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Posts posted by luv2float4ever

  1. (I posted in another heard on this topic, but I think it bares repeating)


    I live in Haiti and was infected by chickengunya last May. I am still suffering the effects of the virus. It is not something you want to mess around with.


    Mosquitos and the rainy season in the Caribbean go hand in hand. Do yourself a favor and wear bug spray with DEET while you are on shore. It is such a cheap and easy preventative, there really is no reason not to use it.


    Enjoy your trip!

  2. Sounds awesome! One of these industrious companies should get on it!


    I did the chef's table experience on Carnival because I was amazed by the amount, variety, and quality of food produced on the ship. I wanted some insight on how it's done, and the chef answered all of my questions. I am even more impressed by my dining experiences on board now that I have greater knowledge about how they work that particular magic.


    You might want to check out the chef's table on your next trip. Maybe it will satisfy some of your curiosity until they create the excursion you designed!

  3. Hello cruising friends,


    I am looking for tips and pointers for my February cruise on the Carnival Valor.


    I posted my plan to cruise on Facebook and invited friends to join me. I was shocked when 4 couples messaged to say they were making reservations. Now it looks like my get away is going to be a group of 10.


    I am thrilled to have so many friends around, but it is making me a bit anxious. I feel somewhat responsible for the group since I made the invite.


    I am looking for tips from those of you with experience cruising with big groups of friends or family. What advice do you have for me?



  4. I live in Haiti and was infected with chickengunya last May. It is no joke. You DO NOT want this virus.


    If you are traveling in the Caribbean during the rainy season, then you should be concerned about mosquitoes, no matter the time of day. DEET is an easy defense, and when it comes to this particular virus, it's better to be safe than sorry. And sorry doesn't even begin to describe how you will feel if you catch chickengunya!


    Have a fun trip!

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