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Posts posted by I_am_Brad

  1. Hey guys. I'll be going on my second cruise soon. I'm looking at getting an inexpensive carry on bag. Basically I need it to hold a change of clothes (just in case), my toiletries, camera, and a few odds and ends. I would also like it to do double duty as my shore bag on certain stops where I have excursions planned. On shore days it just needs to carry what I need for that day (spare battery, sunscreen, towel, bathing suit, etc)


    I'm thinking more a backpack style, but not sure. Anyone have any good inexpensive recommendations?

  2. Thanks for the clarification Sharks.


    Thanks Sarasa, that was exactly what I wanted to know.


    Mitsu, thanks for the response. You're review is one of the reasons I am still considering chankanaab. It's our first stop, so wasn't too sure about something so laid back. It looks fun though, so I am leaning towards it.


    Thanks for the tip on Roatan. I'm still on the fence there. It looks like it would be hard to find a bad place on Roatan to snorkel.

  3. On feed days during the week I stay about 12-1400 calories and walk 45-60 minutes 3-4 times a week. Good luck! Cindy


    This got me curious. If you are watching calories anyway, why not just go to 10-1200 a day, and not bother with the fasting?


    I'm working on losing weight too, so I understand how tough it can be.

  4. Excellent. Thanks for the tips guys. It looks like this fits right in with what I was wanting to do anyway. I have a few things in Belize I want to do, and figured Costa Maya would just be a lazy sort of wander around day.


    happycat, I'm just weird. It just grosses me out to think about all the mouths that have been sucking on that snorkel. I know it's completely irrational, considering the ocean isn't exactly squeaky clean. :)


    Thanks for the safety tips too. All good things to keep in mind.


    Looks like Roatan is the place to go then. That looks right up my alley as I will be content to walk around along the beach, and get in the water when the mood strikes. Don't know about the beach club thing though. It sounds like a good deal, but not sure if I want to stay in one spot all day with all that beach.


    Armedaneian, is it pretty easy to walk up somewhere and get a decent bite to eat if you don't go to one? Are there any more "local" restaurants in the area you were talking about? What's the bathroom situation like if you don't use a club?


    sharks48 I was thinking about Chankanaab Park. The reviews look very nice. If you book one of the encounters there, do you still need to pay admission on top?


    From what you guys all said, I'll probably go ahead and get my own gear. Just having the option there, and not having to share, makes it worthwhile to me. Any tips on buying?

  5. I'm going on a trip this winter to Belize, Costa Maya, Roatan, and Cozumel.


    I'll probably do one or two excursions at some point, but I was thinking of getting my feet wet at some point. What I'm thinking of doing is buying my own gear (I don't even drink after people. Cannot fathom sticking a shared snorkel in my mouth).


    I've been looking at some of the excursions, and the look nice, but how feasible would it be to just go out to the beach and snorkel? Is it worth it to bring your own stuff?

    Are there any good spots?

    If cab/transportation is needed, how reasonable is it around these places?


    I'm a strong swimmer so I'm not worried about that, but would still like to be reasonably close to normal swimming/beach areas just for peace of mind...unless I can find others going to the same spots.


    Thanks a bunch

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