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Posts posted by Yayacruiser123

  1. First time cruiser here!


    I am turning 40 at the start of 2016 and would love to go on a cruise with my family (2A and 3C) over Christmas to celebrate. Killing two birds with one stone really as it would be a birthday celebration, AND I wouldn't have to do any prep or cooking for Christmas! ;)


    So I am in the middle of getting quotes for either a P&O ship at Xmas or Carnival Spirit - am leaning towards the Carnival Spirit I think - our kids will be 7,10 and 13. 8-10 days through the Pacific islands


    I was wondering - do I book now upon receiving the quotes, or do I wait in hope of getting a better price?


    Do I book through a travel agent, through an online cruise site like ozcruising or do I go direct with the cruise line?


    Is any particular method of booking going to give me a better chance of upgrading down the track if specials come out?


    How do you make your booking more attractive to the powers that be that may/may not decide to give you an upgrade (free hopefully ;)) That's a bit cheeky I know, but you never know your luck!


    Any advice gratefully accepted!




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