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Cruising to Healthy


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Hey everyone,


Hope everyone had a great weekend!


I was REALLY lazy yesterday. On Saturday, I had a great workout though. I've started watching this British show on youtube called "Supersize vs. Superskinny." So I watched that on my phone while I was on the elliptical on Saturday. The show is really interesting though, because it focuses a lot on nutition. I feel like the Biggest Loser and all the shows we have focus mostly only on exercise.


Anyway, basically they have two people each week, one "supersize" and one "superskinny" (one "superskinny" girl was less than 100 pounds!) and they basically switch diets for 5 days - and have to try to eat everything the other person usually consumes. It's pretty interesting, and nice that it is free on youtube (usually split into 4 segments or so).


Brooke, sounds like things are going well with your guy. That's great! I agree, just keep being yourself and if he is the right one he will pick up on that! BTW, I usually get recipes online... I used to use allrecipes.com a lot, then progressed to foodnetwork.com as I got a little be better at cooking. I also just found eatingwell.com which I like a lot.


I didn't cook at all this weekend, but I might make more shredded chicken this week for stuff.


Oh also, my weight has been hovering around the same the last 2 weeks! I really want to track everything I eat this week, I've been sort of slacking at that. I want to see how much I am going over.

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Feeling a bit sore this morning. I was going for a workout yesterday and saw a co-worker in the bathroom getting her workout clothes on too and she said she was going to Zumba (our college is offering for free). I thought it was a one time thing and it happened when I was on the cruise, so I decided I'd try it out.


Well, 45 straight of shaking your groove thing to high paced rap or salsa music......dang. I stayed with her for the most part. I mean its a routine so you have to learn as you go and there was about 50 people in there, she can't talk over the music, so all you could do is try and peek around the people and try and follow her moves. I mean I'm not coordinated, so I few moves I could have used a bit of a slow down on, but I just tried and at least do a similar movement so I was moving. You had about 5 seconds in between songs changing and then right back into it. I went home and did used a exercise calculator for it..........I burned 670 calories. Sparkpeople said I needed to burn 1,079 a week.......lol. If you like to dance to fun music, I'd say go for it.


Today is strength and core work, so it will be about 20-30 mins in the gym. I'm trying really hard to log food and stay within my calories. I did last night if all my calories were right, barely. But I said I was going to get back in the gym first and so I will worry about food more later.


Jess, I noticed that Woman Within was having a triple sale (30% off your 1st highest priced, 30 off your second highest and 30% your third highest.) Also, after this Zumba thing I think I will stick to it if they keep offering it. I had a hard time lifting my knees when we had to so I could imagine Kickboxing.


Good Choices.

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Annette- hope everything is ok!


Thanks cruisingagain (sorry bad with names :o). It's good to hear how others like Bermuda and I really don't want to fly.


Rachel - That's an interesting "show" on youtube, might have to check it out.


Brooke - Zumba sounds so fun but it also sounds like the Just Dance Wii game my niece has that I loove. I haven't been to kickboxing in a week and I really need to go. It is hardcore..one girl sprained her ankle and one woman put her back out doing kickboxing. We also do crunches and situps, run around the room many times to get the heart going (I only need a walk around the room once to feel out of breath lol) I think sometimes I push myself too hard sometimes because I want to keep up with everyone else and not wanting my partner to feel like we are really behind everyone else (because I have to stop more to breathe), but I really don't care- I'm there for me not anyone else and the girls are pretty good about it.


Good luck with the boy, I forgot I had an Okcupid account. So I went last night and updated it. I got a message soon after;


"Will you go out with me? I really need a girlfriend" :rolleyes:


Seriously? I get these type of desperate, stupid sounding messages all the time. Get lost. lol. That's why I don't bother really online anymore because I get irritated by these "losers" (which I hate to say it but the ones messaging me are).


On another note as I'm sitting here drinking my diet hot cocoa I'm tasting soap. lol


Seems to be really busy this week so far at work (why I wasn't able to come on yesterday) so don't know how often I can read or reply but I will try.


Have a great day everyone!

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Good morning,


I weighed in this morning and I'm officially down 6.2 pounds! Yay!! I've been hovering and hovering and I finally went down the additional 1.2 pounds. I couldn't figure out why - maybe I was losing but it wasn't showing up on the scale since I ate some salty things last weekend. But now I feel really motivated again. I just really need to stick to it. One good thing is that I have noticed that I am now on belt loop hole #4 - and I used to be on #1, the biggest possible. So overall I've tightened it 4 notches - I am going to have to measure them to see how far they are apart! I really should be taking measurements, but I don't have a soft measuring tape, just like a hard tape measurer that doesn't really bend, haha.


Today we have a lunch seminar with burritos again. I think I'm going to have half of one, and count out 10 chips with guacamole. Last time I had 2 halves and no chips, and I really missed the crunch. I think it will be the same calories or maybe less, I have to look at my tracker. Those burritos are really filling, so I should be ok with half, especially since my normal lunches are usually just a sandwich and fruit or cottage cheese or something. We have leftover homemade chicken noodle soup for dinner, but I might go grocery shopping to get some stuff for meals this week. I'm thinking maybe this recipe for macaroni and cheese that uses pureed butternut squash! It sounds really interesting and I have some frozen squash that I roasted and pureed from last fall. We also have some super-sharp cheddar that we got from an Amish store, so I think that would make it pretty flavorful. The recipe for that I found on sparkpeople.


Have a great day everyone!!!

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It probably is the same as the wii and kicking boxing sounds dangerous, lol.




6lbs!!! Keep it up girl.


I did core last night, just some tightening moves and upper body weights. I went home to do it. I got to the gym and just didn't feel like it.........so I went home and did it there. Unusual for me, but it worked. Today is cardio. I got meetings pretty much the rest of the afternoon, so a little exercise might be awesome after all of that.


Can't curb my food habits though. I keep trying and I still grab that Mcds on the way home..........one step at a time. I haven't had any soda in 5 days now and I've worked out 2wice. So, let me get a week in with those and I'll get back to the food.


The boy called me last night. I texted him after I figured he'd be done with work just to say hi and see how his day was and he surprised me and called. I guess there is something to be said for an older guy, they don't waste time, lol. He had a nice voice and he could hold a conversation. I hope he thought the same about me. We talked about his job, b/c I asked, for a while then he had another call. He texted me later though. Sigh:o. Its only a bit weird b/c he and my brother are the same age....lol...sometimes I think I'm talking to my brother, lol.




Good Choices.

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Good Afternoon!


Well I went to kickboxing last night, forgot to make more shredded chicken the night before so I put that in last night and I had soup of dinner.


Tonight I'll have more quesadillas because I still have stuff left over that I want to use up. For lunch today it's a chick salad sandwhich with 1 cup assorted fruit and I have about 12 chips (1 serving) to go with my sandwhich today. So I'm glade I took the time to look at the serving and not fill a ziplock bag up with them. I did slip and had soda yesterday but forgot I already had a non soda drink in the car, so I'm drinking that today.

Oh and for breakfast I had a no sugar added protein drink.

I'm excited, I did buy a winter jacket on Sunday and it should be here by the end of this week or Monday. It was $112 :eek: with shipping and 15% off but it's a 3-in-1 ski jacket and it looks like really good quality.


I'm already wishing it was the weekend, not having the best of days at W-O-R-K. :rolleyes:


Half Way over though, so that's something to look forward too.


Hope everyone is well!

Annette hope everything is good with you as well!

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That coat sounds awesome. 3 in 1......I don't guess I need that extensive of a coat here in VA though, lol.


Welp, I ordered my Droid 2 Global yesterday....I was waiting for the end of the 10 day deals at verizon and I Googled it and happened to see that the very first day of the sale (I missed that one) was my phone on sale for $99. Boo.....I had to pay $199. Oh well. At least I'm not the idiots clamoring for the Verizon iPhone. I checked into it......but they can't give me my company discount on the monthly bill, so I said to heck with that...10% is 10% when I'm looking at $93 a month with the Droid. I did however forget to put my work address as the delivery address b/c you have to sign for it. I left a nice signed copy of my verizon confirmation on the door in case they deliver it early. The verizon lady says sometimes that works. I mean if they can have a neighbor sign for it........my real signature should be fine, lol.


Anyway, did a full 30 mins on the treadmill last night and I ended on 3.0 mph, which is a big deal for me. (especially with my thigh muscles still sore). I ended it there b/c I want to work my way up and not bust it all out the first go round. Then went home and had a slice of pizza and 2 bowls of coco puffs..............:mad: Me and food really need to work out our issues. But I am on my last pack of bc, so..........another excuse.


The boy and me texted a bit yesterday. I feel like I have nothing to say, but I just want to talk to him..........I wish I could just say that to him. And the other boy on fb is still poking me........I asked if he was flirting or being friendly(on his wall) and he responded (in a message) flirting, anything wrong with that? Haha. Boys. Then the Scottish boy is nice, but I think i will be cutting that complicated cord soon. His facebook status' are a bit childish and him changing his picture to thonged men and all.......he'd be a good friend, but as a b/f he annoys me.


So, today is core and strength, so i'll go home and do that. I think salmon, steamed veggies and some leftover mashed potatoes are on my menu tonight.


Good Choices.




I hope you are okay.:(

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Yes Brooke - if you live in NH you need a jacket like that! lol. It's been below zero so many times this year I can't even count how many and the wind the night before last was horrid! I can barely get in my apartment walkway because of piled up snow that has nowhere to go and slick ice all over the walkway that's not going way with salt or sand..But it helps a little..until the snow gets a chance to melt again.


Well I decided on a phone also and this past weekend I went to both Verizon and US Cellular to compare plans and prices. I spent a lot of time at both places asking several questions and in the end decided to stick with US Cellular. Thier plans are cheaper overall, the service is pretty good and they have loyalty points you can redeem for phones, accessories and services. Because my mom has been a customer since 1999 we got a lot of points. Found out my plan wasn't really up in Febuary so I wasn't eligible to get a new phone at the promotional price just yet but with the loyalty points I am able to get it this week. Plus The phones I checked out are just as good as the Droids and you can get the same apps also with their Android phones. I was thinking of getting the HTC Desire or Samsung Mesmerize...leaning towards the HTC Desire..so I should get it on Friday (they were out of stock yesterday).


Brooke - I know what you mean about immature guys. The guy I was briefly dating are still friends and we did go to Thai last friday for dinner to catch up (haven't spoken in couple weeks) and he called me on my cell on the way to the place and said "yeah I just got out of the shower and heading there now..I'm actually in my pajamas" and he started laughing. :rolleyes:


Seriously, I don't know about other women but whenever I go out with someone to dinner I don't expect them to be wearing their plaid pajama bottoms. Date or not..even if I was with a girl - friend..I wouldn't like it.

Plus he is so irresponsible with money. $20,000 in debt, job cut his working hours and he was paying gas with a credit card he couldn't pay..when I asked him why didn't he get another job or another part time job..he said he was also too "tired". :rolleyes: But yet during blackfriday when he said he had no money he spent what he did have on movies and transformer toys :confused:..so when I see him he's always complaining he doesn't have money or can't afford to even buy groceries, pay gas or eat lunch but yet uses what he has on movies, toys, going out to eat when he gets his check, skiing and hockey stuff.


So I guess you can say I get really annoyed with this guy and that was part of the reason (ok a lot of it) why I didn't pursue anything else with him when I started really getting to know what he was like. And he also acts immature at times, so...sorry I'm looking for a man with a good head on his shoulders not a 28 year old boy who acts like he's 12 and not at all responsible. Enough said about that. lol


Didn't have time to make lunch so my dad's coming, not sure what we will be having. I did have a protein drink for breakfast and will be attending kick boxing tonight.


Have a great day all!

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Hi everyone,


Great job Brooke and Jess on the exercising! That is excellent!


My macaroni and cheese dish was interesting... maybe a little dry though when being re-heated. I separated it into 8 servings, because it contained a whole box of pasta which is 8 servings at around 200 calories each just for the pasta alone!


Last night I didn't want JUST noodles, so I sauteed some onion, bell pepper, mushrooms, garlic, and spinach, and put it over the noodles. Topped everything with an egg over easy. It was really delicious! And I felt at least that way I got a bit of protein. Although, the mac & cheese does have ricotta and milk in the sauce, so there is a bit of protein there. There is also the pureed squash and a cup of shredded cheddar in the sauce.


My friend was telling me about this "amazing" trick where you just add one can of diet coke or diet dr. pepper to a box of brownie mix... sounds gross to me. I've actually tried it before, a few years ago when I was in college, and it was kind of gummy. But the thing is, I think right now I'm at the point where if I want a brownie, I'll just go ahead and have a small peice of the real thing. By using a can of diet whatever to replace the typical egg + oil that goes into brownie mix... well, it's really not as virtuous as one would think. First of all, eggs are not bad - especially one egg for a whole pan of brownies. Second of all, even if you are saving SOME calories from not using oil, you are still eating all the sugar and bad carbs in the mix, PLUS whatever chemicals are in the diet soda. I also think people would tend to eat the entire pan of brownies because they think they were prepared "healthy" and low-cal.


Anyway, that was just what is on my mind today, sorry for rambling. Hope everyone is doing well!

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Rachel - funny you should mention that. Another one of the girls that used to chat with us brought that up once and some other people chimed in and there was a little debate over it.

I haven't tried that trick but I did use a can of black beans once with the brownie mix and it came out pretty good and I couldn't even taste the black beans.

But I do agree that if you don't eat them often then eating a regular brownie isn't going to kill you (though some might disagree with that, lol).

In fact I tried to make some about a month ago, took one bite, came out like crap so I threw the whole thing out. Didn't taste right for some reason.

Edited by Jesscap5
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Sitting here eating my chicken biscuit........I will conquer food.......I will.




Yea, I never understood the diet coke thing either.




Boys are silly. I sent the boy a text yesterday saying, "Its too bad you have to work the weekend or I would take you up on that rain check, but this weekend would be cliche." I sent it at 3pm yesterday........haven't heard back. IDK, I'm not into playing games. I just want to be up front and honest and to the point even if it hurts. Just tell me you aren't interested anymore. Then again........I think its build in a girl's dna to worry about stuff and make things up that haven't even happened. Why do I care? Ugh, I feel like one of those stupid girls from the movies. I'm just gonna think about all the things that happened in my life and I didn't have a man to help or support me. I've accomplished most of the things in my life by myself, so what changes (nothing)?




The fedex person didn't deliver yesterday. The tracking said they sent if from PA to GA to get to VA.............Its like the airlines.....who knows. Its in the city next to us right now, so should be here today......here is crossing my fingers he takes my note, I really need a new phone to learn to distract me.




I was going to tell you the pre-paid phones they sell at like Walmart, my co worker has one and she gets, unlimited internet, calls, text etc. for $45 a month. Its very tempting, lol.


Going to the gym tonight.


So my list is as follows:


1. Get back in the gym-Check

2. Stop the diet soda-(I had one can this week for a meeting, but I did go five days without so..) Check

3. Stop with the Fast Food-No check

4. Add veggies 2wice a day-No check

5. Add fruit once a day-No check


That's it for now.



I find myself humming South Pacifics: "I'm gonna wash that man right outta my hair."

Maybe b/c I got a haircut yesterday. :D


Good Choices

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Brooke - My cousin has one of those phones, it's good if you don't want or need the bells and whistles, but since I don't have internet or computer at my apartment, having the apps, good internet..etc is a must right now.


I wouldn't worry about the boy not getting back to you. Guys do that a lot..not too mention anything could have happened. I dropped my phone in the water and I couldn't text anyone..I still can't sometimes. I mean if he does it at almost every text then it might be a hint (though I'd think he would man up and say what he feels, but most don't). Anyway that's just my opinion.


I was in a bad mood last night. I think it was because right before I went into kickboxing my sister in law called me and told me my brother got in a little argument with my mom the other night and part of it was about my/our weight. My brother is average size, strict vegetarian and works out like crazy all the time, 100k races in the summer, skiing races..seriously opposite of me and my parents..well he trained his kid and wife to be the same way..problem with that is they think they are "perfect"..seriously always ragging on people (specially us) and saying things about people who are not healthy or overweight or not vegetarians. But yet he won't say it to my face, just put stupid cartoons on facebook making fun of overweight people or non vegetarians being overweight. But yet my SIL says he cares and wants me to be healthy..I get it but still.

So I walked into kickboxing with that on my mind and I was a bit upset so I gave it my all...then the trainer kept pointing me out "come on Jessica, let's go, come on" and that was just fueling the fire so as I was whacking a girl with the foam noodle (that's what we were doing at the time) I whacked her like 100 times straight without stopping really hard saying "is that good enough, harder? Huh?" LOL I was soo mad. Luckily though they were foam so it really didn't hurt her.


I take things way to personally sometimes and I'm like the flip of a switch..say one thing and I'm p*ssed off. He was working us hard and I jokingly said "your killing me Mr. G" and he looked at me with a serious look and said "Your killing Yourself" I took that I guess the wrong way and I got mad and embarassed..finished the routine with my partner (while he was saying something too the other two girls in their about my being mad) so it was time to go anyway but I just went to get my stuff right away (he did say he was just joking when I was getting my shoes on and getting my stuff but I was already wicked mad by that point) and I basically skid my tires on the ice outside leaving.


Yeah I got issues and I was just balling my eyes out all night and more determined more then ever to get this weight off so I don't have to be like I am all the time and so I can stop hearing crap from everyone else. Seriously sometimes I want to move far away where nobody knows me so I can help myself with being bothered. Either way though, I'm gonna do it and for me not anyone else.

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Brooke - My cousin has one of those phones, it's good if you don't want or need the bells and whistles, but since I don't have internet or computer at my apartment, having the apps, good internet..etc is a must right now.


I wouldn't worry about the boy not getting back to you. Guys do that a lot..not too mention anything could have happened. I dropped my phone in the water and I couldn't text anyone..I still can't sometimes. I mean if he does it at almost every text then it might be a hint (though I'd think he would man up and say what he feels, but most don't). Anyway that's just my opinion.


I was in a bad mood last night. I think it was because right before I went into kickboxing my sister in law called me and told me my brother got in a little argument with my mom the other night and part of it was about my/our weight. My brother is average size, strict vegetarian and works out like crazy all the time, 100k races in the summer, skiing races..seriously opposite of me and my parents..well he trained his kid and wife to be the same way..problem with that is they think they are "perfect"..seriously always ragging on people (specially us) and saying things about people who are not healthy or overweight or not vegetarians. But yet he won't say it to my face, just put stupid cartoons on facebook making fun of overweight people or non vegetarians being overweight. But yet my SIL says he cares and wants me to be healthy..I get it but still.

So I walked into kickboxing with that on my mind and I was a bit upset so I gave it my all...then the trainer kept pointing me out "come on Jessica, let's go, come on" and that was just fueling the fire so as I was whacking a girl with the foam noodle (that's what we were doing at the time) I whacked her like 100 times straight without stopping really hard saying "is that good enough, harder? Huh?" LOL I was soo mad. Luckily though they were foam so it really didn't hurt her.


I take things way to personally sometimes and I'm like the flip of a switch..say one thing and I'm p*ssed off. He was working us hard and I jokingly said "your killing me Mr. G" and he looked at me with a serious look and said "Your killing Yourself" I took that I guess the wrong way and I got mad and embarassed..finished the routine with my partner (while he was saying something too the other two girls in their about my being mad) so it was time to go anyway but I just went to get my stuff right away (he did say he was just joking when I was getting my shoes on and getting my stuff but I was already wicked mad by that point) and I basically skid my tires on the ice outside leaving.


Yeah I got issues and I was just balling my eyes out all night and more determined more then ever to get this weight off so I don't have to be like I am all the time and so I can stop hearing crap from everyone else. Seriously sometimes I want to move far away where nobody knows me so I can help myself with being bothered. Either way though, I'm gonna do it and for me not anyone else.




I don't want to stick my nose in here, but my co-workers think I'm pretty good at sizing people up for their actions. Like we have someone here that has a eating disorder. She is always pointing out people's bad fashion or telling the flat out truth or picking at her assistant about her looks. Her assistant was almost going to quit until I pointed out to her this: She has an eating disorder, which means she probably has a lot of issues with her own body image. Instead of trying to fix herself, she tries to fix everyone else. She doesn't want to see her flaws, so she focuses on everyone else.


I don't pay her any mind anymore when she makes a critique about me. She is always saying she wishes she had my confid. and that I know is the truth. She wishes she could love herself the way she is.


I think maybe your brother does his vegan thing, exercise thing, comics thing b/c he is so scared it could happen to him. He has the family history for it. He is so scared its going to happen to him he puts it off on you and others. Let's face it too, (no offense at all Jess), but you and your family remind him of what he could be. If he fixes you, then he thinks he can push those feelings in the back and hide his fears of being overweight.


He may be physically healthy, but mentally he is still struggling. You are know who you are, what you are and you are working to change your whole self one step at a time. So when you get healthy, and you will, you will be healthy body and mind.


Just remember, there are many people in life that are negative (your trainer might have been joking, but it still hurt-it would have hurt me), but you have some positive support too (maybe us?) and that's what you should focus on.

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Thanks Brooke. I do have positive support and very thankful I can come on here and share with you guys. My mom said the same last night to think about the positives and push the negative aside and don't take it too heart and I always do and I'm trying not too. With people you know it's easier to feel hurt with strangers it doesn't bother me.


And I have thought about what you said many many times about my brother not wanting to be like me or my family. We do have different fathers (his father is not around and from what I hear was always active as well) I don't know if his real father has bad gene history or not but I do know he has a lot more will power then me. He's always been like that..when he wants something he does it (even though his first 100k nearly did kill him as he had to be hospitalized) and I think he tries even harder to keep his kid away from that stuff and making sure she is fit and healthy (which I applaud) but sometimes he can be hurtful.


One time my niece came over to spend the night at my house and my SIL and brother said "We would appreciate it if you made something healthy for her in the morning instead of going to burger king for breakfast"


Seriously..I never said anything about going to BK for breakfast or breakfast at all for that matter and I couldn't even remember the last time I went to BK but what makes me mad is when people assume things. That hurt my feelings like hell and I don't like being thought of like that or that's ALL I eat is Mcdonalds or BK because I'm obese. My brother is also 10 years older then me and hasn't really been around with my growing up and my other two (brother and sister) that are my dad's first children don't even talk to me and they are 10 years older as well..so it's very easy for me to shut people out of my life. I already told my SIL he better be careful and tread easy because I will shut them out too and for good.


We all have our own issues (including family ones). I just wish he could talk to me about it instead of being rude about it. I think I may need to go back on my medication, my body can't deal with this stress and I am trying hard to be positive, if I wasn't I wouldn't even try to lose weight at all. I try hard to think about the things I want to accomplish or places I want to go and that keeps me going (and you guys too of course) :).

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Jess- I would totally be upset if my family members did that. My sister weighs at least 100 pounds more then me when I am at my biggest size and I would never do something like that. If she ask me questions or something I would tell her different things I have tried or whatever. I do tell my brother stuff about what he eats. He is not overweight but being 40 and already has 4 stints he has to be very careful about what he eats and you better believe I fuss if he smokes even one. He is not married and is raising his 2 daughters so he has to be healthy but even then I am never mean about it. If he had a wife to nag him I might not but every man needs some woman to nag them lol


Brooke- Great advice you sounded do professional and right to the point. My husdand loves getting new phones. I hate it because then I lose my ringtones.


All you girls are doing good at making steps forward I think we all are,


If you could pray that Richard finds a job at home where he is not working out of town I would really appreciate it. It has been hard on me, him, the kids, our marriage, relationships in his family because that is who he is working for now. I know that God has something in store for us but this waiting game is hard but I guess because I am relying on the Lord more and more that is what I am suppose to be learning in this trial of our life.


Men are crazy and its hard sometime to find that one that was created just for you but when you do just love them and never let them go. I am in Charleston this weekend to spend some time with Richard. He is working both nights I am here and will sleep most of the day but just being able to see and hug him and get to lay with him in the same bed is worth spending most of the time shutup in a hotel by myself most of the time. My sister lives here in but I haven't called her to tell her that I am in town because this weekend is really all about my marriage.;)

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I'm glad you got time with your husband :).


Weighed this morning and I'm 323. So one lb down, which is what I was going for.


So this week's goal is to continue with the no soda and staying in the gym. Now, I have to stay away from drive thrus. This is going to be hard, but I'm using money as a motivator. I need to stop spending all that money.


Zumba tonight, I think...sometimes they cancel these things, but I have to do cardio tonight one way or another.


The boy and I are texting and he calls me. He sent me a picture of himself curled up in blankets going to sleep.......and that morning sent me a video of him and his lightsaber..........I'm not kidding or being perverted. He has a lightsaber, like from starwars. Tehe. I guess I'm used to my brother and he grew up with starwars, so it didn't make me not like him, I giggled.


I did "break-up" with Scottish guy. I mean not really though b/c we weren't technically together and we both were kinda like......yea we are good friends. But his FB status messages were starting to make me annoyed, so it was a good thing.


Anyway, got some quick deadlines this morning.


Good Choices.

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Back to work after a short but needed weekend. I didn't do my best this weekend food and excercise wise and weekends for me are always the hardest but it can ruin all I've worked for during the week, so my goal is to focus more healthy habits on weekends as well. I did go grocery shopping last night, lots of fruits and veggies and cooked up a ton of chicken for the week. Today I have a chicken salad sandwich on whole wheat, grapes and raw sugar snap peas and raw carrots. I like that they have a "crunch" so for me it replaces eating chips. For breakfast I have my no sugar added carnation instant breakfast and I still have another cup of assorted fruit as a snack. Kickboxing tonight..no choice on that one.


Just got here at 9am only been here 20min and already the florists is delivering flowers. lol


Since they come to my desk first I'll just pretend they are mine for awhile till the owner comes and picks them up. lol


Happy Valentines Day everyone!

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Jess, I know the feeling. I used to be a receptionist so everyone's flowers would get delivered to me first. :rolleyes:


So, Zumba last night.........oh lord. I just couldn't keep up as well last night. I think I was just already tired. I think that's b/c I had forgot my vitamins. I went over my caloires by about 300, but that's one day. Good news is, not so sure for my back, that they are going to add Wed. night Zumba too. So, I plan on doing both. I just gotta go to the chiro and make sure my back is okay. Its sore and I think def. swollen. I might have to go back on that mobic stuff to help with the inflammation, but I feel good after Zumba, so I don't want to give it up.


Looks like I might have a friend to go with me on a cruise for my bday. I think we are getting a spa cabin this time so we can get the VIP spa included in our cabin price. I've never been up that high on the ship before. Its like deck 11. I hope it isn't too rocky.


Oh well, I'm trying to work on some projects for work, but its like that saying, "Hurry up and wait." :o


Oo, survived day 1 of no drive thru! Although, I find that no soda is harder the second week.


Good Choices!

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Brooke - glade you found someone to go with you on your b-day cruise. I would love to go but I'm strapped for money since living on my own and I really really need another car very soon. My parents are thinking about going on a cruise next fall also but honestly I don't think I can do it. But I knew that would be a factor when I moved out..I don't regret it but I'd love to go on a real vacation.


Well I went to kickboxing last night, nobody from my work went because it was "Valentines Day" so it was only me and another lady..but it was nice, I got more attention on me and improved my skills and I pushed really hard and left with a good sweat. I plan on going tonight and possibly taking a break tomorrow and going again on Thursday..that's the plan anyway.


Protein drink for breakfast, 1 serving of triscuits with my chicken salad on top, raw sugar snap peas and raw baby carrots and I have fruit for a snack. Not sure what I will do for dinner tonight but will probably be something easy and light as I will most likely be exhausted when I get home.


Hope everyone has a great day! Should FINALLY be getting my jacket today..just in time cause it's freezing today!

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Hi girls,


Happy belated Valentine's Day!


I have been super busy at work, so just a quick note today!


We had another lunchtime meeting, and luckily I looked up the nutrition information beforehand! It was just a typical box lunch - sandwich, cookie, fresh fruit cup, and potato chips.


I googled the nutrition info because I was curious about the sandwiches - and they were all mostly over 1,000 calories!!! The cookie was 300 calories, too. There were a few sandwiches that were "only" 800-900, so I took one of those and ate half. I also ate half a package of the chips (150 calories divided by 2, so 75), and the fruit cup. I did eat half the cookie later in the day because I was hungry and had no other snacks. :( I did drink water instead of soda.


Can you believe that? They are all made from fresh ingredients, so I couldn't believe they were that bad. One sandwich had over 70 grams of fat!! This particular restaurant also makes their own bread, so I would think it would be a bit fresher or healthier, but no, that is not the case.


Anyway, just thought you would be interested in that tidbit, for the amount of total calories a lunch might be from there, would be more than a normal person needs in a day (if they ate the sandwich, chips, cookie, coke, etc.)


I made a really good fresh tomato soup, it also used a can of garbanzo beans, and the whole thing is pureed so that you don't even know the beans are in there! I might have that for dinner tonight.

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I know, I really should be saving money to move out, but I just can't bring myself to give up the extra money I have when living at home. :rolleyes:




I'll be having one of those lunches today. Last time they gave us turkey/ham sandwiches on white with chips, apple, brownie and I had a bottled water. I don't know what we will get this time, but that would be fine with me. My boss wasn't impressed last time, but I say hey, free lunch is fine with me.;)


So, I don't know why, but I started falling asleep at like 6:30 last night. I ate dinner (lemon dill salmon steamed, baked potato, rolls) and then I just started drifting. I did that until around 7:40 and got up and took a shower. Then took myself to bed around 9:30 after talking to my cruise buddy. Maybe that Zumba is having a bigger effect on me than I thought.


Looks like I'm gonna put down the deposit on a Spa balcony room this Friday when I get paid, then she is going to put her part down next Friday. I still have to figure out this whole Future Cruise Certf. OBC distribution thing. Someone told me just to have her go to the casino and put $50 on her account, don't play it of course, then take it straight to the casino bank and cash it out, then I can take and put it on my account at Guest Services. That was only if the Guest Services desk was really busy on embark. I mean it just seems silly that they wouldn't expect that some people wouldn't be cruising with a spouse or family that they would want to split the money with, so they should be able to credit it to one account or another when you book. Oh well, I guess it's like most things, you don't understand it unless you have to do it.


Anyway, its Hurry up and wait again today. Its getting really old. But I guess that's life sometimes. Sometimes you are really busy and others you just kinda have to float.


Good Choices.

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Sorry Brooke I wasn't meaning to imply that you should save your money and move out. I personally needed to move out not only for me but to improve my relationship with my family and I needed to learn more responsibility. Really I never cooked when I was living at my parents (mostly because they already had eaten by the time I got home at 6:30pm every night) So now it's a challenge to me but I need to learn it and it helps me learn how to budget more. Still I admit it's hard not being able to buy a Coach bag whenever I want or just take a random trip to foxwoods with $300 in my pocket. Everyone has there own paths in life and right now this is mine and just have to see where it goes from here.


Well my dad came to visit me yesterday for lunch. I told him I had a lunch but he brought veggie soup he made from scratch anyway..funny thing was when he got here I went to get my lunch from my car and realised I totally forgot my lunch at my place! So luckily my dad brought that soup and it was pretty good too.


I got my jacket in the mail and though I love the warmth of it and design..it's just too big. Since I'm only 5'3" it goes down to my knees and the arms on it hang down like a foot and the arms are too long also. I'm debating whether or not I should exchange it for a smaller size or just return it. :(


I did go to kickboxing last night..good class but Monday was better. Had an awesome omelette I made for dinner, inculding broccoli, tomatos, cheese and a little bit of shredded chicken.


Got on the scale this morning- bad idea. I'm up .6 from yesterday morning. I used to have my scale at work (everyone used it) and I never used it..but decided to bring it home and now I'm weighing myself everyday which is probably a dumb idea.


Anyways, brought the same lunch I was supposed to have yesterday and not going to kickboxing tonight, I have some laundry to do but I will go again tomorrow.


Have a great day everyone!

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