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Posts posted by whimsy1

  1. We stopped in the Faroe islands in Aug of 2016...while on a Zuiderdam cruise. As I recall, we had joined with a few others (on the CC Roll Call) and booked a private tour. Our tour guide turned out to be a young man (college student) who was attending school in Denmark...and he was a lot of fun. As we drove through one tiny village (perhaps 100 souls) he mentioned that for many on the island, the big excitement was gazing out their window (all day) hoping to see something pass by :). The topography is very attractive and the island is actually financially well off...deriving a lot of income from the fishing industry. Since they are not part of the EU they are not bound by some of the fishery agreements (within the EU) that restrict fishing. Hence they bring in a huge tonnage of fish which is very profitable.


    My advice is to do something similar to what we did and get a small tour that takes you around some of the island. And by the way...one surprise was that our cell phone (T-Mobile) worked everywhere on the island with 5 bars of LTE coverage.



    Hank - do you remember the name of the tour company you used? We will be docking in Torshavn in July and the ship excursions are terrible and terribly priced. Thanks for any info.

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