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Everything posted by Garyjames220

  1. so you think two single strollers would be better 🤷‍♂️ no I don’t expect them to give us a stroller. We need it through the airport etc anyway I can’t see it being a issue them putting the stroller underneath in the luggage part of the bus, surly thousands of people have used strollers on excursions
  2. thanks for some great tips where on the ship do you think we will struggle with most with the stroller, seems the stateroom and getting there is the main issue, I’m wondering should I just get a room near the elevator to sort that issue we do have one of the smallest double wide strollers you can get, but may need to buy singles if that’s what we need
  3. yeah I’m not even nervous, after flying to America for 17 nights and seeing how much they enjoyed the parks and everything I no they will love it. Barely cried the whole of that trip. As soon as we got back the crying starting again, they just love doing things and not being stuck in the house. I was amazed cos they only had 1 hour naps max in America every day and they weren’t even moody so when did you use your stroller on your trip at one, eg excursions, by pool deck 🤷‍♂️
  4. thanks for your tips the umbrella stroller sounds good if you can get two that clip together, as that would be easier so see these excursions that say you must be able to walk 1-2 miles etc, is that still suitable with a stroller or could it be narrow wee up hill roads. It doesn’t really say and wasn’t sure what to do i think we might try some on our own and 1-2 with the cruise line
  5. Aww thanks, well I think it’s always best to start young, that way your used to it, why wait, you never know what’s around the corner yeah I think it’s just a silly thing to say to my question, when I’m asking about stroller advice it’s a bit daft advising to cancel a trip and lose thousands of pounds but there we go. I would have never have booked in the first place if we weren’t wanting to go but there we go
  6. i no a lot of people that wait until there older but we wouldn’t want to miss out on 6 years off no holidays, they have been on 6 flights already and have always been so well behaved thankfully so there very good flyers so far, there just back for an 11 hour connecting flight to Orlando and never cried for more than 10 mins the full time, there and back, we put ear muffs on them for take off and landing which I think helps 🙂 they done long park days too for over two weeks so they do seem to quite enjoy been out and about
  7. My question is about a stroller not about been told to reconsider my vacation options on a trip we have booked and paid
  8. Hi we are doing a cruise on the odyssey with our 18 month old twins in sept and was wondering how you find a double stroller on the cruise I am also booking excursions and was wondering will the stroller be allowed. A lot of excursions say you need to walk so far and wheel chairs and mobility issues can’t pick this tour etc. does that mean the stroller could be a issue We are going to Greece etc and everywhere says it’s narrow roads etc so don’t no what to do but my wife still has back issues from pregnancy so holding them all day isn’t really a option. A bit stuck
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