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Posts posted by IllinoisGirl1978

  1. In a few short months the s**t hit the fan. He had to  get the Westerdam to dock and bring those passengers home safe and sound.  He also had the Covid19 illness/ death on the Zaandam/Rotterdam.  I don't blame him ( if he was at the end of his contract)


    On another note this was a planned departure, because wasn't his wife and younger son aboard the Amsterdam on the 2020 World Cruise? An announcement while visiting with his family and the crew would have been a better way to announce his HAL departure.  

  2. Surviving this pandemic is more important than bringing back the classic HAL.  I do think getting back to it's roots would be a great next step post pandemic.

    Customer service with social media engagement.  You all are excluding Generation X and the older Millennials we're the next generation of cruisers and some of us like the mid sized/smaller ships.   

  3. 25 minutes ago, puppycanducruise said:

    Good morning.

    Thank you for the Daily Report.

    Poutine, sounds great.  Not good for my waistline, but tasty.

    YOLO! Poutine sounds like a good|bad idea. That's a treat when shelter-in-place/quarantine/lockdown/social distancing ends.

    Stay safe

    Stay Healthy! 

  4. 3 minutes ago, Jameseric said:

    Love it. Yes, one's hiney can get beyond itchy at the bother of it all. For my part, recently I accepted (in my seventh decade, right?) that I am a process person. Relevance here ... If you're on our particula%r TA this autumn, you may see me at a Lido table grinding three measures of fresh beans into a pourover cone, with steam wafting from my special kettle waiting its turn. So, come over and say Hi and be welcome to bring your cup/mug and try it yourself.

    I approve of the fresh grinding ones beans, it does make a wonderful difference. Unfortunately,  there's a 99.9 chance I'll be working. (I work for Starbucks 🤣🤣


  5. 2 hours ago, Jameseric said:

    First of all, I appreciate these comments, all. Now related to ski ww's frustration: while I haven't watched coffee prep in either place, I suspect that there's a higher "fussy quotient" in the MDR food culture, than in the Lido. Assuming of course that neither place uses stale Folgers brand, there's a lot to be said for servicing one's brewing equipment regularly, checking temperatures, swabbing out accumulated residues. All of which must be tough to accomplish when literally hundreds of newly-verticle guests descend on your tables wanting their morning cuppa NOW.

    It's a pain in the ass, sometimes the grind of off, sometimes brewers over brew or under brew.  

  6. 6 hours ago, ski ww said:

    I'm sure not a connoisseur, but I do enjoy a nice cup of java. Why can I get a decent cup of coffee in the MDR but not in the Lido?  

    I have your answer!

    1) It's the brewing process

    2) It may stand longer in the Lido over MDR ( It does make a difference)

    3) They may grind the beans more frequently in MDR as opposed to Lido


    There's a reason when you go to a coffee shop (Starbucks or your favorite independent shop) you'll see timers on the brewers. It makes a difference on the taste quality.


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