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Anyone Alternate Day Diet (JUDDDD or Johnson UpDayDownDay Diet)?


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We have our second volunteer!!! Sorry, Misty, I got dibs to be the first volunteer. LOL


Well, I had an okay weigh-in today. Lost .8. I'm not too bummed, though, because it's TOM week. Here are my most recent 4...


10/22 – 176.4

10/29 – 176.4

11/5 – 173.2

11/12 – 172.4


I did pretty good on not stress eating and made it through my grumpy day. :)



Great job, Misty! It looks like you've got a great frame of mind for handling the challenging social stuff for this time of year. Hey, I was looking up something about HGC and one of the things I saw said there are restrictions about makeup/grooming products???? :confused:


.... mourning the loss of Jocelyn's internet.... :(


.... hoping Nora's okay.... :(


.... still thinking of Elizabeth and hoping all's well.... :(



And with that, my break's over. I think I'll stalk the Splendor prices. I'm guessing those cruise prices will be in the non-working toilet soon. :D

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Hey girlies!


I'm dropping a quick line before going away for the weekend. The boys are both playing in a "World Series" tournament. It will be the last one of the season and although I'm sad, it will definitely be a boost for my diet.


I admit I have not been doing well at all. But I'm at that point where I am actually looking forward to eating better...you know that blech type feeling?


Anyways.....I hope you are all well. Have a good weekend and I'll be sure to check in next week!



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Hey all!


On day two of LC and going strong. Sometimes I feel like I'm doing a combo of JUDDD and LC b/c I definitely am not eating a lot of cals. I can only handle so much protein and veggies!


How's everyone else doing?



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Good morning!!!


Whew, what a week! Last week was TOM (every 3 months for me) and I pretty much plan to have a migraine allllllll week. Which I did. But Sunday it was the kind that I should have gone to the ER for. :( Thankfully they're only that bad about every 5 years and I'm all better now. :)


Jocelyn~ Good job on the LC. I'm doing a couple of LC down days this week, so we'll see if it helps the weigh-in. How'd the boys' tournament go???


Misty~ I had to think of you yesterday. I stumbled across an article about calorie restriction, people that do a version of the VLCD every day, with the big difference being that they focus on trying to cram in as many nutrients into those cals as they can. Which brings my question..... With the hgc thing, what supplements do they recommend?


I've decided to do at least a couple of VLCD's a week, while staying low-carb. I've got my menu all planned for today and it comes out to 465 cals. And then of course, they're bringing subs in for everyone at work and the food table is right next to me. :mad: I should be okay, though, I'm feeling pretty motivated today. I'm wearing pants today that are feeling really tight...... and these same pants were too huge on me in February, I couldn't even wear them. Grrrrrr.


I'll be working a TON in the next few months, which will make it actually a lot easier on me to stay on track. I won't have time really to go out for dinner or drinks with my friends like we usually do.


Not much else new with me right now.... hope you're all doing well!

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Tammy ~ Yes, Simeon's Protocol is strict about what personal care products you're supposed to use (nothing with oil in it) but I never abided by that rule. I've still been using all my usual products. Simeon's says the body digests and processes oils we put on our skin in much the same way as it would if we had consumed oils. Maybe so, but I've still been using body butter and all that... As for supplements, there aren't really any that are "recommended" by Simeon's, per se, but a lot of people who do this diet take potassium (for leg cramps---I take it), magnesium (to help regulate bm's---I take those, too). In addition, I've started taking a biotin multi (it's a nails, skin, and hair multi-vitamin) because I read about some people losing hair on this plan. I've been fine. I also take my daily D3 (immunity booster....I've been taking this for a couple of years). My Intermountain brand hcg drops contained B12 in those, and I think it helped with my energy level.


Sorry about the migraine....glad you're feeling better. Your weigh ins have went well, too. Way to go on having your menus planned out to include some VLCDs.


Jocelyn: Good job on day 2! I feel ya on only being able to eat so much protein and veggies....I think that's one reason this hcg thing is working for me so well. I don't really have much of an appetite since I know I can't have "the good stuff". LOL. It's amazing how much food you can have for 500 calories when the food is low carb and/or nutritious!


Speaking of hcg, I just want to announce that I entered Onederland today! Woo-hoo! This round's losses has been much slower than first round, but I haven't been NEARLY as strict this round. I've even been having some Lean Cuisine meals every now and then, and I've had a couple of cheat days. Anyway, here are my numbers:


Start R1: 224

End R1 : 204.2

R2P2VLCD1: 208.8 (+4.6)

VLCD2: 208.6 (-0.2)

VLCD3: 206 (-2.6)

VLCD4: 205.2 (-0.8)

VLCD5: 204.2 (-1) (cheat day)

VLCD6: 206.2 (+2)

VLCD7: 205.6 (-0.6)

VLCD8: 204.2 (-1.4)

VLCD9: 203.2 (-1)

VLCD10: 202.4 (-0.8)

VLCD11: 201.4 (-1)

VLCD12: 200.8 (-0.6) (high day...read: cheat)

VLCD13: 202.2 (+1.4)

VLCD14: 200.8 (-1.4)

VLCD15: 200.6 (-0.2)

VLCD16: 200 (-0.6)

VLCD17: 199 (-1)


A few sample menus from this round:


B: Lean Pocket (sausage, egg, and cheese)

L: none

D: 4 oz. chicken breast tenderloin (marinated overnight), 1/2 cup green beans, sf ketchup

S: 2 pkts. diet cocoa

Total calories: 450 (carbs: 52)


B: grissini

L: 2/3 honeycrisp apple, stick of cheddar cheese

D: 2/3 serving P2 chili (just wasn't feeling it), 1 Melba toast

S: 2 pkts diet hot chocolate

Total calories: 401


B: grissini, iced tea w/Splenda

L: hamburger patty, 1 slice American cheese, 1/2 Tbs. Miracle Whip, sf ketchup

D: Eating Right meal (Chicken Poblano)

Total calories: 573 (carbs: 43)


B: grissini, iced tea w/Splenda

L: chicken breast (marinated)

D: chicken taco salad (seasoned chicken, ~ 1 cup lettuce and 1/2 tomato, drizzled with salsa)

S: grissini, iced tea w/Splenda

S: 2 packets Diet Swiss Miss hot chocolate (25 cal. each)

Total calories: 400



I'll continue with VLCDs until Saturday. Then I'm going to attempt "moderation" and keeping track of calories, having low days whenever possible.


Hope y'all have a great day!

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Onederland!!!! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOT WOOT!!! Looks like you're sort of finding a groove, being able to balance the VLCD's with some flexibility when you need it.


And apparently the VLCD's combined with LC are the key for me. I ate LC all last week and then did Wed and Thurs VLCD/LC before weighing on Friday and showed a 3.8lb loss. Yay!


10/29 – 176.4

11/5 – 173.2

11/12 – 172.4

11/19 – 168.6


I'm going to stick with the VLCD/LC thing for at least 4 days a week if I can. Tomorrow I won't be able to as me and Liv are going to Applebee's for lunch. I'll do one of their WW meals to stay in line. And of course I'll cheat like a you-know-what on Thanksgiving. I've got a food menage-a-trois planned.... me, squash and lots of butter. Mmmmmm....... :D


In case you're interested, this is the VLCD/LC menu I've been working with: (You'll notice for me the key is getting to eat on a somewhat frequent basis.) I got some low-carb veggie burgers last night (120 cal) that I'm going to try today in place of the piggy toes and then add in something to get a little closer to 500 cals. Thursday I ate a little bit too little and don't want to mess myself up by doing that. I'm gonna make sure to add in a couple of higher cal LC days, too.


6:00am - a few pickle slices 10

7:00am - 1/4 c cottage cheese 55

10:00 - EAS carb control shake 110

12:30 - cup-a-soup and fat free hot dog (raw) 90

3:30 - 5 cheese-filled sausages (piggy toes) 160

6:30 - fat free hot dog (raw) 40

8:30 - sugar free jello 10

Cals 475 Carbs 10



Regarding the supplements.... it's amazing, but that's almost exactly what I already take. I take a women's multi, 1000mg of Vitamin C, Potassium and Magnesium already. I seriously had already thought of adding in Biotin, but you totally reminded me of it, so I picked some up last night and started that today.


Hope everyone's having a great weekend. I'm working overtime and trying to talk myself into staying another 2 hours. I don't think it worked. I think I'm gonna have to leave pretty soon. :)

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Hi gals!


Just wanted to pop in and wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!


I've done really good so far this week, I'm actually anxious to weigh-in tomorrow. (Then enjoy a great Thanksgiving meal, of course!)


Hope you're all having a great week and have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

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Just my quick weigh-in post. I was SO happy with my weigh-in yesterday. 4 lbs!!! I did so well not overeating yesterday (and making pretty good choices), that I'm giving myself a true splurge day today. Only today, though, right back on track tomorrow. :)


I'm at exactly where I was before my cruise last month and on track to be where I want to be (150 or less) by February 10.


10/29 – 176.4

11/5 – 173.2

11/12 – 172.4

11/19 – 168.6

11/25 – 164.6



I'll tell you what, I already feel a little icky just with the off-program stuff I've eaten today and it's not even lunch time. This should be a good motivator to kick myself in the butt tomorrow. :)


Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving yesterday. Anyone black friday shopping??? I'm at work, bringing money in instead of putting it out. :)

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Great job, Tammy! Color me jealous! My moderation plan hasn't been going too well. Lexi and I have been sick (upper respiratory infection). On top of that, I have to take her to speech therapy twice per week (it's a 40 minute haul each way). Once per week, a therapist comes to my home to work with her, too. Add in daily life on top of holiday hecticness (new word), and I've been stressed to the max lately! I'm up 4.2 lbs. as of yesterday. That's a real bummer, but I'm trying to think of it this way: I'm still 20 lbs. lighter than I was October 1st of this year. I'll get back on track soon, I'm sure of it.


Thanksgiving went well, even though Lexi and I were sick. We called our family to let them know, but they insisted we come anyway. We didn't feel awful or anything, but I didn't think anyone would want to be around us with us coughing and sniffling so much.


I tackled Black Friday shopping this year! First time ever! I went to Toys R' Us at 10 p.m. Thanksgiving night (that's what time they opened). I stood in line and made it in the door at midnight. I grabbed what I wanted and stood in the checkout line. I finally made it back to my car at 2:30 a.m.! I had never seen anything like that in all my life! After TRU, I went to Walmart (not too bad) and then stood in line starting at 3:30 for the 4:00 a.m. opening of Sears. I finally made it home at 5:30. Most everyone was polite, so it wasn't the fighting madhouse I had envisioned, but it was still unreal! I got Lexi a play kitchen (from Santa) and saved $40 on it. I got my parents a digital picture frame, saving $40 on it. All in all, I saved about $150. I guess it was worth it, but I don't know if I'll do it again next year!


Hope everyone is well!

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Boy Misty, you and I were on the same schedule on Thanksgiving. I was at Toys R Us Thanksgiving night, followed by Walmart. Then went to Best Buy, Dick's and Bed Bath and Beyond. Here's were I am considered psycho by all who know me....at that point, I went to work! So basically I was shopping from 10 pm until 7 am. Oh yeah, then I met my friends after work for more shopping. Let's just say I was worthless the rest of the night!


I miss reading everyone's posts. I really haven't been doing well. You know the old start on Monday and do well for a few days and then blow it by the end of the week. But hey, at least I keep trying! I just ordered some new Cathe Friedrich workout DVD's to spice up my weight lifting routine. I also have gotten back into running after nursing some plantar fasciitis.


I have all of the boy's Christmas shopping done and a few more things to get for DH and my parents. So I'm pretty happy about that. I'll tell ya, the older they get the more expensive it gets! This is the first year I didn't buy any toys:(.


Well, hope you are all doing well. I'll keep trying to check in and be accountable to someone:p!



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Hi Everyone!

Just a quick Hello. Thanks for thinking of me. I am fine. Snowed in at the moment. We have had 100 hours straight of snow. Enough already.


Tammy- I know all about fast weight gain. I am back to 199 <sigh> I am starting to exercise more. How are things with your DD?


Misty- you are doing HCG? Does it cause nervousness or moodiness? How is your DD?


Stay well I promise to check in more often.



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Hi ladies!


Well, my weigh in last Friday was uber-frustrating. I gained a pound after what I thought was a pretty good week. I did have some drinks last Tuesday, but I chose low-carb wine, so I thought I'd be okay. Apparently not. :mad: This week will be the test if the wne made the difference or if my body just hates me.


11/12 – 172.4

11/19 – 168.6

11/25 – 164.6

12/3 – 165.6



Nora~ SO good to hear from you!!! OMG, that's a lot of snow! Stay warm and drive safe!!! Good for you with exercising. I was doing good with it and then completely stopped. I'm working an ungodly amount of hours lately, but I still should try to find time. Thanks for asking about my DD... she's finally getting some real help for her behavioral issues. The progress is slow, but it's progress, so I try to be encouraged by that. But she's safe and that's not something I was able to say for a while.


Misty and Jocelyn~ Holy cow, you two are the shopping troopers! Better you than me!!! :p


Misty~ That's a great mindset to keep reminding yourself of your overall progress. Question... when you do the VLCD's, do you feel almost hyper? I read in an article once about how calorie restriction released some type of endorphin that almost gives you a "high" and when I do a few low-cal days in a row, I totally feel that way. Today: not so much. LOL


Hope you and Lexi are feeling back to normal?


All right, back to work. I've been working almost all 12-hr days, but I might leave at my normal time today. I have a headache that I can't seem to shake and am just in general tired of being here. :)

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It has stopped snowing and I see the Sun :) !


Until Sunday when a costal storm may hit us. Oh well.


Tammy- I know it is frustrating when we work so hard to see a gain. I am not liking what my 48 year old body is doing some times.

I am glad your DD is getting the help she needs. I know it must be hard on you. But progress is progress whether in weight loss or life! She is a lucky girl to have you!


Misty- How are you sweetie? How is lexie?


Hi to everyone! Remember to take care of you.


Nora the snow bunny :D

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Good morning!


I had a good weigh-in yesterday. Made up for my gain last week. That keeps me on track for my February goal.


11/12 – 172.4

11/19 – 168.6

11/25 – 164.6

12/3 – 165.6

12/10 – 162.6


I also got out my cruise dresses (2 of them are toooooo snug) to try on every now and then to keep me motivated. :)


Nora~ I hope you guys don't get hit with the bad snow like you did last year. I think we're supposed to get it this year, but it hasn't really hit yet. It's strange for mid-December, usually we've had a lot more snow by now. I hope it doesn't mean Spring's going to come later.


Not much else going on today, just looking forward to a real day off tomorrow. I've been working toooooo much.


Hope everyone is well and enjoying your weekend!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Merry Christmas, Ladies!!!


I know everyone's been busy. I did good on my diet until a couple of days ago. Lost another 2 lbs last week...


11/12 – 172.4

11/19 – 168.6

11/25 – 164.6

12/3 – 165.6

12/10 – 162.6


But then just the last two days of "holiday eating" and my pants are already feeling tight again. Ugh. I'm just gonna try to be good again starting Sunday.


I hope you all have very wonderful holidays with your families and loved ones. I'm sending you all biggest hugs!

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Hi Everyone!


Belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


Christmas came and went so fast this year. I hope you all had a good holiday and santa was good to you ;) Santa did well at my house!


I am so sick of all the holiday 'goodies' and I am ready to get back on track. I am throwing out all the cookies and fudge etc today. Even the kids are sick of them.


Tammy- Congrats on the loss! That is amazing before the holidays.


Misty- Hope you are doing well. I bet Lexie had a great christmas. I miss my boys being young at the holidays.


To the rest of the gals hope you are well and hope to hear from you!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi everyone! How is everyone? Did everyone enjoy the holidays? I enjoyed my time off from dieting, but my body didn't. I'm now convinced that the white chocolate dipped Oreos are made by Satan himself. :p


I'm back to weighing in this Friday, I'm a little afraid, but will suck it up. I found that too much calorie restriction just set me up for binges. I felt really good when I did it, but then when I let go, I really let go. I'm back to my pure protein plan that I did so well with last fall.


Gotta run, hope everyone's well!

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Hey, guys. I haven't fallen off the face of the Earth or anything. Christmas was wonderful...probably the best one I've ever had because Lexi is old enough to really enjoy it. We had a great time with family and friends.


However, a family member brought her little boy to the Christmas get-together with strep throat. Then about a week later, Lexi got it and began running awful fevers. Her fever spiked up to 105.1 on Tuesday. We took her to the doctor and they confirmed strep and gave her a prescription for amoxicillin. Well, she then had an allergic reaction to it. We spent a big part of the day yesterday in the ER because she broke out in hives from the tops of her ears to the bottoms of her feet! She couldn't even wear her shoes because her feet were so swollen! We now have a new antibiotic prescription and are giving her Benedryl for the itching, swelling, and rash. She slept very fitfully last night (in my bed as I wanted to be close to hear her breathing just in case her airways were to swell) as she was itching and coughing.


Long story short, I'll be back to posting and MORE IMPORTANTLY, dieting just as soon as possible. Everyone take care!

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HI Everyone!


Misty- OMG! That poor little girl. I had always taken pencillin/amoxicillin and when I was 18 I had strep throat. I had the same reaction but I also could not breathe. It was scarey. A few years late some doctor said to me that was probably a one time thing you should try the pencillins again. NO WAY. I also found out that people often have a cross allergy with Sulfa drugs too. Any way I hope she feels better!


Hi Tammy- Hope things are going well with you.


I am back on track and following the Clean Eating Diet and doing well.


Have a good one!



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HI Everyone!


Misty- OMG! That poor little girl. I had always taken pencillin/amoxicillin and when I was 18 I had strep throat. I had the same reaction but I also could not breathe. It was scarey. A few years late some doctor said to me that was probably a one time thing you should try the pencillins again. NO WAY. I also found out that people often have a cross allergy with Sulfa drugs too. Any way I hope she feels better!


Hi Tammy- Hope things are going well with you.


I am back on track and following the Clean Eating Diet and doing well.


Have a good one!




LOL! I looove getting to tell people this! So, you know when you thought you had strep throat? You probably had mono =P Apparently it's *really* common for mono to be misdiagnosed as strep, and even more common for mono treated with penicillins to cause a 'fake' allergic reaction.


How do I know this? I was diagnosed with Cat Scratch Fever when I was 17 or so. They gave me amoxicillin (probably the second or third time I'd had penicillin at that point) and I broke out in hives in short order. They decided I was allergic, changed my medication, and I've been writing PCN on the allergies line of forms ever since.


When I started seeing this knew doctor, he questioned what had happened the time I found out I was allergic. He broke the news that I probably had mono way back then. My doctor agrees with yours in that I'm probably not allergic, but he errs on the side of caution - he says there's plenty of other antibiotics I can choose, so why run the risk?

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Hi Virga- That was the original thought of mono. However strep test did come back + and the fact that I couldn't breathe and was about 5 mins away from being put on a ventilator was very scarey!!!

Trust me when you can't breathe you are not willing to take another chance :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh, ladies, the hits just keep on comin'! Lexi finished up her last dose of antibiotics (for strep) on Sunday. Yesterday (Wednesday), she began to run a fever of 102.9 and having diarrhea. I took her to the doctor today. They did a flu test that came back negative. They said it was just a nasty stomach virus. She also has an infected left ear, so she's on MORE antibiotics (Zithromax this time). Hubby is also sick, but is luckily almost better. I had 1 good VLCD this week, but then the crap hit the fan again, so here I am, drinking Mountain Dew and eating most anything, trying to stay awake for the second night in a row to care for Lexi. She's been in bed for two hours and has already had to have 2 diarrhea diaper changes...


I won't bombard you with the details of a rather explosive bowel event at her naptime today. Let's just say I'm still washing sheets and Lysoling everything.


OH, I forgot to mention that I have been feeling under the weather, as well, but as all mothers can testify, we don't have time to be sick.


This too shall pass....

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Sorry I didn't post last week.... crazy busy here at work and my boss is a stalker who sits right behind me in sight of my computer. BUT... I finally got real internet at home! YAY!!!


I got way off track Saturday and Tuesday... it was a nasty (but oh so yummy) combination of Jack Daniels and Chinese food. LOL I got on my VERY strict just meat/eggs/cheese plan Wednesday and lost 3 pounds since then (to make up for a couple)... Here are my official weigh-ins since the holidays:


1/7 – 164.2

1/14 – 162.2

1/21 – 161.2


Not sure what's up with the .2 pattern, but I'll take it! I really want to get at least to the mid-50's before my cruise in 3 weeks.


Misty~ You poor thing! Your poor family! Little Lexi must be miserable! I know how exhausting that must be for you. Try to hang in there and take care of yourself, too, as much as you can.


Nora~ Hope you're over your nasty strep, too???


Virga, Jocelyn~ Hope you're both doing well... keep in touch!!!


Everyone have a great weekend!

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Aww, thanks for wondering about me! I've actually not been dieting for the past few weeks, but I haven't put anything back on since my cruise*. I had something that I thought was a head cold progress into bronchitis =( I just haven't been hungry! Even my old favorite, homemade broccoli cream with noodles, tasted off. I'm supposed to see a doctor Tuesday and hopefully with some antibiotics I'll be back to my old self in no time. I've only been to the gym three times so far this year, that's pathetic!


*I put a lot of weight on during the cruise. Like eight pounds. It was so awful that it kept me behaving the whole holiday season, and at least I didn't gain any there. SIGH, this is so tough!

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