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Posts posted by Suite Travels
Good suggestions were made. I am a native Miamiam and one place I always suggest is to visit is Vizcaya. Here is a link for you. Well worth seeing. This is the John Deering estate.
Maybe she thought vegetarian was a political party!
Too funny. Jeff, loved your story.
This should answer most of your questions.
This was sent to me by a Cuban friend. Good advice
We solve the valet problem by never using a valet. We are fully capable of walking an extra perhaps 50 feet to insure our car isn't damaged. Have seen too many videos of valets taking cars for joy rides in the parking lot while parking the car. IMHO valet parking is a scam.
As to the putting the suggested tip on the bottom of the bill, beware that it is calculated correctly. The generally accepted calculation uses the price before the tax and too many places calculate the tip on the total price including tax. Have also found times where the dollar figure is higher than the percentage shown and on the total including tax.
A simply way to check on the recommendations being correct and not inflated is to find the recommended tip for 20%, divide the dollars there by 2 and compare to the price before tax. Should be the same or really close. For example if the 20% recommended tip amount is $12.50 divide the 12 by 2 equals 6 so the before tax price should be about $60
Hope this helps.
You are right and we never tip on tax but many people don't realize that.
At Christmas time we do give something to our mail lady and our pool guy but we consider that a Christmas gift not a tip.
When I was a kid I slung newspapers and many gifted me during the holidays. Hell yeah I needed the money.
Some hotels with restaurants you really have no choice but to valet as street parking down here is difficult to find and parking garages are charging $10.00. If we are lucky to find a space we don't mind walking either but during season here you need to be lucky.
Jeff, somebody once asked me what is the difference between a outside cabin to a inside cabin. My reply was the inside cabin was on the inside of the ship and the outside cabin is outside the ship. I said it with a straight face.
Be aware if shipping from or to South America Luggage Concierge does not ship there or from. LC's insurance carrier will not cover them. The reason is the high rate of theft. We tried to ship from BA on our last cruise and they told us DHL was the only one. FedEx will not ship bags either at least from BA. DHL charges a lot.
We ship our bags all the time when we cruise and love it.
Well tipping is not going away anytime soon in the US. Servers are paid below minimum wage and few if any benefits. So if restaurants eliminate tipping and increase wages they will increase menu prices one way or another so the consumer does not win.
During our season many restaurants calculate on the checks 10-15-20% suggested tip. Many people come to Florida and are not accustomed to tipping and leave nothing. These hardworking people live on tips. Most of us in the US will continue to tip. The kids that work the valet services work mostly for tips and I want to insure that my car comes back in one piece the next time I go to the same venue.
The towels will have different company names monogramed on them...
That was too funny! Seriously, they are all about the same run by Steiner or Canyon Ranch. A spa is not a deal breaker for most.
Luggage Concierge is excellent as well. We use them all the time.
Obviously you wouldn't ask someone what they're paying - but even assuming $175K a year you're talking around $480 a day - a FAR cry from the $100 a day mentioned in the article. And that's assuming the numbers are correct. Being treated like royalty is nice, to be sure, but I like having some living space, my motorized toys, and my dog. Until a cruise line will let me bring my fuzzy buddy with me, living on a ship ain't gonna happen. I'd need my car and at least one of my bikes, too. Actually, the more I think about it, I think I'd prefer living on land and cruising more often than I do now - that's my idea of living like royalty. :D
Bill, you are probably not old enough to make that leap. For these ladies it beats a nursing home. I agree you can't sail on a luxury line for $100 a day and certainly not in a PH like one lady we know really well. Mama Lee on the Serenity has racked up 350 cruises and Shirley on the Symphony has over 250.
I'd bet dollars to donuts they're not doing it for $100/day. If I could do that, I'd sell my house and telecommute until I retired or died...
Bill, of course they are negotiated on Crystal which is a luxury line and commit to the $$$. A basic cabin which was mentioned was $175K a year. The penthouse I am sure is more. I won't dare ask our friend what she is paying. Who cares they are treated like royalty.
Actually Crystal has four ladies living on Crystal between the Symphony and the Serenity. One lady who we know well lives in a Penthouse.
Dress jeans are not acceptable but leggings are. Go figure. The worst gear I have ever seen on women. Nonthing but cheap spandex or gym clothes with a sparkling top. Go figure. Regent will be forced to change over time.
TC, CC allows us to post opinions on any board within their guide lines. As I am staying on topic I don't see a problem. This is not anyone's personal site. We are all free to voice our opinion.
I wanted to add this from the Today Show. I would rather see a woman in stylish dress jeans.
I just read my former employer AA does not permit employees to wear leggings in First or Business but passengers can...go figure. I personally don't think they are attractive on women and way too casual.
Here is an article on leggings.
Really acceptable after 6PM. Yuch
Well our two handsome friends dress very smartly and on casual night have never had an issue with being admitted to CR and they have at least ten years with the line and nobody knows they are wearing black jeans with a sports jacket and sometimes with a tie.
Seabourn has changed as well as Crystal. Silversea still very formal.
TC, you are the one that brings up the dress code rules and others have not agreed with you. Are you on the board of Regent or advisory committee?
PS. If Iever sail Regent I will wear my leggings knowing that they are acceptable
Maybe they can name it the Fashinator.
I have not sailed on Regent and am unlikely to do so if the fashion police are out and about. There seems to be a big emphasis on rules and regulations.
Do these pants make me look fat? Are these shoes too flat or will they be ok if I carry a medical certificate? Does my top have enough bling?
I can imagine changing 5 times before I have the courage to leave my room.
Really and truly, what does it matter. Cruise lines have dress codes which should be taken as suggestions but people should not have to pass muster before they can move about the ship. If someone is really inappropriately dressed (which I'm sure doesn't happen often), they should not be made to feel like a second class citizen. They may have made a genuine mistake and are not trying to "push anyone's buttons ".
I have seen formal outfits and elegant clasual outfits which pass all the rules but IMO look less than spectacular.
Stop worrying about what people wear and enjoy their company.
(I expect to get flamed, after all, what would I know, I haven't even sailed with Regent!)
You are not going to get flamed by me for sure. It really is only a couple of people on this board that emphasize the rules. We have friends that sail Regent and Seabourn and they look sharp in dress jeans and a sports jacket and have never had issues on either line. The same goes for Crystal that we sail on mostly. Have you seen some of the women that have no business wearing leggings but they can wear them after 6PM? Some of these people who complain should look in the mirror themselves.
The pictures are stunning and your blog keeps my attention.
This discussion has been going on for years on the luxury line threads. It is getting tedious. Society in the Western cultures has changed in the direction of casual. Here where I live folks don't dress up for church anymore. Bankers come to work casual. And the list goes on. That is also true on the American luxury cruise lines. The debate is really over. That disappoints some of the old guard who want to obscure the paunch and wrinkles (I can claim a bit of both) with fancy dress. But fancy dress as a requirement is history. Period. What amazes me is the willingness of some of the fancy dress stalwarts to bare almost all posing nearly naked on the pool deck during the day. What a contrast!!
Some people on the pool deck really need to cover up a bit on all cruise lines for sure.
Really enjoying your blog.
You will love the Amazon for sure. Yes, the ship will be your Oasis.
We went to see the gorillas in Africa deep into the jungle hot and sweaty it was but it was worth it and then returning to our oasis. We are pretty tough guys and physically active. I think one should do what they can while,in good health because later on it may not be possible.
I also want to also thank you for your service in Vietnam. My dad served in the Korean War. Nixon eliminated the draft just before I graduated high school but I think we were all prepared for the draft number we would get.
Again, thank you for our freedom!
:cool:+ Jean.
I want to correct my post. Not the N Cape but the Artic Circle. Beautiful cruise but brrrrrr. Survived.
Visits to Cairo, Dubai and Africa in the summer and winter, Thailand in the rainy season, Singapore a wonderful city but yes it is hot and humid but the cleanest city I have ever been to.
As my mother would say if you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen. She cooked well and and I stayed in the kitchen.
Thanks Miles.
Being limited to certain times of year when we can arrange holiday times together you have to chose holidays to suit. We have never been disappointed with weather that is too hot or visitor numbers that are unmanageable. We make the best of any situation and take whatever is thrown our way weather wise. :cool: Jean.
Jean you are welcome. I have been traveling around the world for most of my life and pretty much know the climates as well as changes in climates. We have been to the N. Cape and to Antarctica four times. Is it cold yes is it warm to hot on some days in the Med of course. Does it rain in. Venice in the summer .. yes. YMMV.
Many people travel in Europe to the Med during the summer especially Europeans and the U.K. because of the short summer that they have. Like on ships I have heard it is too cold or too hot it really depends varies with each individual.
For a better idea for the weather visit weather underground it will give you the average range of historical temperatures and rain.
We have been to the Med at least 20 times during all seasons and loved it. We can adjust to heat and cold or in between.
Don't be discouraged as we all know some of us have responsibilities and can only travel at certain times. Please don't let weather hold you back. You are the final decision maker and nobody here can make that decision for you. I know you will have a great time regardless of the weather.
The advice on here is like food subjective and what one likes the other person may not care for.
I traveled for a living and cruised over a hundred cruises in total. My advice is not to worry about the weather and enjoy the time you have traveling and embellish all of it.
Etiquette and Tipping Around the World
in Regent Seven Seas Cruises
What I posted were just guidelines and you will see different ones on the net. Go with what you feel is right. In Switzerland we just leave a little bit as service is included as well as many EU countries.
On a cruise we never bribe a tip but if we feel we want to give one or two including the crew fund that is strictly our business and really don't want to be lectured about it as this is a personal choice. You won't be taken to the brig if you decide to tip someone who has really taken care of you.
Yes we do tip certain people and not ashamed of it as I said this is our personal business.