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Just off the CB on 7/26


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Perhaps Princess and other lines should a have a teen curfew--say 1:00 or 2:00 for teens without their parents. It might eliminate some of the all-night revelry but would not hamper families enjoying the nightlife together. I might be a bit off base here, but why do teens need to be out at 3:00 AM?


I also think teens gone wild in the middle of the night is a tragedy waiting to happen. Most cannot handle alcohol and have an exaggerated idea of their own immortality. Alcohol, water, teens out all night--lethal mix.


I am not a stick-in-the-mud or anti-teen; I happen to love young people and have chosen a career in which I spend most of my time with them. But I also have seen the tragic consequences of their actions. They are, after all, teens. Think of some of the stupid things each of us did at this age--ever wonder how you survived :rolleyes:.


A curfew would make parents responsible for their teens. Perhaps a fine (with a warning first) would make parents exercise a bit more parental control.


I agree 100% - they SHOULD have a curfew. To the poster who complained about security not helping you look for your son - I'm sorry - your son is your responsibility - not the responsibility of security. If we were talking about a young child, that is a whole other story - but your son was 17 and he didn't respect your curfew. Security is there to ensure all passengers are safe and if something urgent had occurred while security were out looking for your son (who was no doubt out having a good time) then there would have been hell to pay. That is a huge liability - you should only ever engage security for a very good reason. Not to look out for a 17 year old who missed a curfew by 30 mins.

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I see this will be your honeymoon cruise and your first. First of all I sympathize with Klugh... I don't think you realize how hard it is to keep track of the teens as a parent. The ship is huge... They are teens. If you have children please keep in mind that teen years will be your roughest. They want to be independent. There is no way to communicate on the ship. We tried walkie talkies and they didn't work. As far as curfew it is hard to set a curfew when princess allows the teen club to stay open till 3 am. That was my kids arguing point. So their curfew was 3 am. Do you think I slept till they were in the room .... no I did not. I cannot go to sleep until my kids are in their room. Do I want them to have fun. ... Yes ... so that is how I allow it. They bond with so many of the other kids. It is actually nice to see kids of different backgrounds who probably would never be friends under other circumstances become friends for a week. It is such a growth experience for them. They meet kids from other parts of the country and such different lives. I am glad that my kids experience this rather than just knowing their little existence in NJ. Cruising is the only kind of vacation that my kids will go on now. They love meeting new people. They are still communicating with them now. So how do we create a balance?? I don't know. It is hard being a parent of a teen. I have had those scares not knowing where my teens were. I was fortunate the last night to find someone who knew my kids to point me in the right direction. For me to give up some sleep so that they could have a great time was ok for me. But they had their rules too. They needed to behave and respect curfew and call me when they were in the room. Any indescretion would have resulted in no teen activities. So give the teen parents a little bit of a break. Understand that there are good parents and bad parents out there. I really wish we could come up with a system for cruising that would allow for better communication. It is really the hardest part for me with cruising and not communicating with my children. Even my 13 year old stayed out till 12. I gave up my nights and just watched MUTS so she would know where I was. She needed to stop by the movie on the hour to check in. Maybe we could all brainstorm and figure out a communication idea that could work so parents/teens had more accountability.

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We have just returned from this cruise 7-17/7-26. The captain made several announcements that parents were responsible for their children to no avail. There was a sign that said "hot tub, adults only" filled with kids, whose parents were nearby watching them in the hot tub. The parents seemed to think they were on vacation and had no responsibility at all for their children. The cruise itself was wonderful, I agree that the food was quite good. Our cabin was warm at times, but we heard that complaint often from lots of passengers. We did not let the weather, rampaging teens or poor AC ruin our trip.

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I see this will be your honeymoon cruise and your first. First of all I sympathize with Klugh... I don't think you realize how hard it is to keep track of the teens as a parent. The ship is huge... They are teens. If you have children please keep in mind that teen years will be your roughest. They want to be independent. There is no way to communicate on the ship. We tried walkie talkies and they didn't work. As far as curfew it is hard to set a curfew when princess allows the teen club to stay open till 3 am. That was my kids arguing point. So their curfew was 3 am. Do you think I slept till they were in the room .... no I did not. I cannot go to sleep until my kids are in their room. Do I want them to have fun. ... Yes ... so that is how I allow it. They bond with so many of the other kids. It is actually nice to see kids of different backgrounds who probably would never be friends under other circumstances become friends for a week. It is such a growth experience for them. They meet kids from other parts of the country and such different lives. I am glad that my kids experience this rather than just knowing their little existence in NJ. Cruising is the only kind of vacation that my kids will go on now. They love meeting new people. They are still communicating with them now. So how do we create a balance?? I don't know. It is hard being a parent of a teen. I have had those scares not knowing where my teens were. I was fortunate the last night to find someone who knew my kids to point me in the right direction. For me to give up some sleep so that they could have a great time was ok for me. But they had their rules too. They needed to behave and respect curfew and call me when they were in the room. Any indescretion would have resulted in no teen activities. So give the teen parents a little bit of a break. Understand that there are good parents and bad parents out there. I really wish we could come up with a system for cruising that would allow for better communication. It is really the hardest part for me with cruising and not communicating with my children. Even my 13 year old stayed out till 12. I gave up my nights and just watched MUTS so she would know where I was. She needed to stop by the movie on the hour to check in. Maybe we could all brainstorm and figure out a communication idea that could work so parents/teens had more accountability.


I totally get it - I do. And you are right - it is NOT easy raising a teenager - I should know, I was one once and a mighty rambunctious one I was at that! :D I think what this boils down to is a teenager learning to respect their parent's rules. If they say 3am, then they need to be back at 3am - not 3:15 nor 3:30...but you can't blame security for not leaving their post and hunting down this particular missing teen after missing just a half hour curfew, right? (If it were 5am or 6am then of course, I would expect security to get up off their ass and help because something could have happened).

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Sounds like they went back to the regular size lobster tails.

On my last cruise, they were the size of a shrimp...:(..:cool:


They did not go back to anything its still the same.

The $25 fee covers the smaller lobster tails, the $9 upcharge covers the 12 ounce Brazillian. (I guess if they have it :rolleyes:).

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UGH TO BOTH. Thank God ours are grown and will be staying home when we head off on our 8/22 cruise on the CB in a few weeks. I remember 10 years or so ago traveling with both our boys (18 & 19 at the time) and it was fun but like BSKMOM says - it's no picnic with kids. It's a lot of worrying and late night checking on them - IF YOU CARE! She's my kind of hands on mom. GOOD JOB BSKMOM! My kids behaved in a way that made us proud on that cruise. Some parents just d o n t c a r e BUT if their little darling was drunk enough and fell overboard I shudder to think of their reaction.


As far as the a/c goes.....I'm kinda worried. I see these kinds of posts all over the place. Do you thinnnnnk Princess would address them. I already know to draw the curtains in the room and keep the a/c cranking. I have a friend who we are traveling with that is ALWAYS HOT - I dare not even mention this to her. I hope it's fixed by the time we sail - although I doubt it. I would rather bring a sweater than sweat to death. U G H Not everyone is in their 20's/30's and 110 pounds.... :)

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Sounds like they went back to the regular size lobster tails.

On my last cruise, they were the size of a shrimp...:(..:cool:


I forgot to mention to you that with the lobster tails, there were two "tiger prawns". They were the largest shrimp I've seen just about anywhere. Really an excellent dinner that night. Being somewhat cynical by nature, I had silently considered whether the huge shrimp was to fill you up so you don't ask for more lobster. But Edgar just brought on the lobster anyway. I hope this is not too much by way of detail.

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We have just returned from this cruise 7-17/7-26. The captain made several announcements that parents were responsible for their children to no avail. There was a sign that said "hot tub, adults only" filled with kids, whose parents were nearby watching them in the hot tub. The parents seemed to think they were on vacation and had no responsibility at all for their children. The cruise itself was wonderful, I agree that the food was quite good. Our cabin was warm at times, but we heard that complaint often from lots of passengers. We did not let the weather, rampaging teens or poor AC ruin our trip.



I do basically agree with you. I don't think it completely ruined our trip. But surely you understand that one night of no sleep followed by early disembarkation, preceded by apologetic but helpless staff can taint the experience. Whether it happens to you personally or not, the cruise lines need to seriously deal with this issue. It not only affects the enjoyment of the cruise, it is a huge safety issue, especially on a ship.

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I guess this is why I cruise when schools in session. Almost never see a teen.




The same with us....I wouldn't think of taking a cruise in the middle of summer with the possibility of hundreds of kids being aboard. (unless it's Alaska) Unfortunately everybody can't be so lucky as to choose the "right" time of year. After the Princess Brownie Riot of 2006 on the Crown, I thought they would have improved the security somewhat but it appears it's slipping back to the same old ways.

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They did not go back to anything its still the same.

The $25 fee covers the smaller lobster tails, the $9 upcharge covers the 12 ounce Brazillian. (I guess if they have it :rolleyes:).

I wasn't referring to the Specialty Dining Lobster....:rolleyes:

I was referring to the lobster in the "Main" dining room.

As FiveFamily stated ~ the ones at regular dining were in between, I'd say about 6-8 oz.


I think you have seen my photo what I was served last yr. :(



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I also agree there should be a curfew for teenagers. I think 1AM is late enough for these kids. There should also be more security on the ships. Other passengers should not have to suffer because these teenagers are allowed to stay out all night and get drunk.Would like to know where they were able to get their hands on liquor.Did adults buy it for them?

Also want to "Thank You " also for your very honest review and sorry to hear about the teenagers misbehaving on the last night. Its ashame your cruise had to end this way.

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I am the mother of a 16 year old boy. I have yet to take him on a cruise. I would fully support the idea of a curfew on board, not only because of my child, but to address boundries for the other teens, as well. Unfortunately sometimes when they get together, they can develop a bit of a pack mentality. Before you send the flames, I am speaking for my own child too.

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Curfew for kids would make my life easier. Constant battling with my teens to be in at a reasonable hour (1 am) while they tell me "all the others don't have a curfew" is not fun! When they come in late, we ALL lose sleep for the night. I'll be on the CB next week, and I'm dreading the arguments all over again.

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Yeah I have to cruise when the kids are in as well dont ever do a cruise in the summer time unless you want to see them. I always love people that think it was the other kids that did it but some how they know who it was but not them. Kinda makes me think about the old "my teacher hates me" thing kids always say, its not them. But its all good, dont know what you wanted security to do get on the PA "hey kid your moms looking for you".

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God Bless you bskmom seems to me you are doing a good job. What a worry! Fortunately at this point in my life I have a 33, 31 but then there is the 25 year old. Having said that I think you were the responsible parent. As to Klug post, I don't think it is up to security to track your children down. I think all parents should be responsible and have check in times during the time period that they are out alone on a cruise ship. Too much can happen. It is not up to the secuity people (who do not speak English well as you stated) to know where your child is. Klug I am not saying you are not a responsilbe parent so please do not take this post that way. We as parents have to take that responsibility.

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maybe that is the answer.... each teen gets their own code. Code Bobby go to your room.... In all seriousness I think most of us parents would like some kind of curfew.. as I said having Princess have the teen club open till 3 am really hurt my argument. But I did win when it was the night before a port they had to be in their room by 1 am. Maybe when we cruise us parents that want their kids in earlier should start a roll call and get those kids together so they can't say "but all the other kids..." Either that or put collars on them so we can zap them when it is time to come in.


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Good for you,kendon and other parents who put their own curfew on their kids.

I do think the teen club staying open until 3am is a bit late. Doesn"t help you at all. So much peer pressure out there and kids want to be part of the group.so maybe we should all send an e-mail message to princess requesting an earlier closing for the teen club. That would be a good start.

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I do basically agree with you. I don't think it completely ruined our trip. But surely you understand that one night of no sleep followed by early disembarkation, preceded by apologetic but helpless staff can taint the experience. Whether it happens to you personally or not, the cruise lines need to seriously deal with this issue. It not only affects the enjoyment of the cruise, it is a huge safety issue, especially on a ship.


We were on deck 14 and agree with your comments. I would also like to send a letter. Can you advise who it should be sent to and the address. We were up until 3 and had to be off by 7:15 so it was a terrible night for us too.



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maybe that is the answer.... each teen gets their own code. Code Bobby go to your room.... In all seriousness I think most of us parents would like some kind of curfew.. as I said having Princess have the teen club open till 3 am really hurt my argument. But I did win when it was the night before a port they had to be in their room by 1 am. Maybe when we cruise us parents that want their kids in earlier should start a roll call and get those kids together so they can't say "but all the other kids..." Either that or put collars on them so we can zap them when it is time to come in.



Collar zappers! hahaha!! I like that one!

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Interestingly, the teen club on the Crown in November closed 3 am some nights, while the Ruby this past February had earlier hours. I hope that's a trend and 1 am is the LATEST. I heard enough stories about kids sneaking on vodka in water bottles, and possibly getting from their parents bottle in the room! This said, my boys are not allowed in anyones rooms...only public spaces. And, they cannot bring anyone into our room AT ALL. There's not much between the ship and the ocean, so we keep the shenanigans to a minimum. Boy, did we hijack this thread, or what! Apologies to the OP. But, this is a serious issue for the kids, families, and fellow cruisers.

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Interestingly, the teen club on the Crown in November closed 3 am some nights, while the Ruby this past February had earlier hours. I hope that's a trend and 1 am is the LATEST. I heard enough stories about kids sneaking on vodka in water bottles, and possibly getting from their parents bottle in the room! This said, my boys are not allowed in anyones rooms...only public spaces. And, they cannot bring anyone into our room AT ALL. There's not much between the ship and the ocean, so we keep the shenanigans to a minimum. Boy, did we hijack this thread, or what! Apologies to the OP. But, this is a serious issue for the kids, families, and fellow cruisers.




Your two guys are good kids and I hope you all have a GREAT cruise! I'd love to hear from you when you get back! (Apologies also for the highjacking).

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Maybe I should explain my situation a little clearer about the security! First of all I am a very responsible parent. We were on this cruise for my son’s graduation and he was valedictorian of his class and a great kid. What I was trying to say was I was in a panic situation and crazy thought going through my head and when I stopped the security to see if he has seen any kids, (And no response) What upset me was because he couldn’t understand what I was trying to ask him! And the reason for my first post was I think cruise lines should have better security not for looking for my son but for any emergency. They should be able to speak a little English and be able to control all situations. I didn’t want him to get on the PA ,( help me find my son) but maybe just a little help for a frantic mother.

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