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Carnival Hellgend I mean Legend 5-3-09!


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Several years ago we were on the Carnival Glory during the Hurricaine season. We were supposed to go to the Western Carribean, but had to be diverted due to a category 4 hurricaine. We then traveled to the Eastern Carribean, but we missed two ports secondary to another storm. We wound up crusing the Carribean without only one stop in Nassau. Unfortunately these things happen. It is the Captain's responsibility to ensure that everyone had a safe cruise. While I understand that people may get upset, I do not think that holding meetings and ruining both yours, and the vacation of other passengers will achieve anything. I would suggest writing a letter to Carnival, perhaps they would give a credit towards your next trip

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This would happen on any other site or thread.

The poster needs to understand that if a passanger gets injured or sick due to any "cruiseline" putting them in harms way can and will unfortuanately be sued by that passanger ........

Guess we just don't quite say it politelly enough.....


And aren't you also being a little negative ????:rolleyes:


What did I write negative?

I just see where they are coming from..

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I don't think its because it was something negative that people are getting defensive. There are those that post negative comments in an insightful manner that people can genuniely and constructively use in their own experiences and then there are posts like these. No cruise line is perfect and not every cruise line is for everybody. That being said, if you are going to make your first posts flaming about X cruise on the X board (insert cruise line), there isn't going to be much sympathy. I haven't been posting on these boards for very long but I have been reading them for quite awhile and I accredit to helping me have a positive cruising experience each time I go. The OP is either a troll or an inexperienced traveler (which I doubt because of their unwavering devotion to RCCL :rolleyes:).


That being said, I hope you have a fantastic cruise. But even if you don't I would like to hear about it in a review!


I will definitely give my review when I get back...The good, and maybe the Bad hopefully not!!!


Im looking forward to my cruise, like I said it will be my 1st Carnival cruise...


Like some said my wife and I are the PORT travelers, we luv going somewhere different. Sea days are just normal for us enjoying the FL sun and water anyway...

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What did I write negative?

I just see where they are coming from..

Let me think.....

"You Carnival people will rip my face off"........

Sounds a tad negative about us who do not agree with the "OP".

As I said, some of us might not have said it the way some like but.......

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I will definitely give my review when I get back...The good, and maybe the Bad hopefully not!!!


Im looking forward to my cruise, like I said it will be my 1st Carnival cruise...


Like some said my wife and I are the PORT travelers, we luv going somewhere different. Sea days are just normal for us enjoying the FL sun and water anyway...


There is a difference in part of a cruise that is downright bad...which unfortunately happens to some individuals. and a part of a cruise that a passenger takes to far and acts ignorantly about.


Things happen on some cruises that rub certain people the wrong way...once again..unfortunately on a ship of 2500 people...there's gonna be a couple that have an upsetting experience. The deal breaker is whether or not that cruiser allows the situation to ruin the rest of their vacation. (Of course every circumstance is different)

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Believe me, I have gone thru that and know how little sympathy you are going to get here on CC. I was on Conquest during Ike, where we did not even get back to our port we left from and got no help scheduling to find a way home. We too had not enough information from Carnival. Im just saying you have to turn loose whatever anger you hold, because its not going to get you anywhere, especially on this message board or with Carnival. Some cruises go better than others.


Some do get why you are upset, but unfortunately, all you can do is write to Carnival, maybe get a little off another cruise?? Seriously, thats all you can hope for. Wish I had better news. I do get why you are upset, but know it wouldnt help you. Write a snail mail letter. Just do it. We only got the $20 for missing Grand Cayman, nothing for missing Galveston. Things have just changed, you have to be proactive and read and learn for next time. Thats my revenge.


If you cruised out of Galveston with Ike's threat imminent, why would you expect to return to Galveston? Also did you lose any personal property due to Ike such as a car at the terminal? Ike was a devastating storm that even damaged parts of my property here in Kentucky. Galveston was at ground zero for the hurricane that was very reminiscent of The Great Storm of 1900. Carnival could not return you to Galveston, and if they did, you would not have been able to leave Galveston as the I-45 bridge was closed and damaged due to boats being washed up on the bridge and the ferry's were not running as Crystal Beach had even more severe damage. Its the same concept with Roatan, due to political unrest the ship would not go there...also if you were injured or killed your insurance may not cover you during civil unrest or war. People really need to use some common sense and rid themselves of the entitlement and me me me philosophy.

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Like some said my wife and I are the PORT travelers, we luv going somewhere different. Sea days are just normal for us enjoying the FL sun and water anyway...


I enjoy ports as well but we cruise primarily for the ship, water, and sun. Definitely can't get an experience like that back in Chicago. :cool: I think I would be estatic with a 7 day cruise to nowhere, but I can understand how that's not everyone's cup of tea.

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be aware! We were lied to! We were told that we had a 7 day cruise with 4 ports. We did 2 ports and got 40.00 back for the other 2 ports we didn't do!valor and liberty same itineary they got re routed! Thankfully we went with a group of 20 ages 1-60 and made the best of it! When we were told that about cozumel ok fine but when we were told the night before we need to arrive in roatan that we are staying at sea we were all pissed. They just finishing selling me excursion tickets at 5pm for roatan just to cancel roatan a t 6. When we left belize we were doing circle after circle after circle in the ocean and at 10 knots while the valor had passed us at sea as they left belize! So they can make it to there next port of call. We were so upset because no one had answers as to why we were staying at sea. We all paid 900.00 and at least 50% of the passengers rallied in the middle of the ship about what we can do to come as a whole and get our money back! Nothing was out of control as a matter of fact a few young men started the rally with an older woman and was explaining to all 500 plus people if we can act as aduults and not get out of control. We all did that. We were all standing while they were talking about how are some possible ways we can fight carnival (the corporate part) not the physical ship! We understand that it's not the crew or captain's fault but a 14 billion dollar company can't accomadate us or give us any compensation! This cruise was horrible and it should have been advertised as a circle belizean sea cruise with grand cayman bonus! It was not right that we only got 20.00 each port back. That was a huge insult. And to top it off security was all over the place acting like we were hostiages!!!! Following the poeple who had a petition going around and the people who spoke got videotaped and later that night got a threatening letter from the captain!



Cruise from hell!!!!


Be aware if you think you are going on a 7 day caribbean cruise you are not you are going on a circular booze cruise to belize with a bonus stop in grand cayman!!!!!!!!!

i completely agree with you. Carnival screwed us over!!


I also wonder how many carnival employees were told to refute your review.


The beef is that carnival knew about the civil unrest in roatan on sunday may 3rd. Despite that no alternate arrangements were made for the legend.


But made for the valor and liberty. How is that fair?! They had the same contract as us...!


I was one of the 700 people that did not riot or protest. We had a get-together to voice our opinion and be heard and get some answers. And because we had a valid argument, we had such a hugeturnout. Thanks to the guys who initiated the entire thing, and the lady with them.


The captain was asked why he didn't consider docking at belize another night, becuase of the civil unrest at roatan. His answer was "we didn't consider it." i have the video on camera and will post it soon.


So carnival can "consider" another "fun day at sea" but not another day at belize!! Why? Because they make more money with 2500 passengers on board than at shore!! And had we docked at belize another night, those that had wanted to stay on ship could have done so!


By the way cdc (center for disease control and prevention) took off cozumel, mexico from it's travel advisory destinations on may 2nd.


The other options were jamaica, key west.


None of those were considered!!


So all you narrow minded, ignorant carnival backers, please get your facts straight. That was my first and last time with carnival.


$20 was an insult and i hope to god this incident bites carnival so bad one day, to make them realize not to take advantage of innocent customers such in the future.


Oh yes, one more thing. Not only were none of given the slightest hint of what was going in roatan when we boarded the ship on may 2nd, but also the fellows boarding the legend may 10th (and i spoke to a few of them) had no idea.


Shame on you carnival! I hope one day you suffer the same fate as the bankers who paid themselves fat bonuses after writing shamful contracts and fleecing innocent customers!!


Shame on you!!

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The other options were jamaica, key west.


None of those were considered!!


So all you narrow minded, ignorant carnival backers, please get your facts straight. That was my first and last time with carnival.


Shame on you!!


First of all, I do not consider myself narrow minded or ignorant or a Carnival cheerleader even though I have enjoyed every one of our Carnival cruises. Secondly, unlike some, I do read the ticket contract and do not expect anything I am not entittled. Third. I, and many others, feel bad for the OP but disagree with the way they are handling the situation. They have their opinion, which they are entittled to and we have our opinion, which differs from theirs. Why does that make us narrow minded and ignorant? You on the other hand are just trying to stir things up and I have better things to do than waste my time with you. You are on ignore. If there are legitimate complaints, most people will read, sympathize with the OP and give advice on how they would handle the situation.

Lets talk about facts. How do you know Carnival did not consider Key West or Jamaica? I'll give you where the Captain said he didn't consider staying in Belize, but no pass on this other comment. Why is it your first post is to come here and be so negative. It's posts like the one that you posted that makes people think you are a RCCL cheerleader and give no credence to your post. Nothing constructive, just plain ole negativity and name calling.

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i completely agree with you. Carnival screwed us over!!


I also wonder how many carnival employees were told to refute your review.


The beef is that carnival knew about the civil unrest in roatan on sunday may 3rd. Despite that no alternate arrangements were made for the legend.


But made for the valor and liberty. How is that fair?! They had the same contract as us...!


I was one of the 700 people that did not riot or protest. We had a get-together to voice our opinion and be heard and get some answers. And because we had a valid argument, we had such a hugeturnout. Thanks to the guys who initiated the entire thing, and the lady with them.


The captain was asked why he didn't consider docking at belize another night, becuase of the civil unrest at roatan. His answer was "we didn't consider it." i have the video on camera and will post it soon.

So carnival can "consider" another "fun day at sea" but not another day at belize!! Why? Because they make more money with 2500 passengers on board than at shore!! And had we docked at belize another night, those that had wanted to stay on ship could have done so!


By the way cdc (center for disease control and prevention) took off cozumel, mexico from it's travel advisory destinations on may 2nd.


The other options were jamaica, key west.


None of those were considered!!


So all you narrow minded, ignorant carnival backers, please get your facts straight. That was my first and last time with carnival.


$20 was an insult and i hope to god this incident bites carnival so bad one day, to make them realize not to take advantage of innocent customers such in the future.


Oh yes, one more thing. Not only were none of given the slightest hint of what was going in roatan when we boarded the ship on may 2nd, but also the fellows boarding the legend may 10th (and i spoke to a few of them) had no idea.


Shame on you carnival! I hope one day you suffer the same fate as the bankers who paid themselves fat bonuses after writing shamful contracts and fleecing innocent customers!!


Shame on you!!



First off, the decision to change ports is not made by anyone on your ship. It is made and arranged by another department at corporate headquarters - not the crew.


The other thing to consider is that each port can only hold so many ships/passengers. It sucks that Valor and Liberty were offered another port - but you have to consider that no other port might have been available to take you at that time within the cruising distance of the ship.


I'm sorry that you did not get to see all ports that you would like on your vacation. It's happened to me also - especially during peak hurricane season. I just take it with a grain of salt and enjoy my time away from work.


Had you considered taking Carnival up on their 100% satisfaction guarantee? You could have easily gotten off at the next non-US port and requested your money back.


Things could have been much worse for you - like the people on the Splendor. Because they were rerouted to San Francisco and up north, they were not even allowed to take Carnival up on their money back guarantee due to the fact that they never stopped at a non-US port.


Should they be upset? - you bet!

Should you? - count your blessings!

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i completely agree with you. Carnival screwed us over!!


I also wonder how many carnival employees were told to refute your review.


The beef is that carnival knew about the civil unrest in roatan on sunday may 3rd. Despite that no alternate arrangements were made for the legend.


But made for the valor and liberty. How is that fair?! They had the same contract as us...!


I was one of the 700 people that did not riot or protest. We had a get-together to voice our opinion and be heard and get some answers. And because we had a valid argument, we had such a hugeturnout. Thanks to the guys who initiated the entire thing, and the lady with them.


The captain was asked why he didn't consider docking at belize another night, becuase of the civil unrest at roatan. His answer was "we didn't consider it." i have the video on camera and will post it soon.


So carnival can "consider" another "fun day at sea" but not another day at belize!! Why? Because they make more money with 2500 passengers on board than at shore!! And had we docked at belize another night, those that had wanted to stay on ship could have done so!


By the way cdc (center for disease control and prevention) took off cozumel, mexico from it's travel advisory destinations on may 2nd.


The other options were jamaica, key west.


None of those were considered!!


So all you narrow minded, ignorant carnival backers, please get your facts straight. That was my first and last time with carnival.


$20 was an insult and i hope to god this incident bites carnival so bad one day, to make them realize not to take advantage of innocent customers such in the future.


Oh yes, one more thing. Not only were none of given the slightest hint of what was going in roatan when we boarded the ship on may 2nd, but also the fellows boarding the legend may 10th (and i spoke to a few of them) had no idea.


Shame on you carnival! I hope one day you suffer the same fate as the bankers who paid themselves fat bonuses after writing shamful contracts and fleecing innocent customers!!


Shame on you!!


shocker, another first time poster.

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Well let's see. Sitting on my balcony enjoying the sea and relaxing, or going into a room with 500 people yelling at each other and the crew? Tough decision for me. Not a Carnival cheerleader and have sailed and missed ports. Once had a private tour booked and did not get my deposit back, so been there done that. Everbody has their own idea about cruising, no one agrees about everything. Please do take your business on other lines, then people won't have to hear about it on the Carnival board. By the way you can go to anyother board and hear people complain about those cruiselines too. I have only sailed on 1 cruise line that I did not care for, came back and had many issues and did not even post but never sailed that line again.

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The vast majority of us here at CC are aware, but thanks anyway.


After reading 5 pages of comments, I've come to a few conclusions. Has anyone noticed the difference in thought between an individual with only a few posts versus one with hundreds of posts? Another point I noticed is the consistent reference's to the "cruise contract". One poster said "you signed the cruise contract", while another posted "you agreed to the contract". Maybe I'm missing something but we've never "signed" any "cruise contract". Another observance is that you don't even see the "cruise contract" until AFTER you book the cruise and make the deposit. It's just an observance where I could understand confusion between a "newbie" and a "experienced" cruiser. Communications always goes a long way. It's possible that "communication" was lacking and caused frustrations among the non-experienced. It's possible that a bit more "tactful" approach on the captains part, could have alleviated much of the frustration. JMHO

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Valor had Cozumel replaced - not Roatan. Valor missed Roatan, just like the Legend, and did not get a replacement port for Roatan. I'm guessing that Key West is not available on Wednesdays when the Legend would need to park there. You can't just stop on a dime and say, oh wait, we're going to Jamaica/Belize/wherever instead.

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After reading 5 pages of comments, I've come to a few conclusions. Has anyone noticed the difference in thought between an individual with only a few posts versus one with hundreds of posts?




My responses have nothing to do with my post count. They are in proportion to the drama of the original post. (which I quoted)

There are ways to voice displeasure or disappointment and make your comments seem more valid. This poster didn't do that.


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If you cruised out of Galveston with Ike's threat imminent, why would you expect to return to Galveston? Also did you lose any personal property due to Ike such as a car at the terminal? Ike was a devastating storm that even damaged parts of my property here in Kentucky. Galveston was at ground zero for the hurricane that was very reminiscent of The Great Storm of 1900. Carnival could not return you to Galveston, and if they did, you would not have been able to leave Galveston as the I-45 bridge was closed and damaged due to boats being washed up on the bridge and the ferry's were not running as Crystal Beach had even more severe damage. Its the same concept with Roatan, due to political unrest the ship would not go there...also if you were injured or killed your insurance may not cover you during civil unrest or war. People really need to use some common sense and rid themselves of the entitlement and me me me philosophy.


Number 1 - You do not need to give a TX resident a lecture on Ike. We're all aware of the damage and destruction in our backyard, thank you.


Number 2 - Being that you weren't anywhere NEAR TX at the time of this storm, you probably have no idea that as of the Sunday before Ike's landfall, Ike's threat was NOT imminent in Galveston - it was not forecast to come anywhere near here. So anyone who left on that Conquest trip had no way of knowing what was going to happen.

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After reading 5 pages of comments, I've come to a few conclusions. Has anyone noticed the difference in thought between an individual with only a few posts versus one with hundreds of posts? Another point I noticed is the consistent reference's to the "cruise contract". One poster said "you signed the cruise contract", while another posted "you agreed to the contract". Maybe I'm missing something but we've never "signed" any "cruise contract". Another observance is that you don't even see the "cruise contract" until AFTER you book the cruise and make the deposit. It's just an observance where I could understand confusion between a "newbie" and a "experienced" cruiser. Communications always goes a long way. It's possible that "communication" was lacking and caused frustrations among the non-experienced. It's possible that a bit more "tactful" approach on the captains part, could have alleviated much of the frustration. JMHO


The Carnival contract is in the back of each brochure, so you know what you're getting when you book the cruise. If you use a TA, it should be the document you sign with your deposit, but may be the document you sign when you make your final payment. The information contained in the contract is available on the website. It is also in the documents you receive, that everyone dances for, but probably never reads.


Yes, I am an experienced cruiser. However, I signed up for Cruise Critic before booking our first cruise, and had 500 posts before I ever got on a ship. I like to be prepared and know what's going on. The OP had many different ways to know what was going on in the Caribbean before he ever got on his ship, but it doesn't appear he did any of them.


Yes, communication is key, but people need to take responsibility for themselves. Between the swine flu, civil unrest and normal weather issues, I estimate (and I am not an expert) that between 20-30,000 people got a different cruise than they booked in the last two weeks. But as far as I know, they all got back to port safely, and got to spend a chunk of time away from work, sailing on a deep blue sea with people to wait on them hand and foot. That they chose to ignore the opportunities for adventure in front of them is on them, and if they don't want to sail Carnival anymore, good riddance to them.

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I wasn't even sailing to Roatan and EVEN I knew before you sailed it was going to be missed. This is where your research comes in. It was all over the boards.


Read your cruise contract.


As far as missing ports, as long as my ship doesn't sink, I'm happy wherever it takes me. Someone DIED on one of my excursions last year, and I still didn't come home as angry as you. PLEASE go back to Royal Caribbean, and take your negativity with you.


You hate Carnival, we got it. Now move along...


Since you knew all this information you should have called and let the excursion desk know all your insider information. It would have helped the OP out when they booked her excursion without this information! Cruise Critic experts should focus their superior knowledge on educating Carnival so these disappointing mistakes don't continue to occur.


Your services would really help out all the uniformed Carnival staff. Many travelers and staff don't know to get their information from this site directly.


I wouldn't have been upset over the skipped ports considering the situations, but they should let you know and try to make adjustments. I can understand the disapointment.

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Seems like CCL is in a no win situation.........pull into Roatan during civil unrest, let passengers off and risk bodily harm to them, get sued if it happens. Go to Mexican port knowing about H1N1 flu, let passengers off, get sued if someone gets sick.


For God's sake, have you ever heard of go with the flow. It's not like a ship can just pull up to any port anytime they want. Crap happens and it happens on vacation too.


I always go with high hopes it will be a wonderful cruise but know that anything can happen at anytime....as long as the ship doesn't sink......I'm a happy girl.


You just can't please some people. Personally, I would have been more upset and threatened by the "mob mentality" that was shown on the ship.

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Since you knew all this information you should have called and let the excursion desk know all your insider information. It would have helped the OP out when they booked her excursion without this information! Cruise Critic experts should focus their superior knowledge on educating Carnival so these disappointing mistakes don't continue to occur.


Your services would really help out all the uniformed Carnival staff. Many travelers and staff don't know to get their information from this site directly.


I wouldn't have been upset over the skipped ports considering the situations, but they should let you know and try to make adjustments. I can understand the disapointment.


You're not seeing the picture here at all.

OF COURSE people will be disappointed! Just don't become a raving lunatic over it!

The issue lies with cruising (or, the choice to cruise) in general. There are SO many reasons that a ship can miss a port, that lately, to me it seems it is a miracle if the entire itinerary remains as scheduled....hurricane season is fast approaching so I wager there will be more months of posts like the Op's coming to the CC boards soon {lucky us}.

If you choose to cruise, you have GOT to be aware that missed ports are a very good possibility and you have to be OK with that. If not, you have no buisness being on a ship.

Ports can be missed (Obviously) for health issues such as this swine flu, west nile or whatever disease is media worthy that particular year...bad weather, civil unrest OR if a passenger on board has a medical emergency...I'm sure there are many more reasons as well...oh yeah, the occasional 'jumper' can cause a ship to miss a port too.

I'm sure others could add to my list.


So yes....there can be disappointment, but everyone needs to understand that this COULD happen to you. If you don't think you can deal with it, then you really should fly to your vacation destination. This is not meant to be snarky.

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How about that airplane that crashed into the channel in Miami a few years ago that held up the departures of several cruiselines?


Wasn't that the float plane carrying family members of the Bacardi heirs?



Thank God that doesn't happen too often! :eek:

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