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Mairzy Doats

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Posts posted by Mairzy Doats

  1. We're still trucking along, due to be in Bermuda tomorrow morning at 5:30 am as planned.


    The pools have never been opened, as far as I know, and the decks are usually closed due to high winds.


    Earlier today, the captain said we might have sun by Thursday.


    Tonight he announced that we would be leaving Bermuda early, on Thursday afternoon at 5 instead of Friday at 4 to continue sailing around whatever hurricane is out there now.


    I was able to reschedule the shore excursion I had lined up with an outside tour company, so that's good.

  2. They're reporting that the waves are 14.8 and have been most of the day. The TV calls them "rough mounting" but I'm not sure what that is.


    The upper decks are closed but there are hopeful folks in deck chairs wrapped in towels - and it's raining.


    We used my backpack to stop the doors from crashing so much.


    Internet is working fine - it's all good for me as long as I can get online. LOL


    Our path keeps changing and we're going further north and west, then heading back to Bermuda. I've been taking screenshots of the TV and I'll post them in a bit.


    Here's an image I edited this morning as an overview for the folks back home.



  3. That is exactly where I am heading... Major UGH...


    We're on the Breakaway to Bermuda right now - are you?


    We're doing a bit of rocking and rolling - the closet doors keep rolling on their tracks making it hard to sleep when they slam shut.


    The chairs on the balcony repositioned themselves by the door - we're on 14 aft.

  4. FWIW - we had a land stay in Bermuda several years ago. They don't let tourists rent cars so we'd decided to rent scooters.


    My DH had ridden motorbikes for several years but he didn't feel at all comfortable on the scooter so we got our money back.


    I think you're very smart not to get scooters, Lisa. This is from 2015 but still a scary statistic: http://bernews.com/2015/01/586-road-deaths-since-1962/


    That being said, the ferries and minibuses are wonderful :)

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