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  1. OMG!!! OK, that's fabulous! I feel like you just ran me through a new NYT game! 😂 Well done!
  2. I don't know what you mean by this, "Easter award winner"; that said, point being, this thread started in 2010! Then I see it was awakened again in 2019.......and then, a new poster, with his very first post EVER on CC, chose to resurrect this thread again? Very strange, right?
  3. Oh trust me, I decorate inside as well! We always come armed with hook magnets for the inside, so that we can hang our tote bags, oft used jackets/wraps, etc but also affix my art work from the various on board drawing classes - just as if I was in 1st grade again! We also usually buy a magnet in most of the ports, so those go up on the inside walls as well.
  4. I love them! I found an Etsy dealer who has magnets in the design of the new Edge Class ships; I ordered two, one for our Ascent cruise in June and one for our B3B on Apex in July. You can customize basically everything on it, including adding all of the ports of call, the year, a saying, etc. But overall, though Celebrity is not Disney - on who's ships the passengers definitely go more "all out" with door decor, I do find that Celebrity passengers are lightening up and embracing door decor more and more. It's especially fun to roam the halls on a self guided door decor tour on holiday cruises. We've been on two Halloween cruises with Celebrity and some of the passengers were very creative with their doors.
  5. OK, so my mind is being systematically blown with all of this non-Greek (or American woman) Celebrity Captain news!! Thank you!
  6. Yes, missed him as well! 40+ cruises with Celebrity but for us, there've only been Greek men and one American woman😂
  7. Sorry, you said the Captain is Nigel Smyth? This is the first I've heard of a Celebrity Captain NOT being Greek - or an American woman, Captain Kate McCue! Interesting, and a news flash to me!
  8. Weather can force a change in venue for an activity, that obviously isn't listed in the paper copy nor the app as it happens too fast. And that has not been our experience, ever, regarding accuracy - the paper has been the gold standard and has been referred to as such by crew.
  9. We always only trust the printed daily planner placed in our cabins every night for the next day. We in fact have been told by several "in the know" cruise crew, on several of Celebrity ships, that the only thing to trust is the printed page. The app is not often updated and is often, wrong.
  10. YES, I just commented on my total brain meltdown, my directionally challenged brain let me down (again) so it's the porthole verandas which are aft, port side, which are just above the Eden smoking area, which are the concern for the possibility of smoke wafting up.
  11. YES, DUH!! 10 Edge Class cruises, I knew that.......Thank you! BUT STILL, there are Porthole Veranda cabins AFT - that is still my concern. Except for my total faux pas, stay with me here, there are porthole verandas aft as well as forward, so the porthole verandas that are AFT PORT (not starboard - I had myself completely turned around) - would have the concern of the smoke.
  12. My only concern about these cabin, the ones which are forward, starboard - is that they are positioned above the smoking section outside Eden - meaning, the smoke from the smokers, if you've got your balcony door open, could waft up there, effecting your outdoor experience. Anyone comment on that?
  13. I've had to be very careful, as I have indeed seen posts deleted by using that name that shan't be named. So many times I've wanted to be very specific about not only the always-more-active-than-here-on-CC roll calls, but also the info packed ship specific threads, like the one about Summit - not the roll call for this impacted cruise, but the ship specific thread.
  14. More first hand accounts from the people who are on board, who are current passengers - who have been personally effected, and are hearing first hand the announcements, etc. There have been a few of those on this thread, definitely, it's just that there is more information, more accounts, more insights, on the other site - the name of which is not supposed to ever be mentioned here on this platform or comments containing such a reference are deleted. That other site is simply easier to use, more user-friendly, very much so - which is why in general, in a case such as this, you'll find more info.
  15. @hcat definitely check it out, too much information to repeat and it's not my story to tell, but I can direct you there. Lots of first hand accounts, many direct quotes from the captain's various addresses. Some of the flooding appears to have been significant depending upon your deck and cabin location on that deck, the toilets being closed down, etc - many eye witness accounts.
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