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Soon to be Platinum

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Posts posted by Soon to be Platinum

  1. Aaagghhh. Just typed a long post and lost it. :(


    Kotor is a wonderful old town. We are calling here again next year on Brilliance so just had a walk around this time and lunch ashore.


    We caught a tender around 10.00 with no need for tickets as all the ship's excursions had left. There were lots of taxi drivers touting for business, a HOHO bus which included a guided walking tour of the town (after the bus) for €20 or a boat tour for €15. The boat leaves at 12.00 or 14.00 and is a 2 1/2 hour trip.


    There are hundreds of cafés and restaurants within and outside the walled town, all of which seemed to have Wifi.


    Unfortunately we probably need to start packing a few things. Tomorrow we have a longish private tour in Zadar then disembark on Friday in Venice.

    We love Rhapsody and are very sorry that she is not returning to Europe next summer

    . Good to hear. We will be boarding on May 23 and have never been on Rhapsody before. I am sorry to hear though that the infamous Captain Dimas will have left the ship.
  2. We boarded Rhapsody today in Venice for a 10 night cruise to the Adriatic. I can't promise to post a full daily blog but will manage what snippets I can.


    Tomorrow we are in Koper, Slovenia. We have a full day private tour with other CC posters from our Roll Call, visiting Lake Bled and Ljubljana.

    Early night tonight having been up, since 4.00 am.


    We are Diamond + and have some lovely fellow cruisers already.


    Sorry this is disjointed. Tiredness is winning. :)

    . Thanks for the info. We board on May 23 in Venice and are going to the Greek Isles. Any info on Rhapsody would be most welcome and suggestions for Venice.
  3. Just got back from this cruise. We had no idea of the seriousness of the event that occurred on that first night and our sympathies goes out to anyone affected.


    I'm not one to spread gossip ( if you didn't see it with your own eyes or hear it with your own ears then don't perpetuate it with a small mind etc etc) But we certainly had a few concerns that night.


    We were in 7588. It forms part of that big glass wall midships between decks 7 & 8 and we had one hell of a scary night.


    Apart from being tossed around by the wind and lurching seas (which I am used to, having worked in the oil industry in the far wilds of Scotland) The noise this ship made me lay awake thinking of a contingency plan. Frankly I was a bit scared.


    It sounded like that whole glass wall section was about to fall off. It was creaking and groaning and snapping and banging. From 2 am I lay awake wondering why? Was it a lack of expansion joints to allow that huge section of fixed glass to move? I've no idea regarding the difference in the coefficient of expansion between glass and steel but I can tell you I lay awake all night wondering about it.

    . That sounds pretty scary. Hopefully, RCI will not let thousands of people travel on a ship that is not sea-worthy.
  4. MindyJohn: THANK YOU SO MUCH for the live reports. I've always been a believer that those who post on cruise critic are much more reliable than the general media. I have an interior cabin booked in the area on deck three that is roped off and the carpet is being removed. Any updates you can give would be greatly appreciated on that area. Example: New carpet being installed or just old carpet properly dried out? Do you notice any new furniture coming in? ect... Did you notice any water damage outside of the area roped off? Mold and mildew are my only concerns. Thank you SO much and keep enjoying the beautiful (but a little injured) Rhapsody :)


    Thanks for the updates!

  5. This is incredible. Please keep us updated. We just departed Rhapsody yesterday in Barcelona. Dimas is a FANTASTIC Captain and one of, if not the best, that we've had in all of our sailings. He will take care of everyone.


    BB, they had Long Hammer IPA in the bottle on our crossing from Brazil to Barcelona. I don't know if that will continue. I did not see any pitchers of beer poured from the taps. Taps we saw: Becks and Stella in the Schooner, Heineken and Stella at the Pool Bar, and Heineken in the Diamond Lounge.


    Leaving Barcelona yesterday Captain announced overnight rough seas were expected on way to Corsica. Between 4 and 5am a cabin announcement woke us up saying several cabin windows had broken and some cabins were flooded but situation was under control. This morning we found many people sleeping in Schooner Bar and Shall We Dance lounge. Captain Dimas spoke to them explaining a pressure point had been created when the bow and stern of the ship were temporarily supported between two swells with the middle of the ship momentarily out of the water. Five cabins on deck 3 had windows burst at the pressure point. Once water entered many adjacent cabins on 3 and below on 2 were also flooded. He said seven people were injured and treated but OK. Upon arrival in Corsica they'll repair the windows. Crew is working to extract water and dry things out. Had to have been very traumatizing for those affected. They've been given internet day passes to communicate and assured they'll have whatever support they need, even if the captain has to "personally shop for new shoes for all those still wearing wet shoes."
    . Thanks for sharing. Happy to hear everyone is okay. Pretty scary though. It does sound like the captain handled everything very well. Hope everything goes well with the balance of your cruise. Keep us posted.
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