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Posts posted by maw1969

  1. I don't understand what it's all about either. Just people with bees in their bonnets. But it's done - Liverpool has got the buildings, the funding and people in this part of the world want to travel from their. Get used to it! It will grow, maybe slowly, but surely!


    Who knows what the future holds. You have to ask yourself why did Cunard move to Southampton and are those reasons still valid today?!

  2. Got it! The latin 'pluralis majestatis' is often 'used by people in high office'. Cats2010 has given himself/herself away - he/she is the MP for Southampton (we should have guessed by all the hot air)! Quite enjoying all his/her posts, particularly the extremely rude 'no comment' ones. Whilst it is true that he/she is offensive about a vibrant and up-coming City, it really is amusing but then we in Liverpool do have a sense of humour. Fancy comparing 25 Liverpool cruises to Southampton's total - that really does take the biscuita,




    I really don't know what all the fuss is about. :confused:

  3. I'd say Southampton are very worried, since they are constantly trying to kick up a huge fuss with cries of "it's not fair, it's not fair". Even people who just live their are stamping their little feet !!


    As it happens, I was in Liverpool yesterday for work, both by the Three Graces and then at the Seacombe ferry terminal, so I had a very good view of the Liverpool water front, i.e. the view you'd get from a cruise ship. Obviously it goes without saying that the Liverpool waterfront view cannot hold a candle to the Southampton Waterfront vista. (oh hang on, I've got that wrong haven't I ?)


    I live in Southampton and frankly couldn't careless about Liverpool. To be honest, I don't know anyone that does. Admittedly, our local paper ran a few stories with regards your new terminal but that's about it. In my opinion, Cunard switching to Liverpool would be no loss to Southampton because another line would take its place...


    For what it's worth, I've been to Liverpool many times and think its a fantastic city.


    Out if interest, when and why did Cunard stop using Liverpool as a turnaround port?

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