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138 day until Mexican cruise - HELP! Need Buddies!

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It's sad when you can't even go to a baby shower without being tempted. LOL I guess wanting a brownie bite is better then wanting a baby.

We also are having a little heat here. No humidity like in the mid-west and south though. When I got home it was in the 90's, so I put off the treadmill (it's outside remember) for later, and sure enough, later never came. It will be back in the 80's the rest of the week. I can handle the mid 80's. But where we live in Ore., most of the summer is 90's to 105. So I will need to make some sort of plan. Colder then h*ll in the winter, and hot as h*ll in the summer. (OK, is hell hot or cold?:confused:)

Iam jealous of you all with pets. My "other" is not an animal person, and I totally am. But all my friends and family have animals, plus I work next door to a grooming shop, so I live vicariouly through them. Someday it will be my turn! When we're too old to travel I guess. Lousy trade off.

Time to start our day. If anyone offers you food you can't have, be polite, but a firm "No thank you". And smile inside, because your strong and in control!

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I'm the opposite. I realized that if I lost some weight I wouldn't have to buy a single thing for the cruise. My closet is full of beautiful summer clothes that are too small.


I haven't been slim for a long time...yes, I still have a few items of clothing that I hang on to so I can cry, "See? Once my waist was thiiiiissss small!" But I'll bet everything is just frighteningly out of fashion!

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Time to switch families!!!!!!!


That's okay. She has an active job that keeps her slim. Wait until she retires...




Besides. In case of famine, swarms of locusts or any other global food shortage, the skinny ones will drop like flies and the metabolically resistant will inherit the earth!

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Kathleen, I am a cat lover myself, I have 2 here and I must say they're food is quit costly (perscription only).


We were having health problems with one of them, so we started making their food. Chickens or turkey, with scallops for taurine, cod liver oil...yeah. We have sucker written all over us!

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Iam jealous of you all with pets.


I couldn't imagine life without my dog. She's a big dork but affectionate as all get out. Our other dog died last May and it really helped to have her there.


Though I didn't love her too much the other night when she slammed her head up under my chin. I thought my jaw was broken. She's part Rottie and has a head like a rock.


And because I love to show off my angel, this is miss Chloe:



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Isn't it so bad that you can't go to a shower and have some good treats! So, with the holiday coming up next weekend, how will we all do? I know you all to the north obviously won't be celebrating but talk about bbq's with all that good stuff!!

Chloe is adorable!!! What we wouldn't do without our 4 legged friends!

Gaye, I didn't realize that your summers get that hot. Our weather here in Chicago can go from one extreme to another. We are hoping to drop down to the 80's tomorrow. I don't mind the hot weather but it's much easier to deal with when you're sitting on the beach!;)

So, hopefully everyone will do what they are suppose to for tomorrow. I have missed my walking for the last couple of nights and need to get back to it!

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Chloe is so pretty! From the pic she looks like a small dog, but must be bigger if she's part Rottie.

Your right rabbit72, the heat would be better if I had a beach! I'am only about 1 1/2 miles from the Rogue River, but it's so cold, I never go except to go rafting now and then. I do have a garden hose though! Woohoo!

Milaandra, soooo true about the skinny ones! They'll be the first to drop. Hey wait, that's going to be us! Is there a plan B for the always skinny, as opposed to the just sometimes skinny? Like me?

Have a fun day you guys. Water, water, water!

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Nope, she's huge. Well, 85 pounds but built like a giraffe. She's a mastiff-rottie mix.


It's been hot here all week. Loving it! Wish I could work outside. We just moved a few months ago and finally have a house with central a/c. Not sure what to do since I'm such an electricity miser (DH calls me the Hydro-N*zi.)


Whenever the temp gets above 30C (86F) our Health & Wellness committee buys ice cream for everyone. So we had some yesterday. Today is supposed to be just as hot. Do I cheat two days in a row? I don't really like ice cream that much anyway.....

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Don't you know ice cream is full of magots and snot? Seriously. Don't eat that crap. And bacon cheeseburgers are just a big patty made up of old scabs. Are you all grossed out yet? LOL I saw some guy on Oprah I think, and when someone wanted to lose weight he told them everytime they took a bite of fattening food, to think of the worst thing they would want to eat, and imagine the fattening food was made up of it. I thought of liver squished into peanut M&M's. Gross!

Well, TGIF for sure this week. Work is soooooo slow, it's been a very long and boring week. Hard not to snack when there is nothing to do. But, I have been strong. Usually fruit or string cheese if anything at all.

Week end coming up, they can be rough for us. Hang in there! It will be worth it when those fave pair of pants come out of the back of the closet.

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I've found that the only thing that works for me is not having the snacks available at work. I used to keep a bag of rice crackers (like Crispy Minis except I love the no name brand) in my desk drawer for "just in case" but I found I was eating an entire bag every day (440 calories) on top of my usual food.


I was never hungry for lunch or dinner (though I'd eat them anyway.) Now if it isn't there I can't eat it. And I like that I'm hungry at mealtimes - it makes sense.


As for the ice cream yesterday, it rained in the afternoon so the temp went down. I'm pretty sure I would have said no anyway.:p


I had a friend in high school that convinced herself that food was bad. Though she took it to the extreme and ended up only being able to fit into children's clothes. But what I wouldn't give for some of that willpower!

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Yeah! I had a great day. Rode with friends to St. Louis and back today-I'm usually a big snacker on car trips. The only things I had in the car were my diet coke and a strawberry. I had even brought a few snacks (pretzels, 100 calorie snack pack) but didn't even get into them. The best part was when we stopped for Chick Fillet and I got the grilled chicken and fruit salad. I didn't even miss the crispy chicken sandwich. (It helped that my friends all ordered the salads, too. But I passed on the milkshakes they ordered.)

Now I have a wedding reception to go to tonight so I've got to keep up the will power. I am down another two pounds so that makes it a little easier to pass on the yummy (I don't care how much you try to tell me how gross a cheeseburger is--I know better :) )junk food.

Have a great weekend ladies!



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Uh-oh. I fell off the food wagon. Not bad bad, but bad for me. Had a little (yes, little) potato salad at work for lunch. Birthday in the bar last night. Had like a 2x2 inch piece of cake, with 3 beers. Then came in and had a sandwich for dinner. Low fat mayo on whole wheat thin roll, but still....

I have about 6 weeks of Nutrisystem sitting right there! Tomorrow is over and done, I can't fix it. But today is a new day, and it will be a successful one. I get inspired reading how determined you all are, making good food choices and dropping the pounds. I usually don't do the goals thing, but this week my goal is to get unstuck, get serious and take off 2 pounds. There, I said it. It's in black and white on the world wide internet!

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Hi all, I just discovered this group today. What a great bunch of super supportive women you are!


I have been on the diet roller coaster much of my life. Right now, I'm down again, as I decided I really wanted to look better for my September Med cruise. Okay, what I told a good friend was that when in Rome, I want those Italian men to at least WANT to pinch my bottom.


I started May 3 at 162.1. (I've been as high as 207 in my life, as low as 128). DH and I visited his parents for a week in PA and ate and ate and ate..... I came home a week later, down a pound. Something clicked and I got into the "zone" and have lost 15 more since then. I am one pound from my original goal. Mostly I wanted to fit nicely into all my size 10 clothes again. I'm 5'8" and that's a good, attractive, healthy size for me.


I'll be happy anywhere between 140 and 145 I think. I have to keep reminding myself that at 56 and my height, lower than that is just unattractive.


So, my reason for being here is support in getting those last few pounds off, but mostly KEEPING them off. I weigh daily, but will certainly join in the weekly Monday weigh-in. What I really need to do is get my butt moving. I have a sedentary job for the most part. I find that on days I wear my pedometer to work, I find more reasons to walk.


I have a pair of those funny looking workout shoes too, I have MBTs. They really are effective. I am wondering if the Reeboks that are now out, that make similar claims, but don't have the big curved soles, are any good.


Okay, enough rambling, just happy to have found such a great group.

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Hello All,

Welcome Amy, if you need some motivation I do believe this is a great group!

I work in an office as well and until I started this, I didn't realize how much junk food is in my office. I knew there was some but didn't realize the extent of it. 98% of my co-workers order out for lunch everyday and for one that just gets too expensive and secondly I much prefer to bring my lunch. Once in awhile I do go out for something. My snacks at work consist of fruit (atleast 3 pieces a day), caramel flavored rice cakes and a lot of water. I too would eat the whole bag if left in my desk so the ones I buy (Fit & Active from Aldi store not sure if everyone has that store) and its 60 cal for 8 of them so I throw 4 in a bad and have the other 4 in the evening. So, there is nothing wrong with having some snacks just be wise about your choices.:)

I wish you all the best weigh in for tomorrow! This is going to be the best week yet!:D

Brenda WE CAN DO IT!!!!!!

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Well, I guess this just proves to myself that exercising has a lot to do with it. With all the heat we had last week, I wasn't doing all my exercising and I have no loss for the week.:mad: I stayed the same so I guess thats a good thing if there is a good thing! So, the hot weather has broke and I am back to it today. I am not getting discouraged. Good luck to you all!

June 22-29th - loss = 0

July 6th goal - any loss will be good with me!:)


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Hi Amy! Ok, your my inspiration for the day.:) Getting it off is hard, but keeping it off is also a full time thing. Like you, I've dieted my whole freaking life! I'am a shorty, 5 feet, and have been us high as about 170 down to 105. I would settle for 115-120. Right now stuck at 140. My fault. Too hot to go out to "move" and too lazy I guess to jump on the equipmentthat is sitting in front of the TV! But I'll get there!

I like the Sketchers shoes, but have nothing to compare them too. Try to wear them most days.

Gotta go, woke up late. GO GIRLS!!!!

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Don't you know ice cream is full of magots and snot? Seriously. Don't eat that crap. And bacon cheeseburgers are just a big patty made up of old scabs. Are you all grossed out yet? LOL I saw some guy on Oprah I think, and when someone wanted to lose weight he told them everytime they took a bite of fattening food, to think of the worst thing they would want to eat, and imagine the fattening food was made up of it. I thought of liver squished into peanut M&M's. Gross!

Well, TGIF for sure this week. Work is soooooo slow, it's been a very long and boring week. Hard not to snack when there is nothing to do. But, I have been strong. Usually fruit or string cheese if anything at all.

Week end coming up, they can be rough for us. Hang in there! It will be worth it when those fave pair of pants come out of the back of the closet.

The guy you saw on Oprah wrote a book called "I Can Make You Thin". I just checked it out of my local library and it is worth a read. He has a lot of mind over matter exercises to help you curb emotional eating.

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I have read this forum top to bottom and think this group is the one for me. I only have 38 days to go until my cruise and would like to lose 7 lbs. (2 to reach goal and 5 for cushion). I am 5'5" and currently at 132 lbs.


I have been eating healthy and exercising since the 1st of April. So far I have lost 9 lbs. :) I turn 55 on Thursday and am post menopausal so I basically have the metabolism of a rock.:rolleyes:


The things that have worked for me so far are:

1. Joined curves and go 3x/week; Also walk for an hour on the treadmill 3x/week

2. Try to eat between 1200-1500 calories/day

3. Gave up wine at home. :( This was definitely the most painful as my norm is to have 2-3 glasses/evening. I still indulge when we go out but I know wine is my weakness


My plans to drop the remaining weight:

1. Increase treadmill time to 6x/week

2. Drink more water. I'm trying to drink five 16 oz bottles/day

3. Eat less processed foods.


My goal is to lose 1 lb/week. I weigh on Fridays so I'll keep you posted


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Well, I lost one pound this week. I think I could have done better if I hadn't eaten a ton of garlic bread yesterday. I skipped dinner because of it but there was an awful lot of butter to make up for.


I had sushi twice this weekend. It's only 340 calories per pack and I absolutely love it. I could eat that 3 times a day all week long and lose weight I bet. Of course, spending $20 a day on meals probably isn't such a good idea.

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Well, finally! I lost 2 lbs this week and am down to 146. Nowhere near my goal of 142/135 before the cruise-I leave tomorrow!!! Hopefully, I can at least maintain. The bad thing is I know I won't be working out as hard or as much as I do at home and will probably be eating a little more. I'll just have to keep the weight hidden from DH when we do our weigh-in for the helicopter ride. Good luck girls, I'll check back in in 3 weeks!!


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Welcome Amy & Terri!


I am down 1 pound this week. I seem to be at a stand still. I have only lost 2 ponds since I started this thread on June 1st.


Going to my mom's on Saturday for several days and she told me yesterday she made cookies. Will power please be with me.


Have a good week everyone.

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Congrats to you all who lost this week!! WOO HOO!! For those of us who didn't, it's ok just keep at it. I got back into my routine again with this cooler weather. Its crazy this time last week we were in the low 90's and now tomorrow we will be lucky to hit 68! Only in Chicago!

Angie, have a wonderful time and I'm sure you may eat a tiny bit more but think of how big these ships are and how much walking there is to do. Instead of the elevator do the stairs!;) I'm trying to help ya out! Again have a great trip!

Welcome Terri, you seem to have a very good routine down, I agree as we have said on here before about the importance of your water intake. I am doing 8-9 bottles (16oz) a day and it does take a little getting used to.

Marcia, have "a" cookie, if you go over there with it in your head that you cannot have any, then you may eat the whole batch! lol Everything in moderation, right?

Obviously, we have all made up our minds that we want to or need to lose weight. Some are doing it for the cruise others are using the cruise as motivation. One thing we can say is that we are atleast trying and we are succeeding!!!! Have a good night!


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How do you chug down so much water? Yesterday I only drank 3 and I felt like I was constantly drinking. The only non-water thing I drank all day was my morning coffee.


I ordered a new scale which tracks fat% and water%. I'm supposed to receive it tomorrow. Hopefully, that will help motivate me to drink more!


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Yahoo! Almost every thread someone is losing! Right on!

Hi Terri. I agree, the whole water thing is hard. I have found if I just get a glass of water instead of a bottle, and just drink the darn thing! I do drink a bottle, but it takes a while, so tipping up a glass and downing it works the best for me. If I can do a glass an hour, or more, I've got my quota. Till I get home. Sorry girls, I'am a wino. Sangria with Diet Squirt is my drink. Hey, I prefer beer, but try to steer clear. The new MGD 64 ise'nt bad, I need to buy that when I buy I guess, but rarely buy it except for hanging out with friends.

Ise'nt being post menopausal a bitch? Stupid fat cells are glued to the body! Will there come a day when I get old enough I just don't care what my butt looks like? Did my grandmother check out her butt in the bathroom mirror? (There's a visual I could have done without) I guess us grandmothers have come a long way. LOL I can't see any of mine kicking back with a beer and a smoke after parasailing in Mexico! Or having their man do jello shots off their stomach in Cabo. 2 of the grandkids are cruising with us this year. Eek! How do I explain Tequila shots?! Conga lines? Being the first up and the last to bed? Being a granny is hard!

Oh crap, I wrote a book. bye

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