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138 day until Mexican cruise - HELP! Need Buddies!

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Welcome to Amy and Terri! Angie, have a wonderful time on your cruise! I can't wait tohear all about it!

I am down another pound this week. While I wish I could lose several pounds a week, I realize that 6 pounds for the month of June is not bad, and is a heck of a lot better than where I was a month ago.

I also am not starving or totally depriving myself so I am not getting as discouraged as I have been sometimes. I still allow myself to have an occasional treat, I just think about it a lot more and weigh the desire for the treat against the fat/calorie count. I make a decision as to whether or not I really want to "spend" those fat grams/calories on that treat.

Now I just need to throw that exercise in there! We are finally a little cooler this week so I'll be able to get out and at least walk this week. Ok, my goal for this week is to get out and do some form of exercise 4 days this week. You'll all have to hold me to it :)

Have a great week, all!


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I guess us grandmothers have come a long way. LOL I can't see any of mine kicking back with a beer and a smoke after parasailing in Mexico!


The year before my grandmother died (I think she was 86) she was still riding her bicycle several miles down the beach while on vacation in Florida and then stopping at a patio for beer and wings. She always said she wanted to die living, not just waiting around for it all to end. I love that attitude.

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OMG! I thought I was the only one to wonder at what age you finally don't care. It seems the older I get, the vainer I get. I used to tell myself that I was doing it for my health but I am at a healthy weight now -- just don't like the way I look!


My DH needs to lose at least 10 lbs before we cruise so we are starting the calorie counting process on Friday. I'm glad he is committed because it makes it easier for me. I'm sure he'll lose all his weight in one week -- LOL!

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My mom will be 81 when we cruise in September and she cares very much how she looks and is working on taking off a few pounds before then. I told myself it was for health too, must have meant a healthy image in the mirror? hee hee

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Terri - It took a little while to get to that amount of water. I have a cup tea before I leaved for work and then another at work but after that it's all water. I drink 1/2 the bottle when I open it. When its hot it's so much easier too.

I was doing my usual walk on my lunch break and this man stopped me and asked where am I always in a hurry to get to? I see him everyday, he told me that he loves walking and used to walk about 10 miles when he was younger now he can only do 2miles a day. He then tells me that he is 90 yrs old! He said walking is the easiest thing you can do, it's one of the first things we learn to do. He told me keep up the good work and he'll see me tomorrow. That made me feel really good for some reason. I just wanted to share that little motivational story with you all. If this 90yr old man who looks absolutely fabulous can walk 2 miles a day then we can all do it!!

Betsy, you are doing great! I will hold you to your walking! Us Midwestern girls usually have the same weather so this is a great weather week to be walking!!

Have a good week!!! Work hard....stay positive! :D

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I got my scale today and it is a doozy. In addition to weight, it measures body fat%, body water%, muscle mass and bone mass. It also assigns you a physique rating, provides a visceral fat rating, indicates your basal metabolic rate and your metabolic age.


The good news is I am in the healthy range for all areas. The bad news is I am 1.6 lbs heavier on these scales than my old ones! :mad: The scales also indicate I should drink more water so I am chugging away.


I am still shooting to lose 1 lb/week over the next 5 weeks but now that I have a way to measure body fat in a consistent way, I am more interested in decreasing body fat than weight.

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Well, I got up and walked about 2 miles this morning. I left the dog at home so it was a walk and not a stroll. She's a very hefty 10 years old and likes to sniff her way down the road so it's a very slow process.

I would have walked longer but I had to get back to wait for the ATT repair guy to come replace the wire they never buried that my teen-age son ran over with the lawnmower. I didn't miss the TV or the phone, but I sure did miss my internet! But we are back in business now.

I'll try it again in the morning. It's been great having it be a little cooler this week--I've even turned off the AC!

I liked your story Brenda. It reminds me of my grandfather who at 95, just joined a gym!

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It sounds like that scale can do evething! I hate when you get on a different scale and gives you another number!

Betsy, YEAH!!!! Good for you getting out and walking! My sister says the same thing about when she is walking her dogs. Keep up the walking, it is such a good thing and so easy.

So, I went out last night to a winery with some friends. I thought I did pretty good, I had one glass of wine with 3 glasses of water. The girls all started ordering all this yummy food but I stuck with a chop salad with chicken but I couldn't refuse getting a cup of soup as well. I love their crab & lobster bisque soup so I only had a cup but still probably not the most healthy. I will do extra today to make up for my treat last night.

We are planning our July 4th and all I keep hearing is about all the food that is being brought to bbq. I am doing chicken, figured that would be ok. Any of the rest of you going to get into some trouble over the holiday weekend??


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Yesterday was my birthday and I threw caution to the wind as far as eating goes and I am paying for it this morning! My DH bought me a birthday cake (German Chocolate, my favorite). Of course I couldn't hurt his feelings by not eating. I also decide to treat myself to a bottle of wine and I drank 3 glasses! :eek: To top it all off, I didn't drink my water or exercise. Oh well, I'll start fresh today.:cool:

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It's a whole brand new day, never been used. Aw ha! A perfect day to toe the line diet wise. WE all know this tomorrow is going to be a toughie. The 4th of July has to have hot-dogs, beer, coke, you know. And we're going out of town, always bad for me. Home=diet, travel=travel food! I'll watch it, I will. Probably not do as well as here, but will watch portions.

I hope everyone has something fun planned, I'll be thinking about my son who is in Iraq now, so Independence Day means something for me this year.

Grab a sparkler and bottle of water!!!!! Yahoo!

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It's a whole brand new day, never been used. Aw ha! A perfect day to toe the line diet wise. WE all know this tomorrow is going to be a toughie. The 4th of July has to have hot-dogs, beer, coke, you know. And we're going out of town, always bad for me. Home=diet, travel=travel food! I'll watch it, I will. Probably not do as well as here, but will watch portions.

I hope everyone has something fun planned, I'll be thinking about my son who is in Iraq now, so Independence Day means something for me this year.

Grab a sparkler and bottle of water!!!!! Yahoo!

God bless your son for his service. My nephew is also serving in Iraq. He is coming home in September so the whole family is counting the days.

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Blessings and thanks to all the young men and women serving our country overseas. Support the war or not, we need to support these fine people.


As to dieting.... yesterday was a seefood day for me, and today includes a trip to TGIFridays. Acckkkk I am feeling I can do a salad and hope not to be led astray. Tomorrow's meal is grilled tri-tip, grilled corn on the cob, and more salad. I'll pass on the potatoes I make for DH.

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First of all.....Happy Belated B-day Terri!!! I would have done the same with the cake & wine, it's your day you should do what you want!!!

Gaye, thanks to your son and all the others we are still able to celebrate our holidays. I am a very strong & proud supporter of our military!:D

Eat what you want tomorrow! Its the 4th and it's meant to be spent eating and drinking and just having a good time!

Enjoy your weekend!!!


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I know I'm coming late to the party, but may I join in?

I'd like to lose 40 lbs by February when we leave for our next cruise. I continually lose some weight then sabotage myself and gain it all back and more. I've joined a gym and will start WW next week. This seems like such a warm, comfortable support group and I need all the help I can get - I'm really determined this time.



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Welcome Susan. 40 pounds by February is doable! I've lost 16 since the first of May and have just revised my goal down another four pounds, for total of 20. My cruise is in September and after I get this last four off, the dreaded maintenance phase starts.

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Welcome Susan. Don't think of it as 40 lbs. Think of it as 6 lbs/month. That is very doable. WW is a great program. If your gym has the capability, I would recommend getting your fat level measured. If you start lifting weights, you might not lose weight at first since you will be adding muscle. This can be discouraging but hang in there because the more muscle you build, the higher your metabolism will be and you will find it is actually easier to lose weight. You'll also lose inches. I go to Curves and they measure my fat percentage and take my measurements once/month. Two other things that help me are walking and drinking lots of water.

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Welcome Susan, 40lbs is definitely doable by Feb and we are here for you for some encouragement!:)

Ok, just want to let you all know that I will be taking a holiday from my weigh in tomorrow. I have taken advantage of this holiday weekend a little too much and I know that I will be very upset with my results. But it's all over now and back on track tomorrow!!!

Good luck to you all, I know this thread will be much lighter tomorrow!!!:D


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Weighed in this morning and am down 2 lbs! This is quite a turnaround for me since I pigged out on my birthday. According to my old scales I am at my original goal weight.:D Unfortunately, my new scales show I still have 2 lbs. to go.:( My plan is to stick with the diet until our cruise (we leave one month from today). I'd like to lose 5 lbs more so I have some cushion for the cruise;)

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Good for you! 5 pounds in a month is so doable. Not for me so much, but for you. LOL

Had a very fun 4th of July week-end. Of course I ate some stuff I was not supposed to, but not too bad. It was quite a party week end though, kinda, sorta drank beer alllllllll day Sat. But only had chicken wings in the afternoon and watched the others have dinner later.

Have not been on the scale yet. I know I did'nt gain, but doubt I lost either, even with the walking.

Back to work today. And diet mode. It's supposed to cool to the 80's this week, so will try to get back on the treadmill. In the 100's is just too freaking hot for me to move much.

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Good morning everyone. Hope you all had a good holiday weekend.


I didn't lose but didn't gain this week. I'm surprised since we had company for dinner twice this weekend and had greasy hamburgers and onion rings one day for lunch. I guess walking around the mall for 3 hours yesterday helped.

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Hi everyone,

Well, I had to weigh in today. Let me be the first to say that I gained 1.2lbs this week. :o I knew it wasn't going to be good.:mad: It started on Friday and went thru Sunday night. Food, alcohol, no exercising and not as much water as usual. So, I got back into it today, did the walking, eating, water. Thank goodness there isn't another 3 day holiday until September.

On another note.....Hip Hip Hooray! Good for you gals!! Glad you are all doing so good. Here's to another great week. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!:D


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Well ladies, I see I wasn't the only one to cut myself some slack over the holiday. However, I am back on the bandwagon again. I don't think I gained anything but I didn't lose anything this week either :( But it's a new week and I get to try again!

I did go tubing for the first time on Saturday. It was a blast but my arms are still hurting from holding on so tight!

Welcome to you, Susan!

And a belated thank you to those of you with family serving in the military!

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Thanks for all of the warm welcomes, they are so appreciated. From reading the posts I'm guessing weigh in day is Monday. I just joined Weight Watchers today so I'll be weighing in on Tuesday. I soooo did not like the number on that scale this morning, so I did the intelligent (?) thing and stuffed my face all day.:( But tomorrow is another day and now that I know what I'm dealing with I'm calmer and more able to set goals. I'm so glad I can come here and share in everyone's successes and comiserate when someone has a hard day.



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Hi Susan. Ya, why do we do that? Think we weigh too much, so we eat? Go figure.

Doing well, staying on the old Nutrisystem, not losing a darn thing. I'am thinking it's the water. I need to drink more. And maybe move more. I've been stuck here forever! LOL Ok, ok, I know what needs to be done, more movement. But OMG, I wish there was a magic pill. Or a Genies magic lamp. Or really getting the wish when you blow out candles, wish on a star, blow the fluff off a dandilion.:confused::confused::confused:

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My DH said the funniest thing the other day. We were driving past CrabbyJoe's, Wild Wing, all those wonderful, deep-fried places, and he said "If we had a ton of money we would eat at those places all the time. And then we could get lipo to get rid of the fat. Maybe they would just leave the tube in."


Okay, picturing it is kind of gross, but wouldn't it be nice if it was that easy?

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