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Anyone Alternate Day Diet (JUDDDD or Johnson UpDayDownDay Diet)?


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Tammy- so you are doing UD DD on South Beach, or are you doing entirely South Beach? How many carbs are you allowed per day? My daughter did South Beach along eith a ton of exercise to get ready for a Puerto Vallarta vacation prior to having her first baby. She looked amazing, says she will never look that good again!! I just remember a lot of planning went into her diet.

If you are doing the JUDDD and the South Beach at the same time it is obviously working. Are you exercising quite a bit?

Thank you for your time, sorry if this seems too nosy:rolleyes:



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Hi Ellen~ No, never too nosy! I'm actually not the one doing South Beach, Nora is doing that on her DDs. I'm not doing any particular plan really, just extremely low-carb, low-fat and high protein. Until I get to my goal, I'm really only eating meat, eggs and cheese. Every now and then on my version of an UD, I'll have a little bit of sauce, ketchup, something like that. Every now and then I'll really splurge and go to the Chinese Buffet. I only have the meat, but the sauces are a bit of a splurge compared to what I regularly do. I love it so much because there's virtually no planning whatsoever. I don't count or measure anything. I'm already a very habitual eater, so I have my staples that I tend to eat regularly and it works for me. When I don't eat carbs, I don't crave them at all. When I get to my goal, I'll transition to a regular low-carb plan, with some veggies and some more healthy fats added in to maintain my weight. I have never felt as good as I do now eating this way. And I've lost all of this weight without exercising at all. That's my next step is to get into an exercise plan. I like doing Pilates, I've just had a crazy home life for the last couple of years and have let that go by the wayside.


Everyone have a great night!

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Hi Ladies,


Thank you all(Janey, Vickie, Jennie, Tammy), please don't let me leave anyone out!!!, for the advice. It has been truely helpful. I hope you all are doing well today. I read in an earlier post that it helps to eat later in the morning, and it does!!! I have always been an eat-when-I-wake-person, but waiting a few hours doesn't kill me and I actually eat less!!


Janey, I will email you today so we can get together!!


Have a great day,



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Y'all know what that means. Yep, Misty's a big fat loser again, and not in a good way, lol. I've strayed from the plan yet again. Had 1 good week, and I guess that's my limit nowadays. I'm making my daughter's Elmo birthday cake, so I made a practice cake Sunday. I'm not very artistic and have only decorated a couple of cakes in my life, so I have to practice. Anyhow, my willpower is zilch anymore, so I ate cake Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. Pooh. There's no excuse for my behavior, but if I was making excuses, I'd say part of it is because my hubby and I have been arguing a lot lately. Kids are the greatest thing in the world, but, boy, they sure can put stress on a relationship! I think a lot of it is because we NEVER get alone time.


Anyhow, I'll try to get back to it as soon as I feel able.


In the meantime, let me tell you girls that you're doing awesome!


Elizabeth~ I was so happy to hear from you, but sorry to hear you've been having a rough time. As Tammy said, we're sending lots of positive energy/prayers/thoughts your way... I hope you are able to enjoy your cruise!


Michelle ~ As for your hard hours of the day question, as you mentioned, I eat later in the day. Actually, I’ll only have a small snack or two during the day, saving the bulk of my calories for a pseudo-dinner. For "snacks" I have Special K Protein Water, Special K bars (the 90 calorie ones), green beans, and pickles.


Ellen ~ I’ve never managed a successful medium day either, but I know MD calories are usually between 900-1100 or so. When I was following the plan like I was supposed to (from August to November), I ate pretty much whatever I wanted on Up Days and as long as I kept my DD calories below 500, I still lost. That, to me, was the appeal of this diet….only having to truly diet every other day. I didn’t watch at all on Uds but if I had of, I’m sure I would’ve lost more weight and faster.


Jennie ~ 1.4 lbs is still good, cheat or no cheat! Good for you on the exercising!


Vickie ~ Awesome on the 7 lbs!!! And I agree with Tammy on listing weights…it helps to hold me accountable. I’m not truly brave though, because if I was, I would list those weights for my family and non-JUDDDD friends, lol! And I’m CERTAINLY not that brave yet! :)


Janey ~ Yes, veggies really help on DDs. I often eat an entire can of green beans in the early afternoon to satisfy my hunger (for only 70 calories!) Another lower cal food I turn to often on DDs is Morningstar Farms "Chicken" (Soy) Patties (140).



Brandy ~ Hope your next weigh in went well… Glad to hear from you!


Sue ~ Great job on the loss so far! And I’m with you on the Post-It…I definitely need a cheat-sheet now, but that’s great!



Nora and all ~ I tried the Jello Mousse cups (chocolate) and thought they were pretty darned good, especially for DDs.


Tammy ~ WHY did you have to mention warm melting cake???!!! ;):p:D


I’ll check back in soon, hopefully with better progress. Grrr. Have a great day!



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Misty- thank you for all your clarification on the MD and what you do for the UD. My DDs have not been so hard (probably shouldn't have put that in writing, might be my downfall). I am not totally strict on counting calories on my UDs either. The chart gives me so many that I am sure I have not gone over yet.


I made an Elmo cake for my grandson 1st Birthday! He is almost 2 1/2 and is still Elmo obsessed. Sesame Street has actually taught him sooo much. In fact, when he was 20 months he brought one of his puzzle pieces up to me and said, Look Grandma, a triangle, three sides and three angles! I was blown away. Thank you Telly Monster!

Good luck with your cake, I am sure it will be wonderful! And no one notices mistakes by the baker, everyone else is always so impressed:D

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Good Morning!

Weigh in today. Down another 2# :D


So here it is-




1/28-189 I am very happy with that. I am not setting a goal of how many pounds I want to lose before the cruise. It seems when ever I do I do the oppisite. Weird huh!


Misty- I am sure the Elmo cake will be great! I saw your earlier cake pictures. I am sorry about the bickering with your DH. You are right. You need couple time. Even now DH and I have a date night every 2 weeks. It has made such a difference.


Hope the rest of you are all well!

I will check in later.


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Good morning gang... 2nd DD is over and I really did okay until about 3pm. I didn't have any snacks available after lunch so I finally left work at 3:30 and just went home so I could have a salad.

Misty - I'm not married so I can't exactly relate to what must be a difficult task to care for yourself while also taking care of a husband and children. I hope that you are taking even just 10 minutes a couple of times a day to pray and meditate on the future that you want for yourself and your family.

The only advise I can offer when temptation is calling your name is to eat a pickle, drink a cup of water then go clean something..........:p I know that sounds stupid but when I was trying to quit smoking (after 20 years of 3 packs a day) that was the only thing that helped me. It distracted me long enough to focus on something other than what I wanted. And it gave me time to recite my affirmations that I keep written in a little notebook.

BTW, did anyone see Dr. Oz yesterday? He didn't talk specifically about the JUDDDD, but he did talk about the benefits of following a LIFELONG calorie restricted diet and taking the Resveretrol (or what ever the name of the drug is) he recommended 500mg daily. What is recommended by Dr. Johnson? Donna bought the book yesterday but couldn't find any specifics about how much to take.

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Today was my first official weigh in of the diet. It was after a DD, so I am not sure if it will stay this way, but I am down 5.5 lbs.


I have been exercising daily and really trying to bump up that metabolism. I am sooo tired! I take care of my 2 year old grandson, Caleb everyday so I am getting up at 5:30 (I am NOT a morning person) His parents are school teacher and he gets here at about 6:30. I figure if I make myself get up on the am I have no excuses and then I try to fit in some cardio later in the day. I hope I can keep this up. Like I said, I am sooo tired.


Regarding the eResveratrol, Dr Johnson's website say to take 400mg a day. His pills are 200mg each. I still have not bought any, they are a little expensive.

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I was at my local Walgreens today and found the the Reseveratol 325mg for 9.99 a bottle. It was in the herbal section. Looks like it is pure supplement with only emulsifiers to make it in capsule form, just like Dr Johnsons. I dont know the difference in quality or formulation, but I am going to try it. Came home with it today.

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Today was my first official weigh in of the diet. It was after a DD, so I am not sure if it will stay this way, but I am down 5.5 lbs.


I have been exercising daily and really trying to bump up that metabolism. I am sooo tired! I take care of my 2 year old grandson, Caleb everyday so I am getting up at 5:30 (I am NOT a morning person) His parents are school teacher and he gets here at about 6:30. I figure if I make myself get up on the am I have no excuses and then I try to fit in some cardio later in the day. I hope I can keep this up. Like I said, I am sooo tired.


Regarding the eResveratrol, Dr Johnson's website say to take 400mg a day. His pills are 200mg each. I still have not bought any, they are a little expensive.


Ellen.........congrats on the great loss. I won't be weighing until Monday, but I'm sure I'm down a couple of pounds....

I'm really impressed with the diet so far.... My appetite has pretty much gone away, I get mildly hungry but fill up quickly, so I'm loving this.

I just finished a morning snack of celery with one triangle of the soft Laughing Cow cheese (Garlic Herb) and it's only 35 calories........so here it is 10am on a DD and I've had 95 calories........

I'm going to check out the Resveretrol this weekend if the weather cooperates......it's been raining here in Dallas since yesterday and the temp is dropping and we're suppose to change to sleet this afternoon.

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Good morning everyone!


Today was my weigh-in morning and I can't even tell you how hesitant I was to get on that scale. I'm having one of those "I feel fat" weeks.. you gals know what I mean? Then I thought back to last weekend. Due to some appointments making for a crazy schedule, I ended up eating Chinese 3 times in 4 days. I made mostly good choices there, but the good choices there are still higher in fat and some carbs that I haven't been allowing myself. I was pretty good the rest of the week, but still felt bloaty and fat. BUT... I still lost 1.2 lbs. I'm thrilled with that after such a foody weekend last weekend.


7/31 - 186

8/7 - 184

8/14 - 183

8/21 - 180

8/28 - 179

9/4 - 179

9/12 - 178

9/18 - 180

9/25 - 178

10/2 - 171

10/9 - 169

10/16 - 165

10/23 - 163

10/30 - 162

11/6 - 162

11/13 - cruise

11/20 - 165.2

11/26 - 161.8

12/4 - 158.8

12/11 - 153.4

12/18 - 156.2

12/25 - Christmas

12/31 - 161.2

1/8 - 156.4

1/15 – 153.4

1/22 – 152.6

1/29 – 151.4


Now I think the trick will be to not allow myself to think I can eat like that and still lose weight every week! I have 2 weeks before my cruise and 1.4 lbs to my first goal of 150.


Misty~ Ohhhh... I'm so sorry it was a bad week. I probably failed to mention that I do wedding cakes (because I haven't done one in a while) so I know SO WELL how hard that is to be baking something like that and not eat it. And the stress of arguing with hubby... I think those are two really big triggers. I say you're doing good not setting up at cot at Krispy Kreme like I would! I hope you and Jason are able to get some alone time. Tap your family to help babysit once in a while. Couples need that. Lexi will enjoy the time with family, too. And BTW... I think I jinxed myself, too, mentioning the warm chocolate melting cake. OMG, it's almost all I can think about! AND my new desk is right by the cafeteria and there is something chocolate-y cooking in there. AGH! Hang in there... get back on track when you can. Just keep telling yourself that each day is a new day.


Nora~ GREAT job!!!! Look at those numbers go down... and in one month! That's awesome!


Ellen~ You were smart to weigh-in after a DD. 5.5 lbs... WOW! GREAT start! That has to be pretty motivating, huh? Sounds like a great deal on the supplement, I'm anxious to hear if you think it helps.


Janey~ Good advice on avoiding temptation. And GREAT that you're noticing less of an appetite.


Hope everyone else is great and ready for a good weekend. I'll try to catch up a bit more tomorrow night. :)

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Tammy- Your progress is so inspiring. My starting point is about 8 lbs higher than you are now. My goal is to catch up with you! :p BTW I was not being smart to weigh in after a DD, and boy did I take that into consideration. My Wii fit weighs me and told me I was up a pound today, even though I am not officially weighing in, it was a sad reality check!! I will weigh in every Thursday, so next week it will be after an UD, we will see how that goes.


Vickie- How is my Battleground friend doing? I am headed out there today, My daughter teaches 5th grade and forgot to bring something with her that she needs after school before a Dr appt. My grandson and I will go and visit the kids and her this morning to bring it to her. Her class of 5th graders really love when I bring him to visit. I had planned to take him to the Childrens Museum in Portland today, but instead we are headed to your neck of the woods!


Everyone have a great weekend and good luck with your eating plans, I hope everyone is sucessful!

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Besides my metabolism hitting an all time low, another symptom of turning 50 is the mix up of my brain cells. Sorry Vickie, you live in Hockinson, which is the city next to Battleground, and I didn't remember which the right city until I got to Battleground:eek: I hate getting old!!

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My last DD this week turned into a MD then ended up an UP! I volunteered at the homeless shelter and couldn't pass up the fresh biscuits and chicken-pot-pie we made. Humanitarian calories don't count right? Then I had a co-worker's birthday party to go to. I brought fresh vegetables thinking that I'd just munch on them. No...... there was fresh made spring rolls, pad thai, grilled oysters & these wonderful Filipino tamales steamed in banana leaves! After I had tasted everything! I was handed a plate with a big slice of ice cream birthday cake to top it off! So weigh in the next morning only showed a 1 lb loss but I'm adding it to my 7lbs, I kept gone from last week, and just be happy with an 8 lb loss in two weeks.


My family has gotten behind me with this, plus they know they have to be seen in a swimsuit too. Although it wouldn't be advisable for teen boys to limit their calorie count to 500 per day. Not to mention how crazy it would make them. My boys, in solidarity, are eating light on my DDs. Instead of bacon and eggs for breakfast they stick to cereal and fruit. They join me in just a salad for dinner and forgo any late-night ice cream or snacks before bed. It's kind of cute when they check the calendar before bed to see if the next day is marked as a DD so they can get themselves "psyched" for the morning.


Just out of curiosity, how are you all planning on/or have eating/en on your cruise after losing to cruise? I'm on for 11 nites and 6 of those would be DDs. And for those who have already cruised, how did your plan and reality compare?


Ellen- I like Battle Ground too. In fact my address is Brush Prairie so I claim all three. They kind of blend together out here.

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Hi, everyone. Hope you all had a wonderful weekend.


Misty - How did everyone like the cake? I feel for you - I have a really hard time staying on plan during celebrations too. Were you able to get some alone time with your hubby? I hope things are going well.


Nora - congratulations on the 2 lb. loss!!


Janey - I love the Laughing Cow cheese. I eat it with veggies too. Yumm!


Tammy - good job on the 1.2 pounds. I doubt you will have any trouble at all making your goal before your cruise. I can't believe you set sil in less than 2 weeks. I'm so jealous.


Ellen - let me know how you think the reseveratrol is working for you. I'm considering it, if it would help me lose better.


Vickie - 8 pounds in 2 weeks! Way to go!! That is great that your family is being so supportive. Your boys sound so sweet. And I was imagining what my teenage boy would act like if he tried to get by on 500 calories. That would be a nightmare! LOL Teen boys can sure put away the food, can't they? He wouldn't last more than 4 hours!


Michelle and Sue - hope you all are doing well too.


Well, I had a good weigh-in - down 3.6 pounds last week! I think it's an every other week thing for me. I'm not completely sure what that's about. But it's still better overall with JUDDD than with low-fat/low-cal. I would love to lose 6 pounds before my birthday in 2 weeks. Not sure if that's realistic, but hopefully I'll get close.


And last week I found a formal dress for the cruise that I just love! It was a great price, so I got it. It was the exact color I wanted, but a size bigger than I hope to be. Hopefully, I'll have to take it in.


Here's hoping everyone has a great week.



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Good Monday morning everyone.....

Donna and I are feeling very confident this morning. We got through our 1st weekend which we were concerned about and this morning was our 1st weigh in.

Donna is down 7.5 and I'm down 4.9..........

I think our other sister will join the plan this week. We're really impressed with Donna's loss, since she is at home alone all day and does very little activity.

I'm looking forward to an even better week this week since we're going to start doing some light exercise and I'm not going to drink any wine, even on my up days.

I hope everyone has a great week. I'm starting some new projects at work this week so I may not be checking in quite so often, but I am keeping everyone in my thoughts and prayers.

"I am fully nourished by the foods I eat."

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Hi Ladies~ Just checking in real quick.


Vickie~ 8 lbs in two weeks is fantastic. And we've all had DDs that turned into UDs. All we can do is learn from them and move forward. You're doing great! That's so cool that your boys are supportive. As far as your question, I'm not sure I would ever try to do a calorie-restricted DD on a cruise. I always end up eating "better" on a cruise than I would normally at home. And with all the walking around and dancing, I usually come close to breaking even. I would recommend just being conscious of your eating and take stairs when you can. Everyone's different, I just wouldn't want to have to think about it too much on vacation.


Jennie~ Congrats! You're doing GREAT! So great that you found a dress, too. Dress shopping is one of my favorite pre-cruise things. I usually get a new one for each cruise. And it's WAY more fun after losing some weight!


Ellen~ Catch me, catch me! LOL I'm sure you will while I'm on my cruise! I'm extending my cruise for 4 additional days, 2 before and 2 after, in Florida with my friends, so since I'll be on vacation for almost 2 weeks, I'm sure I'll have some catching up to do when I get back! I was only behind 3 lbs after my last cruise, so I'm hoping I can keep it in that range again this time. This one is with my "party friends" though, so I'm sure I'll have a lot more "liquid calories" if you know what I mean! haha!


Janey~ Wow! You gals are making fantastic progress! How great that you're doing it together! Great affirmations, too!


Hope everyone else is great.... headed home now... brrrrr!

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Tammy- Dance those pounds away! What is a vacation without liquid calories. Plus I am a foodie and looking forward to my cruise. I will just start my diet again after mine, so if I am lucky enough to catch you, you will be back on and passing me I am sure before I get home around April 1st.


Vickie- I wholeheartedly agree with the advice Tammy gave you. Enjoy your cruise and go back on the diet when you get home. You deserve it. Besides, I have a friend (incidently she lives in Battleground) who went on our Mediterrean Cruise with us a few years ago and came back about 10 pounds lighter! All that sight seeing and activity.

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I only lost one pound this week (week 4) for a total of 6.5 # overall. Not the results some of you are achieving but I am going to continue to work at it.

I bought some Resveratrol at my vitamin store last night so I am going to add that for a month to see if it helps any. I'll let you know;)

For those of us who are losing slowly (like me) HANG in there! Congrats to the big losers this week!!

I am making my spare bedroom into a big mess dragging out clothes to decide what to pack. I bought new luggage that I am excited to use. RED!! I've always wanted red luggage. Haven't really bought many clothes just shopping out of my closet for things I can mix'n match. I did buy a pair of black pants to wear to dinner and a rhinestone bracelet to bling out my little black dress for elegant night.

Hope everyone is having a good week so far. I've enjoyed reading all your posts. Keep checking in, we wouldn't want our little thread to dry up:rolleyes:


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Sue- how many mg is the Reserveratrol you purchased and how much are you taking? I just started mine, and no results to report yet, but Dr. Oz says it is good for you anyway, so I am going to continue to take it and if there are any results I will let everyone know.


Sue, I hope you kept the tag on those new black pants. With 33 days to go, you are bound to change a size!

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Hi Gang,

I bought 500mg Resveratrol at the Vitamin shop and have been taking it since Saturday. A bottle of 60 was around $55. I haven't noticed many effects, but today is a DD and I guess I'm not feeling as hungry. I've only had 160 calories so far today.

Donna made a pot of WW zero point soup yesterday and I calculated the calories at 34 per cup, so that's going to be a staple on my down days.

Beware of Olive Garden's new chicken and pasta dish that's being advertised. We went there last night and it's 1200+ calories. I was okay by just eating 1/2 of it, but still a meal that's suppose to be 1 meal with that many calories.!!!!!!

***I choose to stay on track***

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Today marks 2 weeks for me on the JUDDD diet. It is weigh in day, and after an UD, I am another down 2.5. Big difference from my first week and weighing after a DD. I was prepared for this, as my weight really flucuates daily according to the little guy inside my wii fit board. Although I dont weigh daily on the scale, the wii tell me during my daily exercises if I am up or down.


I still have had pretty easy DDs not too much hunger. I hope this continues. I try to keep busy on DDs. This week I had a facial on one DD, another had my nails done, and went shopping at an outlet mall to spend Christmas gift cards on another. Keeping busy helps keeping me from being tempted. This week I need to find other things to treat myself to that maybe won't cost any money.


How is everyone else faring? The board has been relatively quiet this week. Any tips for Superbowl foods that can help us stay on track?

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