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Posts posted by Mandy@49

  1. Hi flying from uk next sat ,we are staying at Rennaissance hotel

    For one night .whats it like ?

    We have several hours to kill

    Best place to eat pizza or burger place?

    Where to go to do a bit is sightseeing

    Any info would be good

    Thanks in advance

    Oh yes what's the weather forcast for next weekend

  2. Hi first time with r/c going on explorer of the seas dec 22 for 7 days.

    My question is the premium drinks package my hubby wants it but I don't think I do.can you purchase a single package ?

    Is it worth it?whist my hubby is not a heavy drinker he may consume say 8 drinks a day ?


    Taking two Kevin and perry teenagers with me!

    There is enough to keep them occupied???

    Is there enough food for them to munch AI

    Any info will be useful to me



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