowed the group to really spend some time together and get to know each other. I enjoyed the group activities much more than I usually do, and I credit that to the nice personality mix in our crew.

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Hi Denise....I'm reading along with everyone else........fun times!!! Can't wait do it all over again!!! :D

Your review is very detailed!!! Good job!


The pub crawl was fantasmic!!! Good friends, good drinks, good bartenders, terrible cards! ;)

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I'm with you on the "terrible cards" -- I had a pair of twos!! (I tried to convince John that I should get extra credit since they were the SAME twos... both two of hearts, since we used multiple decks... but no dice!!)


It was great fun parading from place to place with our blinkees and mardi gras beads with the hot peppers... really felt like everyone was looking at us and going "who's that fun crowd and how do I join?" -- got to talk to lots of people in our big group, beyond the 30 or so "central players"... even as a non-drinker I had a great time, ordered two (!) specialty frozen drinks, one in a souvenir martini glass (which sadly broke on the way home)... mmm, one was a pina colada with a swirl of strawberry... the other a mixture of mango and pina colada... yum, I can taste them now!

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(((Dotsie!!!))) Where have you been? We had a Mariner "reunion" on the Monarch last April, with Ed, Laura, Dirtgirl and me... and met up with the rest of this crazy CC crew... we were planning it on the old Mariner roll call (which stayed active nearly 4 years after the original cruise!!)... I still thank you for referring me to the Rays, Reef and Rum Point excursion in Grand Cayman, one of the best shore trips ever (although the recent kayak and snorkel trip in Cabo comes close...) Send me your email, gal, and we'll definitely let you know next time we're cruisin'!!

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Hi Denise ~ enjoying your Not So Live thread :) Really enjoyed the short conversation we had at the Meet & mingle... so many people to talk to and so little time.

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Hi Azd - I have written Princess/RCL comparisons elsewhere (guess I should've tracked the postings, don't remember where...) -- they're quite comparable in many ways. I actually prefer Princess in some regards, but most of my friends cruise RCL nearly exclusively, and I love cruising with them, so...


Most notably: on ships of similar class (i.e. Princess Crown, Caribbean & RCL Voyager, Mariner) Princess has more pools (4 - aft, music, muts and spa - vs. 2 - main and solarium)... Also more areas to sit and enjoy ocean views (similar to Radiance class on RCL)... Mariner's venues are more enclosed (Promenade is all inside, even the Champagne bar looks out on lifeboats; Schooner Bar has nice views, but that's about it). I didn't notice music by the pool on RCL -- I like that Princess has a choice of the MUTS pool or the "music" pool (also where they do their pool games) or the quieter aft and spa pools, vs. RCL which has one pool deck for all of this...


Entertainment: they both have decent production shows, though RCL's theatre is bigger (don't have to arrive 30 mins. early to be sure you have a seat) and feels larger (no large overhang)... RCL's mainstage shows are excellent, but I think their costume designer is on crack... Both have good music in various lounges and public spaces; I love the doo-wop singing groups and classical music I have heard in the Princess Atrium, and the jazz combo in the club; on RCL, I enjoy the piano bar player in Schooner Bar, and the guitarist in the Wig & Gavel.


Food: Overall I prefer Princess' food (more elegant, better presentation esp. small touches like molded butter pats on chilled dish vs. butter in wrappings in a covered sugar-dish type container) -- but I love seafood and "fancy" cooking... for those who prefer meat-and-potatoes, and beef dishes, RCL is a bit ahead on those... I prefer the layout and selections in Princess' Horizon Court and Caribe Cafe to RCL's Windjammer, though it has enough to satisfy most... also, I love that Princess' buffet is open 24 hours; after hours on RCL you must go to the Promenade Cafe (similar to the Atrium cafe on Crown) for a snack...


I don't drink, so can't comment on how the bars compare on the different lines re: drink strength, service, etc., although know that you can NOT bring on your own wine on RCL. Trivia games are similar on both lines, with breakneck competition for the all-important keychain!! (Actually, RCL offers much better swag: a variety of bags, hats and more beyond the basic luggage tag...)


Excursions: I have noticed that RCL's excursions are less expensive than Princess -- often for the exact same trip! I sometimes book privately, but on RCL I'm more likely to book through the ship since the cost differential is not as great.


Spa/Gym: Great on both lines, run by outside provider Steiner, terrific trainers and spa service... you will find a higher number of active people of RCL, since that's what they are advertising for (or were, with their old "get out there" motto)... but even so, by the last day or two I'm often one of only one or two people in the gym classes on either line!! (Probably the effect of too much late night "fun" for most other cruisers.)


Ambience: I think Princess is a bit more relaxing than RCL (read: not as many rowdy groups like the one I was just a part of!!) -- there are still sexy legs contests, yes, but no "Quest" type hysteria, and there are more quiet spots to unwind and read a book. RCL is a bit more lively (read: I have more friends to go hang out in the disco with!) -- I'm more inclined to run around on RCL and get involved with active and social events, where on Princess I like to go to the spa, the thermal suite, the pool deck, the atrium...


Basically, though, if you enjoy Princess, you'll have a great time on Mariner. I met all the great friends I now enjoy corresponding with on the boards and via email, and planning cruises with, on the Mariner back in '05. It has led me to try other RCL ships, including my favorite thus far, the Brilliance (the Monarch and Majesty had the best service, but smaller cabins; the Mariner has the interior-focused structure I don't enjoy as much; Radiance class has the best of both worlds). All just my humble opinion, of course; so much of one's experience on a cruise is individual and changes depending on everything from great travel companions to a terrible cabin steward to great weather to a missed port...



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Hey Dirt! (tee hee, I love writing that...) Sorry we didn't get to dance together until the last night, but at least we did some kayaking (even if we did "share" our guide!!:D)... this was a BUSY cruise!!


I'm not at work today either... knew I'd need at least a day to recover from my trip (and that was WITHOUT the chest congestion...)


Glad you're enjoying the review... I'll add another day shortly... can't wait till we cruise together again... hopefully we'll get Ed back on board next time... maybe Dotsie, too!!


Jason says hi to everyone; I told him that John, Phil, Celia, all you good folks sent your regards... and he asked about Ed, his "guitar buddy" (they apparently had an interesting tour together in Ensenada:eek:)

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Okay, on to our first port day -- now you'll see how busy this cruise really was!!


Tuesday, April 21 – Cabo San Lucas

Woke up several times during the night (result of coffee after dinner? Too much food all day?) and finally got up just before dawn. On balcony to take pictures of sunrise, dressed and into gym for 7am stretch class (and to have gym instructor remove the accidental double-billing for my spin and Yoga classes… I’m telling you, having one person to handle all the classes, setup, clearing, billing, etc. is just too much). Stretch was very nice, quite challenging, followed by an energetic and creative circuit class, where a group of us moved from station to station (examples: steps, bicep curls, tricep extensions or kickbacks, planks, hack squats, running w/foam bricks, etc.).

Went to breakfast in the Windjammer (called Carol to join me but she was still in bed), had scrambled eggs, smoked salmon, cottage cheese, corned beef hash and fruit salad. Sat down with a solo gentleman at a beautiful window seat with view of arriving Cabo San Lucas – he said “I don’t speak English,” but it turned out he was from Colombia, so we had a lovely conversation en Español. Then returned to cabin to dress and prep for kayak trip today; a little nervous about ocean kayaking, but I’m sure I’ll manage!!

Chatted with Carol for a while, then went to meet John & Phil at Café Promenade; they didn’t know there was snorkeling, too, so went to change into their swim trunks. I became a hobbit and had a “second breakfast” of a muffin and coffee from the Promenade Café. Carol, Laura and Jean arrived – but when John & Phil came back, John had left tickets in his shorts! So the rest of us got on the tender and went into Cabo; John met us on the dock. We went on a short water taxi ride to the kayak beach, got fitted for fins, had some safety instructions and kayaking directions from Miguelito (my “husband” – more on that later!) and got into our Kayaks.

Jean and I were paired, and we were a very good match, kept good pace and moved ourselves through the water quickly, keeping up with Miguel all the way. As the heavier person I took the stern of the boat, and got to match Jean's stroke rhythm, strength and speed. We passed incredible rock formations, that looked like a turtle, Scooby Doo, a finger in the water, an opening to the Pacific, and more. We saw dozens of pelicans and sea lions, too. It was a bit challenging kayaking in the busy Cabo waters, avoiding water taxis, snorkelers, glassbottom boat tours and more (and bouncing frantically in their wakes) but also very exciting.

When we stopped at Lover’s Beach, the rest of the CC gang decided NOT to snorkel; I was excited to do this, so I went alone (with the rest of the kayaking group). We walked across the hot beach with our gear and got into the water between some large rocky promontories. There were a few sparse, gray fish at the bottom… but then, as we headed around the coastline to some small rocky islands, Miguel started to feed the fish tortillas, and we were SWARMED by beautiful colorful tropical fish! At the end I even saw two large angelfish, but they didn’t come close enough for a photo.

We returned to Lover’s Beach, took some more photos, then got back in our kayaks for the return trip. Got directions from Miguel for authentic local cuisine at Gardenia’s, and started walking… in the HOT sun, past construction sites, into a VERY fancy mall area (stopped in the mall to use the bathroom as we were all DYING after being given several bottles of water but no rest stop!!) – and then out the other side in search of the restaurant. We asked directions a couple of times when we thought we might have lost our way, but we were headed straight there.

Finally we found it… and there was a sign saying “For Rent” in Spanish!! But no, right next door was the restaurant; there was a space for rent in the same building. Whew!! DELICIOUS fresh fish and shrimp tacos, deep fried on a small white corn tortilla, with dishes full of fixings, including guacamole, tomatoes, shredded lettuce, mole sauce, chopped onions, and grilled hot green peppers, along with hot sauce and mayonnaise. Yum!!! We also ordered rice and beans; my companions ordered local beers, and I had a lemonade. Only thing missing: chips!!

We sat for a while, eating our food and chatting, then started to walk back to the Marina to catch our tender. We had to return to the mall and exit on the Marina side, then walk ALL THE WAY around the Marina, past dozens of restaurants and shops and street vendors, too. Yes, they all offered their wares, but pretty much backed off when you said “No thank you” (interestingly enough, the children were more aggressive than the adults). I bought a pair of silver and turquoise stud earrings for my daughter ($5 in the mall), a turtle whistle for my son ($2) and a purple bobble-head dinosaur for myself ($1). It took nearly an hour to walk back, including our shopping stops, and the small tender filled up quickly and returned us to the ship.

Cabo was strange: desolate dry mountains, the relentless Mexican sun, beautiful aqua-green water… and in the midst of this odd and unsettling natural setting, million-dollar condos and multi-million dollar yachts (including one huge one with its own helicopter), luxury shopping malls, side-by-side with unfinished and unfenced construction sites, neighborhood fish taco stands… it is a town in process, many of my fellow cruisers who had been here many times over the past several years say when they first started visiting there was almost nothing here. It seems to have grown out of the desert, and has a strange, unfinished feeling. They do have a wonderful floating tender dock, which they drive out and attach to the tender station, allowing a fleet of small tender boats to stay in constant motion between ship and shore.

When I returned to the cabin, I showered and dressed for dinner, then relaxed on the balcony, first in the hot sun, then, as the ship backed out and turned around, in the cooling shade, saying goodbye to Cabo San Lucas and its strange rock formations and forlorn, barren mountains. I am hoping that Mazatlan and Puerta Vallarta are more lush and tropical, not so dry and forbidding. Deb stopped by, looking for Carol (they had been out shopping together) and I sent her to look for Carol at Trivia, going to find them myself afterwards… but they weren’t there! I returned to the cabin, and Carol came back shortly thereafter, having stopped by the early Welcome Back party to chat with Abe. Carol said she wanted to do Trivia tonight, so we would skip dinner and eat in the Windjammer. Fine with me!

We headed off to 70s Music Trivia (our first loss, only 11 out of 15; winner had 13, and it was a tie, they had to have a nervewracking live finalist round), then to the late seating Welcome Back party to meet up with John and Celia and their tablemates. After that we went to the Windjammer, where I ate sushi, shrimp crisps, scallops, strawberry bisque, salad, raspberry pannacotta and chocolate ice cream. (Missed the inch-of-gold sale & giveaway on the Promenade, and the headliner showtime magician… and later, the 70’s Dancing in the Street party on the Promenade, one of my favorite events, with the Village People and Abe dancing with all the folks… sigh, can’t do everything, I guess!! Didn’t watch ANY movies in the screening room, and only saw parts of a couple on the stateroom TV while I was doing something else in the cabin… Wall-E, Indiana Jones, 21…)

Then to 50s-60s-70s trivia (we won there, a neck purse) and here I am, catching up on the day. I just discovered that my tour tomorrow DOES include time in the water (resort stop with beach and pool, following driving tour, cultural show and lunch buffet) so I had to re-plan my outfit and packing. At 11pm I’ll head up to Ellington’s to see if we can get in to the Comedy show. (Well, never made it to Ellington’s, or the Dragon’s Lair for dancing… just fell asleep! This cruising stuff is exhausting!!! Must be from using up all those brain cells in Trivia…)

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Just an aside about one reason I love cruising: that many different people can experience several different vacations... all in the same place! I expressed this in conversation onboard with various friends. It's nice to be able to share our experiences over dinner and learn about new things. If we went on a trip with only people who shared our interests -- for instance, a sporting trip, a cultural trip, a cuisine trip -- we would miss out on other things that we wouldn't otherwise be exposed to.


As an example, some people view vacation as a time to sleep in... I love getting up early, seeing the sunrise on the water, and having 3 hours in the gym!! I'm barely able to squeeze in a half-hour in the mornings at home before I have to run off to work... so THAT is my ideal vacation, whereas to others it would be a punishment! Others may care little about theatrical shows or musical entertainment, and prefer to play basketball or gamble... all can be satisfied on a cruise vacation, and we can all learn about something different from our customary and habitual interests, from our fellow cruisers as well as traveling to new ports of call.



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And a busy night onboard...


Wednesday, April 22 – Mazatlan

Up early, taking photos of entry to port of Mazatlan in heavy fog, breathtaking! Had a breakfast shake and some fruit in cabin, down to Café Promenade for a muffin and coffee before meeting tour group in Lotus Lounge at 8:45. Went in groups to pier, took trolley through industrial area to marina, then in small taxis (groups of 4) to the Azteca theatre. Talked with Rose and Sal (from Fishkill NY, they have 4 adult children) while waiting to travel, then shared an open-air taxi with three young women, Tracy, Lynette and Maryann (from San Francisco, they work together in real estate). The taxi ride was interesting, through old Mazatlan, a run-down area, through industrial and commercial zones, past gorgeous ocean surf views, to the “Golden Zone” tourist area, where our driver pointed out a few sites of interest and dropped us off at the theatre. (I had mis-read the tour description, there was no guided driving tour, just a dropoff in the shopping area. Sigh. At least I’ll have beach time after the show!)

Theatre is surrounded by vendor stalls (purses, blouses, rugs, vanilla, silver, beach dresses, hats, and more) and is open-air, with a covering from the relentless sun. The master of ceremonies encouraged us to look around at the vendors until the show started, and to take advantage of the free bar (beer, soda and bottled water). The show was very nice, with Mexican banda music and dancing (which the MC said was like big band or swing music, but not really), then a short ceremony by the flying Pampalta aerialists, which included four of them mounted on a giant spinning wheel; then a young man spinning a lariat (lasso) with great expertise, jumping in and out of it, etc.; then a symbolic hunt of the deer (missed taking photos of that, since I was waiting for hunter and deer on stage at the same time, which never happened!); then Carneval dancing (characters included a clown, jester, cowboy, showgirl, devil, big mama) – the audience was invited to join the characters and dance onstage, and a few hardy tour group members did just that, dancing under the noonday sun.

Finally, the high-flying aerialists climbed a 60-foot pole (which the MC described as “part of their religion”) while the music player danced on a one-foot square at the top of the pole, after which the four younger dancers tied ropes around their waists and flew down, unspiraling a rope tied around the central pole (and thus spinning the dancer atop the pole, who was by now seated and braced against the square). Once they were on the ground, one of them held the rope on which he had spun down, and the dancer rappelled down the rope. It was a great show, visually stunning, especially with the noonday sun above the pole. The MC held a contest, giving away a piece of tiger’s eye jewelry, for how many shirts he had worn during the show (he looked as if he had never changed, but as a heavyset man, for his Guayabera to stay sweat-free, he must have made several changes). The correct answer? Seven shirts. Tracy, one of the women with whom I had shared a cab, won the prize.

From the show, we walked into the “Golden Zone” – basically a tourist area like every other cruise ship port I have been to, only with different souvenirs since this was Mexico rather than the Caribbean. Many of the same high-end shops (Diamonds International, Del Sol, etc.) and dozens of restaurants and bars. I walked through slowly, picked up my free D.I. charm bracelet, and spent some time in the amazing museum of shells (though I resisted the urge to buy more stuff I don’t have room for in my home!!!) – constant gentle urging to come in, visit, buy, try, eat, drink… I just kept walking slowly, until I arrived at the Ramada resort.

A lovely open-air lobby (reminiscent of the Jamaica Grande resort in Ocho Rios, or a smaller – and much less grand – version of the Hilton Waikoloa Village on the Big Island of Hawaii) led onto a small rambling pool (that went under two waterfalls and bridges with virtually no room to pass underneath unless you could swim underwater for some time). I walked out to the beach, but the surf was challenging and cold, and the roped-in beach area tiny, so I returned to the poolside and staked out a wooden lounge chair. I swam through the pool, then laid out in the sun and read for a while, being served a frozen strawberry drink (used the drink coupon, tipped the server).

At 12:00 the buffet lunch was served: very nice, fresh guacamole, salsa, plus cucumber salad, beets, tomatoes, corn, salad dressing, and hot corn tamales, barbecue chicken, flautas (deep fried), chimichangas, sour cream, hot peppers and chips. I served myself, sat at a table with placemats, napkins and silverware, and was offered a drink by the same drink server, who brought water at my request. There was a 3-piece Mexican music group playing (marimbas, bass and guitar) which lent a nice ambience to the resort.

After lunch I sunned for a while (wow, is that Mexican sun HOT!!!) then jumped in the pool to cool off (wow, is that Mexican water COLD!!!) then back in the sun, etc. Chatted with a couple in the pool, read some more, had another frozen drink (mango this time), kept turning over front to back and re-applying sunscreen to prevent any sunburn… finally had to give up at about 2:30 and head for a taxi back to the pier, as I just couldn’t take any more sun! I ended up in a large van, together with the same 3 young women I had rode out with, who were astonished that I remembered their names… they remembered mine, too – and reminded me to return my resort towel, which I was still carrying by accident!!

We drove back to the Marina where I did a little last-minute shopping in the port stores, then took the open-air trolley back to the ship. The Sapphire Princess was also in port, and the trolley visited both ships. I then returned to my cabin, showered and dressed for dinner at Portofino. Went to overflow Concierge Lounge in Dragon’s Lair with Carol, Deb, Celia, John, Virginia, Rick & Bobbie, chatted with everyone, then to Casino (won $8 on slot machines), and met up with Carol at 70s music trivia. We got 17 out of 20, but there were two teams with 19… and one with a perfect score!

Picked up Jean from her Bond Martini night, and we headed up to meet Virginia at Portofinos, together with Marciana and Fernando (the much-loved former Concierge) from the Mariner staff. Food and service were indeed delightful, like a fine Italian restaurant. I ordered the Tiger Shrimp and risotto (a very reasonable serving, not the giant portions I was fearing from online descriptions… maybe I have conflated Portofinos with descriptions of Sabatinis on the Princess boards…) and helped Jean with her Gorgonzola, pear and walnut salad (yum). Oh yeah, we had a lovely bread basket with 3 savory toppings (mushroom paste, finely chopped tomatoes and artichoke puree… plus roasted garlic!!) with olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Then the frutti de mare spaghetti (calamari, mussels, shrimp) and the seafood skewer (lobster, shrimp, scallop, salmon) served with potato slices and asparagus. I had a cappuccino, together with the dessert sampler which included mini pistachio pannacotta, tiramisu, white chocolate mousse and flourless chocolate cake.

After dinner, we visited Virginia’s Grand Suite, and Carol’s and my Junior Suite so we could see the different accommodations. After chatting for a while, we said goodnight, and I read for a while before going to bed. Carol came in around midnight, having seen the late night (standing room only) comedy show, which she said was pretty good. (I never made it to ANY of the comedy shows, even though they offered 2-3 shows per night – all of which required tickets, and be aware, apparently the tickets went fast and the shows were standing room only, so if you want to do this, pick up the tickets at the Guest Services desk early!)

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Hey Denise........it was great meeting and having a chance to chat with you. I just wish it could have been longer! Both Bobbie and I felt bad when you were looking for someone to eat with on the last morning, and we didn't think we could get you into Chops. We should have just snuck you in!!


Continue on with such a great "day by day" review! I'm loving it!!:D;)



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Rick, you and Bobbie are such sweeties to be thinking about that! I checked out Chops as I passed by, and it certainly looked as though they were checking everyone's seapass, so that probably wouldn't have worked, but thanks for the good wishes...


And no worries, sociable me, I sat down with a table of Aussies and we chatted about their cruising, flying, and other travel experiences (they cruise a lot in Asia on the Star lines; this was the first visit to the US for several of them, etc., etc.)


I'm sure we'll get more time to socialize on future cruises!! Be well, you, me, Bobbie, Celia, and all the rest of us who have this pesky chest congestion... may it clear up quickly!!


Hope you are enjoying the (not) "live from"...

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Hey Dirt! (tee hee, I love writing that...) Sorry we didn't get to dance together until the last night, but at least we did some kayaking (even if we did "share" our guide!!:D)... this was a BUSY cruise!!


I'm not at work today either... knew I'd need at least a day to recover from my trip (and that was WITHOUT the chest congestion...)


Glad you're enjoying the review... I'll add another day shortly... can't wait till we cruise together again... hopefully we'll get Ed back on board next time... maybe Dotsie, too!!


Jason says hi to everyone; I told him that John, Phil, Celia, all you good folks sent your regards... and he asked about Ed, his "guitar buddy" (they apparently had an interesting tour together in Ensenada:eek:)


At least we did get to a chance to dance together. :) That was fun!;) And yes, sharing our guide, was, um, interesting... You'll have to email me that picture!:D

Edited by dirtgirl
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Hi Azd - I have written Princess/RCL comparisons elsewhere (guess I should've tracked the postings, don't remember where...) -- they're quite comparable in many ways. I actually prefer Princess in some regards, but most of my friends cruise RCL nearly exclusively, and I love cruising with them, so...


Most notably: on ships of similar class (i.e. Princess Crown, Caribbean & RCL Voyager, Mariner) Princess has more pools (4 - aft, music, muts and spa - vs. 2 - main and solarium)... Also more areas to sit and enjoy ocean views (similar to Radiance class on RCL)... Mariner's venues are more enclosed (Promenade is all inside, even the Champagne bar looks out on lifeboats; Schooner Bar has nice views, but that's about it). I didn't notice music by the pool on RCL -- I like that Princess has a choice of the MUTS pool or the "music" pool (also where they do their pool games) or the quieter aft and spa pools, vs. RCL which has one pool deck for all of this...


Entertainment: they both have decent production shows, though RCL's theatre is bigger (don't have to arrive 30 mins. early to be sure you have a seat) and feels larger (no large overhang)... RCL's mainstage shows are excellent, but I think their costume designer is on crack... Both have good music in various lounges and public spaces; I love the doo-wop singing groups and classical music I have heard in the Princess Atrium, and the jazz combo in the club; on RCL, I enjoy the piano bar player in Schooner Bar, and the guitarist in the Wig & Gavel.


Food: Overall I prefer Princess' food (more elegant, better presentation esp. small touches like molded butter pats on chilled dish vs. butter in wrappings in a covered sugar-dish type container) -- but I love seafood and "fancy" cooking... for those who prefer meat-and-potatoes, and beef dishes, RCL is a bit ahead on those... I prefer the layout and selections in Princess' Horizon Court and Caribe Cafe to RCL's Windjammer, though it has enough to satisfy most... also, I love that Princess' buffet is open 24 hours; after hours on RCL you must go to the Promenade Cafe (similar to the Atrium cafe on Crown) for a snack...


I don't drink, so can't comment on how the bars compare on the different lines re: drink strength, service, etc., although know that you can NOT bring on your own wine on RCL. Trivia games are similar on both lines, with breakneck competition for the all-important keychain!! (Actually, RCL offers much better swag: a variety of bags, hats and more beyond the basic luggage tag...)


Excursions: I have noticed that RCL's excursions are less expensive than Princess -- often for the exact same trip! I sometimes book privately, but on RCL I'm more likely to book through the ship since the cost differential is not as great.


Spa/Gym: Great on both lines, run by outside provider Steiner, terrific trainers and spa service... you will find a higher number of active people of RCL, since that's what they are advertising for (or were, with their old "get out there" motto)... but even so, by the last day or two I'm often one of only one or two people in the gym classes on either line!! (Probably the effect of too much late night "fun" for most other cruisers.)


Ambience: I think Princess is a bit more relaxing than RCL (read: not as many rowdy groups like the one I was just a part of!!) -- there are still sexy legs contests, yes, but no "Quest" type hysteria, and there are more quiet spots to unwind and read a book. RCL is a bit more lively (read: I have more friends to go hang out in the disco with!) -- I'm more inclined to run around on RCL and get involved with active and social events, where on Princess I like to go to the spa, the thermal suite, the pool deck, the atrium...


Basically, though, if you enjoy Princess, you'll have a great time on Mariner. I met all the great friends I now enjoy corresponding with on the boards and via email, and planning cruises with, on the Mariner back in '05. It has led me to try other RCL ships, including my favorite thus far, the Brilliance (the Monarch and Majesty had the best service, but smaller cabins; the Mariner has the interior-focused structure I don't enjoy as much; Radiance class has the best of both worlds). All just my humble opinion, of course; so much of one's experience on a cruise is individual and changes depending on everything from great travel companions to a terrible cabin steward to great weather to a missed port...





Thanks so much for your opinion! I too am more of a seafood person than a meat and potatoes kinda gal but I am sure I will find things to eat. Glad you enjoyed your cruise!

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Just an aside about one reason I love cruising: that many different people can experience several different vacations... all in the same place! I expressed this in conversation onboard with various friends. It's nice to be able to share our experiences over dinner and learn about new things. If we went on a trip with only people who shared our interests -- for instance, a sporting trip, a cultural trip, a cuisine trip -- we would miss out on other things that we wouldn't otherwise be exposed to.


As an example, some people view vacation as a time to sleep in... I love getting up early, seeing the sunrise on the water, and having 3 hours in the gym!! I'm barely able to squeeze in a half-hour in the mornings at home before I have to run off to work... so THAT is my ideal vacation, whereas to others it would be a punishment! Others may care little about theatrical shows or musical entertainment, and prefer to play basketball or gamble... all can be satisfied on a cruise vacation, and we can all learn about something different from our customary and habitual interests, from our fellow cruisers as well as traveling to new ports of call.





Well said. I read some reviews and to me it would be a nightmare, then some I think, yes thats just what I will do.:)


Enjoying your review.

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Third port day follows; glad many are enjoying this review!! Someday I will figure out how to upload photos to one of those photobucket sites like flickr or photobucket or what have you, and the stories will be illustrated (for what use, thought Alice, is a book without pictures or conversations...)


Thursday, April 23 – Puerta Vallarta

Up at 6:30, went on balcony to see us coming into Puerta Vallarta at dawn – at last, a lush, tropical city with green mountains and fresh new construction! This place feels nice. We couldn’t dock at the industrial pier, so we were right downtown, across from a mall, Sam’s Club and Walmart! (However, to get there – I found out later – you have to walk about a mile out of the way to cross the road.)

Dressed and to stretch class by 7am – just 5 people there (it was packed on the first two days of the cruise)… and just 2 of us for circuits!! They were pretty brutal: running with foam bricks, then jumping over a step stack (I just jumped at the end), squat thrust jumps, chair dips, running on steps, and pushups (I used the wall bar again). Whew! Back to the cabin and dressed for horseback riding, it was just 8:30 so I decided to have breakfast in the dining room.

They would not serve me grapefruit juice (since it wasn’t on the menu), and the Eggs Benedict bearnaise sauce kind of sad… but the poached eggs were perfect. I also had grits, a cinnamon roll, a grapefruit half, and some turkey sausage, as well as coffee with cream. Talked with Heidi and Casey, a single mom (age 43) and her 7-year-old son – very loving family, had a great idea of a single parent get-together… not for pickup purposes, but to plan family outings together.

After breakfast, back to room; Carol now up, I did final trip prep, read and then rested for a while before heading out to pier at 11am. Met up with horseback riding group – 11 of us, a family of 4, 3 couples, and me. Sigh. Made friends with Maggie and Jose, Mexican-Americans from Los Angeles, very nice. Hope to see them again. We took a 30-minute drive to the Hacienda, which was very beautiful, with a fountain, a mini-church, an open-air dining area with stage where there was a folkloric show going on (there was also a 60-foot pole in the yard, clearly for another Pampalta flyer show, but no spinning wheel here). There was a dance and music show going on when we arrived, and trick horse riding, too.

I noticed our friends from Trivia arriving, and offered to take pictures of them in front of the fountain – and asked them to do the same for me. I looked at the wares for sale in the booths by the restaurant, but didn’t want to carry anything with me on the horseback right. Also went out back to look at the horses, plus a small calf, a donkey, a pony… and an ostrich! Then our group got together (the ATV group and Rhino 4x4 group also left from this site… my Trivia friends were here for Mexican Fiesta, so this place runs EVERYTHING!!) – we went out to the horse corral, and got instructions from Murillo, our trail boss.

I placed myself in the “intermediate” group, and was given Estrella, a lovely, large reddish-brown horse with a white star on her forehead (hence the name). We headed out on the dusty trail (I had purchased a kerchief – for $3!! – to keep dust out of my nose) and began our ride. Shortly, we crossed through a rocky stream, and then went through a lot of brush by the riverbank. Families were playing in and near the waterside. We went on through various trails, trotting up small inclines, usually single file but sometimes horses would get lively and want to pass each other, or get lazy and want to hang back. I was usually in the first 5 on the way out, closer to 10 on the way back (until the end, when Estrella got excited and wanted to get home, and we ended up near the front again).

We crossed the river again, and stopped by a farm, with chickens, turkeys, dogs, and an outdoor bar (“Chino’s Bar”) under a tree. There we had a drink and had a choice of either swimming in the cool river or the hot sulfur pools from a local volcano – I chose the latter, and it was lovely, really helped loosen up my muscles from the riding and from the kayaking two days earlier. Then we dressed again and got back on the horses for the return trip. This time we went up, up, up the mountain side, by huge, towering catci (and on the edge of vertiginous drops), our trustworthy horses keeping their footing as they jogged up the steep hillside, and made their way more slowly and carefully down the other side.

We crossed the river twice more, then back to the dusty roads leading back to the ranch. I gave my camera to one of the other riders to take my picture with Estrella (I also bought the picture they took of me there for $5, and gave a $5 tip; also tipped the bathroom attendant and waiter who brought my lunch soda). For lunch we had lovely tacos with fairly limited fixings (salsa, peppers, lettuce) and I ordered a Fresca toronja (grapefruit soda, my favorite!!) – talked over food with Maggie and Jose about cruising, families, and more. The bus ride home was lively, with the tour guides from the ATV and Rhino group doing karaoke and joking with the other riders (apparently there was a tequila party somewhere…) and we were returned to the port by 3:30pm.

Showered off the horse smell and trail dust, changed into swimsuit and hit the pool deck for the first time. Chatted with a couple in the hot tub who had done the trail bike excursion – 40s but VERY fit – and they had multiple injuries, had fallen several times on a really treacherous trail – even the tour guide broke his derailleur and had to carry his bike back!! Yikes, and I almost booked that trip. Then I had the hot tub completely TO MYSELF!! I met up with Heidi (from breakfast) again, and we talked for a while. I then got into the pool, and had it TO MYSELF as well!!! This is truly a first on a giant cruise ship. I got to swim 10 laps, then rest and read in the sun for a while.

When I got back, I was going to go to Wal-Mart across the street to pick up some sunscreen, but it turns out you can’t get there from here!! Literally would have had to walk all the way up the Marina, past the Star Princess, cross the multi-lane street, and then walk all the way back to Wal-Mart – and the same in reverse to return. The couple I spoke with in the hot tub went there… by taxi!!! I did notice, returning to the ship, two good-looking blond guys… I think it was the Nelsons.

Anyway, I invited Heidi to join us for dinner at 8:30, since she was putting her son in the children’s program, and we met there later. It turns out Carol had a guest as well – Peter from the CD staff – so we had a lively table (fortunately Deb’s daughter and Virginia’s grandson were not there so there was plenty of room for all). Caesar salad family style on the table, plus a cheese plate! Can’t remember appetizer; main course of lamb w/ mint jelly and roast vegetables; dessert of dulce de leche cheesecake that was not cheesecake, but a firm mousse. Oh well.

After dinner we went to get seats for… The Quest!! Now, our Marinated group is a SERIOUS bunch of Questers… the kind that, as Abe said, brings a “bag full of crap” trying to win. We got a good, floorside section, and had most of our team ready to go. Janelle and Randy were our runners, and they were in great spirits. I won’t go into details here, in case of those who have not yet attended the Quest, but MohaveMommy caught most of it on digital video (ooh, Sharon and MerionMom, girls gone wild! Whee-hoo, John, Randy and David giving their all for the team!!) – and yes, the Marinated Mariners WON the Quest, and Janelle and Randy received lovely RCL coolers as their prize (the one piece of RCL crap I do NOT yet own!)

Afterwards I went up to “Twenty” the outdoor nightclub they had set up in the Solarium, since they turned the Dragon’s Lair over to the teens. It was nice, they had light-up drink glasses, ice cubes, necklaces, good sound system… but I walked around and around and never saw “my gang”, so I went back down to bed (another early gym day tomorrow anyway). It turned out that they were there, but I never saw them in the crowd… ah well, this has not been a dancing cruise for me yet (though I did make up for that on the last night!)…

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