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I live in Funchal - Madeira Island. I can advice

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I think you'll have enough time to go have a look at the market. If you choose to take a taxi from the pier to the center, you'll be left right at the entrance to the market.


The Cable car station is not far from the market, so that'll help too.

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Funchal is a delightful place & very easy to navigate on your own. You can accomplish quite a bit in a short time. Here's what we did recently when we were there in Nov/09. Our plan was to see Mercado des Lavradores as early as possible, so we walked there from where our ship docked. It took us about 25-30 min to get to the market, walking at a brisk pace. We spent about 40 min there, sampling all sorts of wonderful fresh fruit & wandering around the fish stalls. En route to the market, we had stopped at a kiosk along the seafront promenade to purchase a combo ticket for entrance to the Botanical Gardens, R/T cable car to Monte & a public transit pass.


When we were finished at the market, we caught bus #31 to the Botanical Gardens & spend a most enjoyable 75 min there. Very lovely grounds & great sea vistas! Then we took the cable car to Monte from the Gardens. This is NOT the cable car that gives sweeping panoramic views of the city but it was still OK. In Monte, we visited the Church of Our Lady but unfortunately the Little Chapel was closed. The famous wicker baskets & their cute drivers were right outside the church, but alas nobody wanted rides that day. We watched for about 15 min hoping to see some action, but nada. We grabbed the cable car back to the Botanical Gardens & then got bus #31A to downtown Funchal. We got off near the market & walked back to the ship. Along the way back, we stopped to peek into Blandy’s Wine Lodge but we didn’t take a guided tour.


Thanks for all your help Biaria. We loved our brief time in Funchal & we hope to visit Nun’s Valley when we’re on Madeira again.

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Hi MightyQuinn,


Nice to know you enjoyed your visit to Madeira. It was my pleasure to help.


Yes, this is a good example of how to see Funchal on your own.


It was a good idea to buy the combo ticket, they usually are good value for money.


It's a pity you didn't manage to have a look at the wicker baskets in action, it would have been fun, well...there's always "next time".


Yes, keep in mind a visit to Nun's Valley for your next visit, you'll love it.


A Good Christmas to you and your family.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Biaria,

We have just returned from our cruise and were in Funchal on Monday last week.

I just wanted to say a big thank you for all your helpful advice over the last weeks.

My wife and I went up to Monte in the cable car and then the fantastic ride down in the toboggan. :eek: (our 2 sons 25 and 21 years would not come with us, the eldest would not even get in the cable car.)

Then we had a lovely time in the Botanical Gardens, I bet it looks really beautiful when the flowers are out in the spring / summer.

Afterwards all 4 of us had a relaxing afternoon around the streets looking at the shops and sitting outside a cafe later (it felt like half the afternoon).

And later the lights were beautiful as the evening came. It felt really odd wandering the streets in the warm sun with all the Christmas lights and decorations out.


Once again thank you and have a lovely Christmas.


Berwyn and Delyth

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Hi Cymro1953,


So nice to know you had such a good day in Madeira and I'm so pleased that my several posts were of help to you.


Funny your two sons not wanting to go up to Monte, maybe they wanted to explore Funchal on their own.


Yes, Christmas lights give a special sparkle to our town. It's good that you stayed here long enough to see them on. Interesting your mention of how odd it felt to look at Christmas lights with the sun shinning, we're lucky in that aspect as our winters are never too severe.


Let me wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Edited by biaria
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Wishing you the very same, Biaria. I truly hope that you and Daniel and your family had a wonderful, relaxing and peaceful Christmas!

It is so nice to have a local person able to answer questions and you are always 'there' to answer all of our questions, and answer them well!

'See' you on the boards!!

Happy New Year, too!!!


Hi everybody,


I wish you all and your families a


Happy Christmas


and a



Wonderful New Year with lots and lots of cruising.

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Wishing you the very same, Biaria. I truly hope that you and Daniel and your family had a wonderful, relaxing and peaceful Christmas!


It is so nice to have a local person able to answer questions and you are always 'there' to answer all of our questions, and answer them well!


'See' you on the boards!!


Happy New Year, too!!!


Hello ladysail2,


So nice to see you here!


Our Christmas was excellent, it was spent with our famliy and close relatives and we had so much fun together.


I'm so pleased I have been able to help with all the queries that have been sent my way, so - everybody - any doubts that may arise concerning Madeira, feel free to ask me.


Happy New Year,


With Love,



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Hi Biaria - I see you have provided some excellent information on this site. I have a couple questions I hope you can answer. We will be in Funchal Wed. Mar. 3 from 10-6. We hope to visit the market, take the cable car to Monte, visit the Tropical gardens and maybe take the tobaggan back. I have read on another site that taxis sometimes charged E20 to return to town from the tobaggan stop - is there truth to this? Otherwise is the bus close by? Anything else you would recommend? Will flowers be in bloom in early March there?

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Hello stubbornoldowl,


Thank you for the kind words.


That's correct, taxi drivers at the end of the Toboggan ride tend to overcharge and they may well ask you 20 euros for a ride back to town. Try to negociate with them first and don't pay more than 10 euros. A good trick is to take a taxi at the end of the line in the taxi rank, as they'll be more receptive to take you for 10 euros, but, still, negociate first. If, instead of getting back to town, you ask the driver to take you back to the ship, a normal rate will be 15 euros.


There's a bus stop close by also and a ticket bought inside the bus is now 2.10 euros per person, per ride, so it may be a good alternative.


If you still have time, I can recommend a visit to a Museum or to a Wine Lodge for instance, if that interests you.


Yes, in early March flowers will be in bloom.


Have a Happy New Year and enjoy Madeira.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello Biaria ---


We're planning a cruise that has two days in Funchal in very early November. We visited Funchal last year and did a bus tour that took us up into the mountains, then allowed a little time for shopping. I'm really excited to return to your beautiful island.


This year we're thinking of touring the island on Day 1, and using the Funchal HoHo bus and doing the Monte basket ride on Day 2 (which is shorter).


Would you recommend our renting a car to tour parts of the island? Which do you think is more interesting ... the eastern or western portion of the island? I've seen bus tours being offered for both directions, and am not sure which has more to see. What's your opinion?


Thanks so much


Carol in South Carolina

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Hello Carol,


Nice to know you'll be here again this year.


The western part of the Island is considered to be the most interesting and is, usually, a first choice. However, for the people who already know the western part, I recommend they do the eastern tour as well, because it's also very good.


If you feel confident driving in unknown places, you may like to drive here as well, the only negative point being that you won't be as relaxed as when someone is driving you.


Enjoy your weekend!

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Hi BiaRia

We will be in Funchal on Saturday May 22nd from 8am to 5pm

I have been looking for things to do which would be suitable for us. Neither my husband nor I can walk long distances or up very steep hills. I am also concerned that I have heard that everywhere is steep hills and cobbled streets.

In addition I do not like heights so the cable car is out for us.

I have been looking at booking a tour at Blandy's Wine Lodge. I have also heard about a wine museum called Adegas de Sao Francisco but cannot find any details. Would this be open on a Saturday? Would we have to book to go there? Would it be a waste to do this as well as Blandy's?

Another museum I have heard of is the Madeira Story Centre. I can't seem to find many details of that either.

In one of your posts you mentioned a HOHO bus. Where can we pick that up? Where does it go?

Any other suggestions for an older couple like us.



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Hi BiaRia


We will be in Funchal on Saturday May 22nd from 8am to 5pm


I have been looking for things to do which would be suitable for us. Neither my husband nor I can walk long distances or up very steep hills. I am also concerned that I have heard that everywhere is steep hills and cobbled streets.


In addition I do not like heights so the cable car is out for us.


I have been looking at booking a tour at Blandy's Wine Lodge. I have also heard about a wine museum called Adegas de Sao Francisco but cannot find any details. Would this be open on a Saturday? Would we have to book to go there? Would it be a waste to do this as well as Blandy's?


Another museum I have heard of is the Madeira Story Centre. I can't seem to find many details of that either.


In one of your posts you mentioned a HOHO bus. Where can we pick that up? Where does it go?


Any other suggestions for an older couple like us.




I suggest you use a private guide/taxi. We used Daniel and he was fantastic and reasonable. He will pick you up at the port and show you his island. He can create a tour based on your physical abilities.


The tour at Blandy's was short and you would still require a taxi from the port to downtown Funchal. Downtown Funchal was easy to walk around...shops, market, etc. Daniel will really allow you to explore Funchal beyond the downtown area and at your pace. His lovely wife Eusebia will be happy to plan your specific itinerary.



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We have booked with Daniel for these exact reasons. We like to go at our own pace and do not require marathon touring. Daniel's wonderful wife has helped us so much with our planning. We know it will be a great day and wonderful way to celebrate our #20 anniversary.

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Hi BiaRia


We will be in Funchal on Saturday May 22nd from 8am to 5pm


I have been looking for things to do which would be suitable for us. Neither my husband nor I can walk long distances or up very steep hills. I am also concerned that I have heard that everywhere is steep hills and cobbled streets.


In addition I do not like heights so the cable car is out for us.


I have been looking at booking a tour at Blandy's Wine Lodge. I have also heard about a wine museum called Adegas de Sao Francisco but cannot find any details. Would this be open on a Saturday? Would we have to book to go there? Would it be a waste to do this as well as Blandy's?


Another museum I have heard of is the Madeira Story Centre. I can't seem to find many details of that either.


In one of your posts you mentioned a HOHO bus. Where can we pick that up? Where does it go?


Any other suggestions for an older couple like us.





Hi Carol,

Blandy’s Wine Lodge and Adegas de São Francisco are exactly the same thing. If you appreciate wine, I think you’ll enjoy their guided tour. On Saturdays they’re open from 9am till 1pm, with the guided tour being at 11am, I believe, but confirm, please. You can book your guided tour in advance and online.

Madeira Story Centre is also interesting and there’s an entrance ticket to combine this with Blandy Wine Lodge, giving you a discount, however they also have a special price for seniors. If you Google Madeira Story Centre, I think you’ll find their website.

Madeira Story Centre opens at 10am and closes at 6pm. They say a visit lasts for about 90 minutes, so you better leave it for after your guided tour at Blandy’s.

As you can’t walk very much, I recommend you use some kind of transport from the pier to town, as well as from Blandy to the Story Centre. Tell your driver to leave you in the vicinity of Blandy Wine Lodge, if it’s too early for your visit you can explore the area in the meantime.

I’d recommend a visit to our Market. It’s not far from the Story Centre and I think you’ll manage to walk from one to another. The Market closes at 2pm on Saturdays, so, if you’re interested, you better visit the market before the Story Centre.

Funchal, and Madeira for that matter, is, certainly, not “everywhere steep hills and cobbled streets”. The person that told you about the cobbled streets must have been here ages ago.

The yellow HOHO bus can be taken along the waterfront and does two tours: one to several interesting points in the Funchal area and another one to Câmara de Lobos, a small fishing town. You buy a 12 euro per person ticket and you can use the HOHO as much as you like, as well as the yellow public buses.

Have a pleasant day in Madeira.

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It is so kind of you to provide so much useful information to those of us coming to Funchal.


We will arrive on Monday, April 26 for a short visit from 2:00PM to 8:00PM.


I do not like cable cars but we would like to travel by bus to Monte to visit the Botanical Gardens. I have been searching for information and there seem to be several bus companies. Could you give me some information about bus numbers and whether or not a Giro ticket can be used? Also we will be at the port. Where do buses leave from that would be going to our destination? Once we reach Monte is it easy to find the gardens? Lots of questions but knowing ahead of time helps things go better especially with limited time.


Thank you for your help

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Hello see you soon,


Thank you for the nice words, it’s my pleasure to help you have a pleasant time in Madeira.


That’s right, we have several bus companies, but for your ride up to Monte you take the yellow public bus n.20 or 21, both say Monte and have their last stop in Largo da Fonte, after a short walk you’ll be in the Gardens. Or you can take bus n.22 Babosas, that finishes very close to the Gardens.


N.20 and 21 leave from the very beginning of Rua 31 de Janeiro and n.22 leaves from Rua Artur Pinga. Rua means Street and these two streets are not far from the waterfront. If you’re good walkers, in about 30 to 40 minutes you’ll get from the ship to these bus stops. Rua Artur Pinga is further away than Rua 31 de Janeiro, though.


A map will most certainly help you get there, otherwise you can always ask for directions.


You’ll definitely use a Giro ticket to travel in the yellow public buses. A ticket bought inside the bus costs 2.10 euros per person.


The Gardens in Monte are Monte Palace Tropical Gardens. The real Botanical Gardens are somewhere else.


Have a nice day on the Island.

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It is so wonderful to have someone gracious to explain may things about your wonderful city. Can you please tell me how far a flight would be from Malaga and to Maderia and if you recommend an overnight visit? We'll be in the Costa del Sol for 2-3 weeks in late April-May. Thanks,

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Hello susierailroad,


Apparently flights from Malaga to Madeira are via Lisbon and after I seached into our airport's website, I figured out they take an average of 4h30m. This is a rather long journey for such a short distance, a direct flight would take half the time or even less, I'm sure.


I think I'd recommend you staying in Madeira for, at the very least, two, or even better, three nights. And I'm sure you'll feel like coming back for a longer stay.


Have a good stay in Costa del Sol...and Madeira as well.

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