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Excuse me, but did you mention to your children what you said in the first line? I am from NJ and I do not, nor anyone in my family, use the F word ... Stereotyping you were saying ...:rolleyes:


I think she must have been referring to "North Jersey." :D In "South Jersey," an entirely different state, we do not use such language! ;)

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Maybe it is just me, because I am usually one of the last into the dining room; but I have seem the big lines of people pushing to get into the dining room like it was a buffet. We are all going to eat at the same time, what is the rush? Aren't we on vacation? But as soon as the doors open, the people on line start pushing their way in. This does not happen all the time, just at the beginning or special nights.

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On our 2nd Cruise while walkign to our room, we see the man coming in opposite direction carrying luggage, well as he passed, he grumbles, saying, "I had to go and get my own luggage."Amazingly we hadn't been on board 1 hour. We found out that evening he and his wife were also at our table. During the intire cruise all he could do was complain. If it had not been for his wife we would have requested a change. We felt sorry for our waiter.

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This amazes me too. Some people act like the ship is going to run out of food!!


Yeah, I had this on Indy last year as well in the Windjammer. So frustrating. That and the way people would hog the tables for ages, with one person just sitting at a table of six, and with no other tables around, look at you strangely if you ask if you could sit down with them, like we're invading their private space.


Time and time again in the Windjammer, I would see people not only overload their plate, but do combinations that you wouldn't do at home. That and the fact they leave 75% of it as well upset me, as I don't like seeing food that has been prepared by staff for hours being wasted stupidly.


Eventually just went down to one of the smaller cafes on the promenade to get lunch. Just got fed up of the bunfight and the stupid behaviour of other passengers.


The sunbed hogging is another thing that shocked me as well. Just can't see how people can be so selfish. When we were on some sunbeds, this lady wanted to sit down, and as the chair next to us which was originally being used by one of our sons was at that time free, invited her to take the seat after some obnoxious baffoon told her to f*** off when she went to move someone's towel off a sunbed that had obviously not been used for several hours.



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I think she must have been referring to "North Jersey." :D In "South Jersey," an entirely different state, we do not use such language! ;)

Actually, I'm from North Jersey (ie: actually New Jersey) and I think she meant to say it was the South of Jersey (ie: Long Island) that uses that language!:p:D:p

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Excuse me, but did you mention to your children what you said in the first line? I am from NJ and I do not, nor anyone in my family, use the F word ... Stereotyping you were saying ...:rolleyes:


I feel your pain moodawgie. We are from the south (NC) and have become used to southerners being stereo typed as uneducated racists. While there are those kinds, we find that the mix is really no different anywhere else we have been. Around here, those from the northeast are stereotyped to be rude, loud, and obnoxious, but that has not been my experience at all when traveling there. Again, the mix is about the same no matter where we go.


I do travel to NJ (south Jersey) quite often on business and find it to be much more similar to NC than different. I really like the area & the people and have always been treated well. My company wants us to relocate there and we just might do it after our daughter graduates. The only drawback seems to be that the taxes are much higher than here, but NC is working to close that gap!!


A friend from NJ once asked me the difference between a southern redneck and a NJ redneck. "You can't mount a shotgun rack in a Trans AM". :p

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aloha of the seas, i know what you mean.

because of the push to get into the dinning room we would just show up a little late to avoid it.

waiting like cattle and being pushed when the doors opened kind of ruined the elegent atmosphere of the dinning room. although if you stand back and watch all these people squished together in their formal wear it is pretty funny:) problem solved when we just showed up 5 min after the "rush":)

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A few years ago we did a excursion from St Thomas to St Johns my DW and I were walking along the beach when we saw a pair of swim trunks wash up on the shore. DW said I wonder whose they are just as looked up there was this couple in the water going at it. When the couple got back on the boat to return to St Thomas the man had his swim trunks on inside out.

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A friend from NJ once asked me the difference between a southern redneck and a NJ redneck. "You can't mount a shotgun rack in a Trans AM". :p


Way too funny. I live in Atlanta now, but grew up in Central NJ and there were quite a few Trans Ams at my school. I think you can also substitute Camaro and it will also work for NJ.

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This is what happened on our cruise to Jamacia a few years ago.

On our shore excursion (RC sponsored), we went to a few places: a rum factory, shopping and to Dunn River Falls.

There was a passenger on there that we will never forget...her name was Eunice. First, at the rum factory, our tour guide told us that for those that wanted to climb the Falls, to change into bathing suits before boarding the bus. Ok, we leave the factory and about 5 or 10 min down the road, Eunice is rummaging through her bags and says "I left my camera back there". We turn around to go get it..everyone thought it had to be an expensive camera. Guess what? It was a NEW disposable camera that had not even been used yet.. Next..Eunice strikes again at the shopping area..When we arrive to shop, our tour guide tells us when to be back on the bus....everybody on the bus says: "Did you hear that Eunice??" Needless to say, Eunice was late again!! When we get to the Falls, Eunice says "I need to change clothes" the tour guide was getting very upset by now (so were the other passengers) By this time we are at least 30 min behind schedule. Everybody wanted to get back in time to go to Margaritaville. If it kept going like it had, we wouldn't make it to Margaritaville. Several couples (including us) got together and put a really good tip together and asked Oscar (the driver) if he would take us to Margaritaville after we took pics of the falls! He did! Everytime we saw Eunice on the ship, I wanted to trip her!!!

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A few years ago we did a excursion from St Thomas to St Johns my DW and I were walking along the beach when we saw a pair of swim trunks wash up on the shore. DW said I wonder whose they are just as looked up there was this couple in the water going at it. When the couple got back on the boat to return to St Thomas the man had his swim trunks on inside out.



That made me laugh out loud!:D

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On the Mariner last year, I had gone to get some fries and onion rings from Johnny Rockets before meeting my husband and our friends in the Solarium hot tub. When I got there, there was another couple chatting away in the hot tub who were obviously highly intoxicated. The woman was drinking some sort of rum-based drink from a Big Gulp sized cup. I had set the fries by the side of the tub while I got settled in and the Big Gulp lady comes swimming over and starts eating my fries. Then, in a moment of clarity, she realized that maybe it was uncouth to do that and offered me a sip from her Big Gulp in return. I refused. She proceeded to do seal tricks for more fries which I gladly handed over to her.

Not totally shocking, but it gave us a good laugh...



This one gave DW and I a good laugh too!!

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These are hilarious!!!!


Sorry I keep posting, but I was also on Brilliance, and as I've posted before, we had originally booked the Smith's cabin, but then changed it once we found out, for fear of gawkers. Sure enough, we ended up down the hall, and this sweet elderly couple ended up in their room. People would knock on their door day and night to ask if they could come in and look in the room and take pictures of the balcony! The couple didn't know what the fuss was about until someone told them, then they put a note on the door on the third night politely asking people not to bother them. I couldn't believe that people made special trips just to see this room!



I'm Sorry if this is a stupid question, but what exactly is "Smith's Cabin"?

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That would be the room where George Allen Smith fell off the balcony to his death on his honeymoon back in 2005. This was a big story at the time as there were allegations that it was actually a murder. No one has ever been charged.


This is the short version of the "Smith" cabin...

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At the Windjammer one afternoon, this lady and her 10 year old visited every food island in the whole place. At each island the little girl managed to sneeze and cough continuously all over the plates of food. She whipped her face and nose with her hand, and touched almost every serving spoon in each area. I could not believe it and mom never said a word, just kept calling the child to come to one food island after another.

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one time a guy came to the reception desk upset that he still didn't get the ice bucket he requested. He went on to say "if its not done in 5 minutes im going to come cut your fingers off, break your knees...." before we cut him off.



One time a guy was SCREAMING at my coworker once because he had a rental car in Maui and he thought there were not enough signs on the road showing where the ship is. For starters thats not our problem and also you can see the ship for miles away. What was bad was the guy made such a huge scene that the following few days random passengers would come up to my coworker and say "bless you..i cant believe you had to take that" it was crazy.

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People, usually a man, in Swim Attire that is a few sizes small. Someone that needs to push through the buffet, load a plate sky high and then not eat everything. A topless women riding a horse in Ocho Rios (Wasn't really a bother). But, My funniest cruise happining is probably watching my wife run after some other guy thinking it was me while complaining that I always don't pay attention to her.

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Let's see.... I guess after 15 cruises (#16 in Sept.), we've seen plenty of amazing stuff, and met plenty of amazing people. I guess two things still stick in our minds, and always bring a chuckle. We,too, had the older woman in the bathing suit changing while wrapped in a towel. Now, even for the young, this requires a bit of dexterity, and is certainly something generally missing when you're, oh, 70'ish. Despite her best intentions, she lost that towel just a bit too soon. While the polite thing would have been to look away, it was very much one of those proverbial car wrecks you've got to look at. Actually, now that I think of it again, the polite thing would have been for her to head back to her stateroom, or at least, the nearest restroom.

On another Caribbean voyage, we were enjoying breakfast in the Windjammer before disembarking in, I believe, St. Martin. While I realize one of the joys of cruising lies in encountering varied cultural differences, this one caught hundreds of us off guard. There they were, an elderly Asain couple, carrying their trays thru the Windjammer, looking for a suitable table, dressed ONLY in their Royal Caribbean robes and slippers. That's one I haven't seen before or since.

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Our very first cruise we had the great fortune to sit at a primo table in the MDR with a Hollywood producer and his wife. Don't ask me who this guy was, I have no clue, but I don't think he was as famous as he thought he was.


Anyways, it was his and his young, beautiful (trophy?) wife's first cruise as well, and frankly he hated everything about it. He hated their suite, she was seasick just about the whole time (crewmemberd did tell us it was an unusually choppy cruise) and he especially hated the food. And he couldn't wait to tell us all about how much they hated everything every night at dinner.


He yelled at all of the waiters and one night even picked up his entire plate of food and threw it in the trash and ordered another dinner entirely. Being new at cruising, we had no idea we even had the option of asking to be reseated somewhere else, so we just sat there and endured it.


We did feel vindicated somewhat though when they nearly missed the ship in St. Thomas. Apparently they were haggling with a jeweler over buying a Rolex and a Tag (yes, one of each) watches and got stuck in traffic and had to run back to the ship. The captain left with out them and made them JUMP from the dock to the ship. We quite enjoyed watching the whole escapade from the balcony. The man started to argue with the captain about it, but the captain just stood there with his arms folded across his chest and said nothing.


That night at dinner, the man sat very quietly at dinner and complained about nothing. It was the best night's dinner we had on the ship!



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SeaUs are you sailing September 19th on Liberty? Are you interested in joining the meet and mingle?


I have sailed on Grandeur, but that was in 2005!

Trouble is, I always sign up and never get to go as I'm so busy being Ta -Tour Guide for those that come in my group.

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I think she must have been referring to "North Jersey." :D In "South Jersey," an entirely different state, we do not use such language! ;)

That's funny. When people ask where I'm from I never say New York because most think the city. And we know what reputation the city folks have in general.

I always say upstate NY.

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Jaw-dropping on the Jewel:


At the "taco-bar" area of the buffet one day, a guy drops the cheese tongs on the floor. (Shredded cheese is everywhere). Myself and another lady couldn't stop him quickly enough before he picked up the tongs and puts it back in the cheese! I stepped in going "no, no, no" .... gave him the "duuuuhhhh" look, and called over an attendant to take the cheese away. The other lady patted me on the back and said "good girl". :o

I deliver food to restaurants for a living and what I see would make the dead sit up.

Especially Mexican and Chinese Restaurants.

They think absolutely nothing of putting it back whether it's food or utensils. I'll never eat in one.

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We were on a Southern Caribbean cruise and did a tour on St Lucia. The ship dropped the tour at the town near the volcano and sailed on the main port. We boarded mini-vans and drove to see the volcano. The guide told us when to be back. We were all back in the van and were waiting for one couple. The other vans were long gone when they came sauntering back to the van. We were not happy with them.


The second part of the tour invloved boarding a catamaran and having lunch. We asked not to leave the boat. You guessed it, they wondered off. No one noticed so when it was time to sail to the main port and meet up with the ship, we did.


We heard they had gone ballistic when they finally found there own way across St Lucia and got back to the ship. We and other people on the tour went to the excursion desk to defend the operator. They were so

traumatized by the event that they left the ship in Caracus and flew home.


It's tough to learn the world doesn't revolve around you!

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