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Anyone Alternate Day Diet (JUDDDD or Johnson UpDayDownDay Diet)?


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oh honey I'm so disappointed for you. That sucks!!:(


Please don't let it put you off or ruin your whole day. Take a breather today and do something nice for yourself then take a deep breath and see where you might make some adjustments. don't forget that your own biology may be playing a part in this in terms of water retention etc. Maybe you need to consider changing up your workout routine? There is an explanation; you'll find it and you'll get back on track.


Big hugs - Elizabeth

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Welcome Tammy! :D

Hi Gals. Misty I have a feeling that your gain may have come from sodium from the Japenese resturant. I bet tomorrow it will be gone. So drink your water ;)


I am not a vegetarian. I could be a lacto -ovo but I live with a bunch of carnivors.

I do not eat Veal. Where I went to college there was a veal farm near by and saw those poor babies tied up to little houses and they could not roam free. So I do take a stand there.


Had a good weekend. Did eat too much yesterday. But back on track today.

Take care everyone!


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Welcome Tammy! :D

Hi Gals. Misty I have a feeling that your gain may have come from sodium from the Japanese restaurant. I bet tomorrow it will be gone. So drink your water ;)


I am not a vegetarian. I could be a lacto -ovo but I live with a bunch of carnivores.

I do not eat Veal. Where I went to college there was a veal farm near by and saw those poor babies tied up to little houses and they could not roam free. So I do take a stand there.


Had a good weekend. Did eat too much yesterday. But back on track today.

Take care everyone!


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yeah Nora I think you're right. all the way to work I was thinking "...sodium's the problem". Anyway, Misty keep your eyes on the prize - we all want quick results but we are in this for the long haul with lifestyle change and better health at the end of the rainbow and can't allow ourselves to give in to setbacks - hey, I'm talking as much to me as anybody (having stumbled more times than I care to remember)


Nora I keep wanting to call you Betty! Glad to hear you are not a veal fan - don't begin to understand why anyone would want to eat the flesh of an unhealthy animal....


Here's to a great week for all of us.

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Thanks, gals. I didn't even THINK about the sodium thing! Now I feel better. Going to keep going at this. I can do this; I just KNOW it!


How was everyone's weekend?


I'm about to take my daughter and dog on a nice walk. I figure it's not doing me any good sitting on my butt and stressing about my weight. May as well do something positive! Speaking of exercise, what does everyone do for workouts? I personally enjoy DVDs (Walk Away the Pounds, Turbo Jam, Yoga Booty Ballet....)


Wanna talk stats (weight, height, goal weight)? I'll share mine if y'all share yours! :D

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Hi Again!

I am posting to keep thinking about food on my DD.

Just got back from swimming at my neighbor's house. It has been very hot here lately. It is 90 today. We had a very cold July so now we are making up for it.


I am married (2nd) I have a DS 21 and 2 stepsons. One is 14 and the other 27. The 14 year old lives with us. We all get along well.


I have 2 dogs Bailey is 13 and a Peekapoo. 1/2 Pekingese and poodle. Kiki is 1 and is 1/2 West Higland terrier and poodle. In May our 17 year old cat passed away :( so in June we adopted 2 kittens from Petsmart. They are litter mates. Trixie and her brother Divot. They keep up hopping! They recently had their neutering surgery and I think they have forgiven me.


Are any of you first time cruisers? If you have any ?s ask away I am going on #7.

Have a good night.


Tammy- How are things with you?



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boy did I ever get a shocking reminder that I am not in control here - had a very stressful evening of urgent phone calls and emails and seem to have been eating for hours. Finally stopped. Has to do with the imminent death of my mother and the fact we will be interring my sister's ashes in my niece's grave in a few days. I really wish I was one of those people who just can't eat when they are under stress or depressed, what a wonderful bloody gift that would be! LOL! enough already...


yes Misty I'd be glad to share: I'm 5'5", want to weigh between 156 to 164 (size 10 on me), am 53 (if I say it often enough do you think I'll believe it?) and, as of August 10th, weighed 187lb.


like yourself Nora, I am in my 2nd marriage. this one bears absolutely no resemblence to the first. Cecil is so wonderful and loving, my only regret is that we did not meet years before; but I am grateful for the last 12 yrs. He is my rock when I need to lean and my soft place to land when life knocks me on my rear end.


congratulations on successfully having a step/blended family; that can be very tricky! Do you all plan to bring the kids with you on your cruise? (talking to you too tammy). This will be our 2nd cruise together (were on the Conquest in feb 08) and my 3rd (celebration 94).


so sorry about the loss of your cat nora, we also keep our pets until great old age. when we got together, Cecil had 2 cats, I had 2 dogs and 2 rabbits. all have crossed over now. Then a stray and her kittens moved in so after placing one in a home without kids (he was a threat to our grandchildren) we kept the other 3, and one kitten died of a heart attack but we still have the mother and daughter. The hair drives me crazy but I wouldn't be without them.


Misty, saw your pic on the judddd chat site - nice to be able to picture your pretty face when I read your words. I am such a luddite - don't have a clue how to do that. Mind you I'd probably cheat and use my facebook pic - taken 2 years ago when I was a size 10 -12. Hmmm would that be cheating or showing optimism?


Well I think this process of writing this has talked me down off the ceiling/ in from the window ledge, whatever, and I am going to go to bed - without eating another bloody thing! DD tomorrow. Take care, Elizabeth

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Good Morning Everyone! :D

Tammy hope things are going well with you.


Elizabeth- Wow you are going through so much right now. I am so sorry! I am not one of those people that lose weight under stress. I am like you. I eat what ever is not nailed down. Last year my husband's father died. He was 85 and had a massive stroke. He was in a nursing home for awhile but we brought him home with us to die with Hospice services. I was working full time from home and caring for him too. It was stressful but I would do it again. What better way to cross over in a home filled with love. It was a good lesson for our kids too.They helped take care of Grandpa and were not the least bit squeamish or afraid. They held his hand when he died. OK enough of that!


Yes we are bringing the kids with us the 21 year old and the 14 year old. They will be in the room next to us. They love to cruise and are very well behaved. Many state room attendants have told me how nice and polite they are and did not give them any trouble.


So today is an UD for me. Yesterday was tough after the weekend. In April 2008 I was at my top weight of 220. I am 5 foot 7. My goal is 155-160. Would put me at a size 10. I am also pear shaped. I lost weight initially on Jenny Craig but it got expensive after awhile.

I will make Thursday my 'official' weigh in day. I do peek from time to time.

So here are my stats. I started last week 196.5/194.5/160 is my goal. That is how we used to do it on the weight watcher boards.


Have a great day all. Be strong!


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Good morning, ladies.


Elizabeth---sounds like life is very stressful for you right now, and I'm so sorry.... Like you, I do not handle stress by NOT eating. More on that in a minute.... Just wanted to say thanks for the "pretty face" comment you made earlier; it made my day!


Though my stress isn't nearly as intense as Elizabeth's, I did have a very stressful day yesterday. Yesterday evening, I was playing with Lexi in the kitchen. We were dancing around and playing Ring Around the Rosies, etc., and then I get the bright idea to grab her by her hands and twirl her around, lifting her feet up off the floor. Well, it hurt her left arm. I called her pediatrician and he told us to take her to the ER (he was thinking I dislocated her elbow). We spent 4 hours WAITING. After an exam and X-ray, they told us nothing is broken or dislocated. I must have just hurt her muscle.... Of course, I feel like the worst, most ignorant mother in the world..... We didn't get her to bed until midnight, so she's still sleeping now. I'm anxious for her to get up so I can see if she's sore. My poor baby..........


Today is supposed to be a DD, but I just don't feel like I can cope with that right now. I need to eat to comfort myself, so I'll get back on track tomorrow....


Stats: 5'2" Started dieting on July 13--weight 215.2

Started JUDDDD Aug. 4 weight 210.6

Weight as of yesterday---207

Goal: 145

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Hi Misty- don't beat your self up. We have all done things like that. As a former pediatric nurse I can tell you kids are tough!. Good job on the weight loss!

I agree with Elizabeth you are a pretty lady :D



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Good morning ladies!


I don't have internet access at home (because I live in the middle of nowhere), so if it's a busy day at work sometimes I miss a day here and there. Sorry to be AWOL! I love to have a chatty group because I'm chatty, too!


It sounds like we are all a lot alike and have a lot of the same joys and challenges! Elizabeth, that is so much on your plate right now. I'm very lucky to not have lost any parents or siblings yet and I can't imagine going through that. And then to try to make good food choices... yikes! I'd probably even eat the kleenex I was crying into!


I think we're all close size and goal-wise also. I'm 5'6" and last week weigh-in was at 183. I'm in a size 16 right now and I'd also like to get to a size 10, which for me is around 145. I'm extremely pear-shaped, and I swear I'd be two sizes smaller without these stupid saddle bags!!! :eek: I think what disgusts me the most is that back in 2005 I got down to my goal without even really trying. I didn't follow any specific low-carb plan, but just stopped eating flour and sugar. My leg was crushed in a car accident in 2007 and I just haven't gotten back into exercise OR eating right since then. Isn't it crazy how we let ourselves get into these destructive patterns?


I've checked out the JUDDD site, but only from my Blackberry where it was hard to read, so I'll need to do some surfing on my lunch break and check it out more. Great info from what I could tell!


I'm single/divorced. More than once, but it's truly for the best. I have somewhat of a horror story type past, so I've been single for the majority of the last 12 years. My daughter is 14. She's either wonderful or terrible at any given moment... not a lot of middle ground. :D We've definitely had some teenage challenges, which has kept me from taking her on a cruise so far. But things are really evened out for the most part now so I'm looking for one to take her on next spring for Christmas/birthday.


As for JUDDD... I took what you gals said about switching days and tried to do a medium day yesterday. I'd say it was more than medium. :( I think that's harder than a down day! And I can already tell I feel a LOT better on my down days. Today's an up day and my tummy is grumpy!


So is everyone looking forward to their upcoming cruises? Is there one particular outfit that anyone is trying to get into? I have SO many "cruise clothes" that dont' fit.


Wow, my morning got busier than I expected... It's taken me hours back and forth to write this, so I better hit submit!

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Hi Tammy!

I too have a ton of cruise clothes that do not fit. Here's to us pears :D


Teenage boys can be a challenge too. I some times wish that you could send the kids away when they are 8 to a Swedish boarding school and they come back 2 years later graduated from college like they do on the soap operas. I am a fan of Young and the Restless. Nicholas was born the same time my son was and he is now married with kids running a big corporation LOL.

I can't wait for my cruise in February. By then I have had it up to there with the snow. It usually starts mid November and goes through to March.


Have a good evening all!



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Lexi's arm seems to still be a bit tender, but she's using it, and she seems to be in a good mood today. Hopefully she's no worse for the wear! What's really bad is my husband is a major worry-wart, so I've been working on convincing him not to worry so much about her getting hurt, etc. Well, I guess we're "putting her back in her bubble," so to speak, lol.


It has most definitely been an UD for me today....a bad one....I've eaten all the classic comfort foods already. Chocolate Pop-Tarts, Cap'n Crunch, mac & cheese.... And I even texted my husband earlier to ask if he wanted to go to Marble Slab for some ice cream later. Geez, when I fall off the wagon, I fall hard, lol! Back on track tomorrow, though.


Speaking of tomorrow and DDs, I would love to try a water fast one day. Anyone tried one on a DD?


As for cruises, I've only been on 1. It was in March of 2007, Royal Caribbean, Navigator of the Seas to the Caribbean, just me and hubby. We're going on Carnival Fascination in November. It's me, husband (Jason), Lexi, my MIL, FIL, and nephew (Ryan, 8 yrs)

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Nora~ One of the things that's really bugged me lately is I'm getting belly fat, which I never really had before. I don't want to be a pear AND and apple! Before you know it, I'll be a whole fruit salad!!! :eek:

I'm totally with you on the boarding school idea. My best friend here at work has two teenagers and we often compare stories and joke about buying them one-way tickets to a Siberian boot camp.

A couple of years ago I started doing a February cruise (for my birthday) and I agree, it's a perfect time to get out of this northern winter.




Misty~ I'm glad Lexi's okay! I know you already know this, but kids are resilient and this was just an accident. Don't beat yourself up over it! Remind me to tell you the story about when my daughter was constipated when she was 2. LOL

I'll be on a DD tomorrow, too. I haven't done a water fast in years, but I did a juice fast a few weeks ago and felt pretty good. I'm a diet soda drinker, so I don't think I could do just water. I think I'd get a whopper of a no-caffeine headache.

You're going on the Fascination in November? My parents and sister and I just decided, literally today, to do a family cruise next October on the Fascination. I'll definitely pick your brain about it when you get back!



Other than my very first cruise, I've never really done a real vacation with anyone else my entire adult life, so it'll be a little bit odd for me, but I'm practicing on my friend this November. I can't usually afford 2 cruises a year, but he didn't want to go alone (I can't understand that! LOL) and he had gotten such a great deal, I just couldn't pass it up.




I'm hoping my JUDDD book came in the mail today, should be soon if not. I'm really seriously thinking about giving up flour and sugar again. I know how much better I felt then and didn't have as many migraines and the weight literally fell off. My job is different now, though, and it'll just take more restraint. I'm thinking that if I'm doing a DD every other day, even if I'm not having sugar or flour on my UD, the UD might still seem decadent.



I think I'm going to stop at the store and color my hair tonight. I was a little sick of my blonde so I tried to go a few shades darker, but it just looks like dead grass. :eek: (fyi...not attractive as a hair color!) I think that means it's time to go back to normal.


Have a great night!!!

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Good Morning :)

Well today is another DD for me. I am actually looking forward to it. Had a bad headache yesterday and I think I had too much sugar. Tammy I am going to give up sugar and flour for awhile to see how how I feel. I too have some belly fat that I do not like.


Misty- I don't recommend the water fast. To me it was not worth it. The headaches and irritability and did not gain much from it. Try a day with just fresh fruits and veggies and of course lots of water. That always gives me a boost.


Elizabeth how are you doing? I will check back in later of course.


Be good :D



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great news! weighed in and i am down 6lb! so great to see that needle settle at 181. I know it won't continue like this and shouldn't but what a great start. I'll wait til I'm under 175 before I shop for swim suits - should work out well as October is when the local shops get their winter vacation stuff in.


I want to thank you all for your concern. It really helps.


Misty I am so sorry about your daughter's mishap and so happy it wasn't worse! I shiver whenever I see someone playfully swinging their child by the hands as dislocation is a real possibility. We've all done it though and I can even remember how much fun it was as a child. I hope you have forgiven yourself and moved on. especially since I know how I both punish and reward myself - hell, who needs a special occasion for shoveling it in?:o


Work awaits. Have a great day all. Elizabeth

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Good morning gals!


WOW Elizabeth!!! Good for you! That's a fantastic start and hopefully is good for a motivation boost!


I struggled this morning with my DD but didn't "cheat" and I think I'm over the hump. I'm sure it's stress...had a really rough night with my daughter last night. I remember scrolling through the other JUDDD site and someone had said "embrace the hunger" and that's what I'm doing today.


Do you ladies stick to any kind of pre-set DD menu for yourselves? This is only my 3rd DD, but I'm sticking with what worked on the last 2.

Breakfast: Atkins shake - 150 cal

Lunch: Cup-a-soup - 45 cal

Dinner: 2 ham rolls and 1/2 dill pickle - 85 cal

Snack: mini-bagel (cinnamon) - 70 cal.

That puts me at a total of 350 cals for the day and so far it's worked good. I have to work a long day today, until 7pm, so I might have an extra cup-a-soup later in the dsay since I'll have a late dinner.


My stepmom is making me beef and noodles (my favorite) tomorrow on my UD, so I'll start the no-sugar/no-flour thing with my DD on Friday and then I'll weigh in on Saturday. I'm anxious to see.


Break's over, so back to work for me. I'll check back in later. Looks like most or all of us are on a DD today, so let's all hang in there together!!!! Be strong! :D

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Good...uh...almost afternoon, ladies!

Elizabeth---awesome job on the weight loss!!! I'm thrilled for you, and a little jealous, lol. :p Keep up the good work!

Tammy---I'm definitely curious to hear the daughter constipation story, lol. Isn't it funny the things we talk about once we become mothers???!!! :D

I'll be glad to answer any Fascination questions upon my return. I'm a little anxious about it because the only other ship I've been on is the Navigator of the Seas, and it was one of the WOW ships...the kind that takes your breath when you see it. I'm afraid Fascination may lack that WOW factor, from some of the things I've read in reviews and such. HOWEVER, I know we'll have an awesome time! This will be our first vacation with our daughter, and I'm excited about going with my in-laws (not many people could say that, lol).

How did your hair turn out, btw? :)

Oh, and about a water fast...some people on the other boards do what they call an Almost Water Fast (AWF) where they can consume any beverage with 0 calories, including diet sodas.

Tammy and Nora---I'm intrigued by the no sugar/no flour thing.... I just don't think I could possibly do it!!!

I've decided to make today a normal DD (no water fast, Nora....just don't think I'm ready to attempt it yet.) I've already done my Walk Away the Pounds-3 Mile DVD and am about to tackle my Bowflex workout. Hope everyone has a great day!

Oh, speaking of workouts, what do you guys enjoy for your workouts?


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OMG, I forgot about the constipation story. This is better told when I can imitate the nurse’s tone of voice, but I think you’ll get it. Okay, so my daughter was 2 and we had just moved to Ohio so we had a new doctor who didn’t know us at all. Olivia got stopped up and nothing I tried worked, so on the 3rd day I called the doctor. I told the nurse why I was calling and after a pause, she said to me “Well MOM, she neeeeeeds to poop, you know.” The way she said it was accusatory as if I was intentionally keeping her from doing it! So I said to her, “Oh, so I should just remove the cork?” There was a long pause of silence so then I just said, “I know she needs to poop, that’s why I’m calling you!” :eek: LOL

I think I would be apprehensive about being disappointed by the ship, too. I tend to like the bigger ships. But, with your family all going, the whole cruise will probably have enough of a different vibe that it’ll just be different but not in a bad way. And with your daughter to look after, you might even like the smaller ship. Will you have her do some of the Camp Carnival stuff? I’ve heard their programs are amazing!!! How old is Lexi? I think I missed that in the postings….

The no sugar/no flour thing is hard at first, but it’s really amazing that after about 3-6 days you honestly don’t crave that stuff anymore. I still indulge in a few sugar-free treats, but I keep them limited. Godiva has AMAZING sugar-free chocolate. My big problem is that we constantly have food days and special occasion stuff going on at work and the food table is literally right next to me. There’s a huge leftover wedding shower cake sitting about 36 inches from me as we speak. Ugh. :mad:

Nora, I noticed you tend to cruise in February, too. Is that just an end-of-winter thing or is there a birthday or anniversary in Feb?

Workouts…. That’s where I’m terrible. I have an hour long commute, so I make the excuse of not having time, but I’m also really lazy. What I like the best is the Winsor Pilates DVDs. I got the Core Rhythms set not too long ago and want to do that more. I also like the Ab Circle Pro. I find that I do good working out when I’m eating right, but for some reason when I get off track with my food, I totally give up the workouts. Duh Tam! I’d like to come up with a schedule to incorporate all 3, like maybe the Ab Circle every day and then alternate the Core Rhythms and the Pilates.

I like that idea of the AWF but it still seems like we need at least some protein during the day to keep things going. I didn’t get the book yet so I’m interested in the concept behind a fast like that every other day. I sure don't think I could do it very often.

My hair… ugh. I get so sick of it. I decided at the last minute to get it cut last night and with the issues with my daughter didn’t color it. I’ll do that tonight. So far I’m still sporting the “dead grass” look, just without split ends. LOL

I'm on my lunch break and it's amazing how good cup-a-soup is when that's all you get! :D

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LOL! Tammy, we didnt' need to hear the voice - well written enough to imagine it. The godawful people we have to deal with sometimes!


as to the cake sitting that close to you - that would drive me crazy. Our kitchen is at least a few hallways away; but I HAVE to go through it to get to the bathroom. Of course this is a urology office so maybe a catheter...


Try not to stress out about your teenager. One day you'll look back on all this and, well maybe not laugh, but be able to say: we made it. Then it will be your turn one day to comfort and advise her when she 's dealing with her own little demon; It is so interesting now to listen to my son talk about his eldest daughter who challenges him on almost everything and look back on when he used to do that to me. Wait a minute, he still does!


Misty, I'd be iffy about a water fast too. Maybe after you knew the Sirt1 had kicked in (isn't that about 3 weeks?) you won't feel the need to. For myself I have to take daily meds so definitely need to take them with something other than water in there or I'd be one unhappy camper. I haven't been doing buggerall for exercise. Used to use several aerobics videos, the treadmill, wts and walking for miles. Then I developed plantar fasciitis (torn ligament in my foot) so the walking/treadmill is out. and an old neck injury has kicked in so the weights and sit ups are out. Other things are out because the ligaments are blown in both knees. that leaves the exercycle which I am not fond of. OMG! I'm a wreck aren't I?


I'm a little out of synch with the 3 of you as this is an ud; hope you are all doing well with your dd and staying strong, keep your eyes on the prize. I think there was more I wanted to yak about but gotta go,



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Nora, just rereading and remembered what else I wanted to say; what a wonderful generous gift you gave your whole family in taking care of your fatherinlaw until he passed. The worst thing is not death, it can be a relief and a blessing, but crossing over without a hand to hold? without someone nearby who loves you? this would be worse.


this is what I wanted for my mother, so when it was time for her to move from her apt (lots of burned pots and falls) we renovated our home and she moved in with us. sadly, our relationship degenerated and mum (alzheimers) couldn't understand why i made her use her walker in the house and pushed her to drink fluids. She called me her "jailer" and decided to move in with the "people who really love me". within a few months she had been hospitalized for dehydration, then a broken wrist after falling down and flight of stairs, within 6 months she was in a nursing home. Now she's dying a few hundred miles away and I can only get there periodically. I have had to learn to accept that this situation is not in my control but I wanted for my mum what you did for your fil. Well done and bless you. elizabeth

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I think I jinxed myself talking about that cake. About 2 hours later, someone brought over a huge sheet cake that was leftover from one of our team picnics! So now we have TWO cakes right next to me! I've been good and haven't touched either one. I haven't had my 2nd cup-a-soup either so I'm gonna try to tough it out until I get home in 2 hours. I'm trying to "embrace" that hunger!


Thanks so much for the encouragement about my daughter. I just keep telling myself that even if it's a step backward, it's just one step on a long path.


You mentioned knowing when the sirt1 had kicked in. I still haven't gotten my book, so I'm sure I'll find out, but when do you know if that's kicked in?


Nora, I second what Elizabeth said, and couldn't have said it better. Elizabeth, that must be so terribly painful, even still. Alzheimer's can be so destructive and it's really hard to watch a loved one self-destruct like that when all you want to do is protect them.

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hello all. just had word that my mother is not expected to survive the weekend; she is on constant morphine and is down to occasional thickened oj when she comes to. I will be out of contact a while probably. cecil and i are heading out there today.


if i can maintain judddd through this i can do it through anything. stay strong and be well elizabeth

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