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Posts posted by froggy9143

  1. 10 hours ago, Brisbane41 said:


    Your first problem is that you said something to them. Think about it they don't wash their hands then they are not going to listen to you. You are not a figure of authority and it is best to mind your own business and not get involved. Even with one of them telling you where to go you did not get the message. For information if it turned physical then you could both be put off the ship because it is not up to you to police the behaviour of other passengers. You are just another passenger and you need to mind your own business and let the staff deal with it. Don't stress yourself out on holidays worrying about other people.


    The non hand washing is just a fact of life. It wont change. When I go on a cruise I avoid the public bathrooms. I always take anti-bacterial wipes with me and everything in my cabin gets wiped down before I touch it from TV remote to air conditioning controls to coat hangers and the drawers I will be using. My system works and has kept me from getting sick on the ship. I also never use the lifts and touch the buttons or rails.


    As far as restaurant entrances go I will not use the sanitiser before I enter. I consider it overkill and bugs, bacteria and viruses can become more powerful thanks to that stuff. I always make sure I am well clean and washed when I leave my cabin for the food areas but I will never touch that stuff at the entrance and I will explain to them briefly why when I enter. Like superbugs can grow resistant to antibiotics the same can be said for those gels on the ship. Incidentally the gels at the dining entrances have no effect against norovirus. They will not block or protect your from a virus.


    You are not going to escape from dirty people. That is a fact of life. Look at the photo below of a ships galley staff on a food serving line with no gloves on touching his hair!


    The best you can do is keep yourself healthy and not worry about others.



    OH my, what an arrogant ....., I always say somthing to people who do not wash, at work at a concert anywhere, you do not need to be a figure of authority to mention it, it puts a thought in their minds that will maybe make them think twice next time. It works on children all the time, just is harder to get into the heads of Adults who think they know it all. enough said.

  2. We rarley sit with others, we have had too many bad experiences, people who order every app and 2 or 3 dinners so you get suck sitting there watching them for HOURS. We want to get in and out quickly, we usually only order and app and a soup or salad, rarley order a full meal. If we end up siting with others as soon as we are done we just politely excuse ourselfs and leave. I can't sit in the MDR for hours.

  3. I went down the stairs on the Sapphire years ago thanks to a couple of about 10year olds, I had no heals on had no beverages it was about 10am and the littles kids were runnnig down the stairs, ran into me and I went down the stairs, knee swelled up so bad I could hardly walk for about 3 days. The kids never stopped or said Sorry, runied my cruise, thanks to the little brats.

  4. If you purchase your tram ticket through Princess and run out of time to use it or the weather is bad it is fully refundable, I ran out of time and just took my unused ticket to the excursion desk and my account was credited. So no loss to book that one in advanced through Princess. It is also the only excursion that states it is refundable.

  5. I always wonder what the aversion is to washing your hands after using the restroom. I just got off of the Coral Princess and evey time I was in a public restroom the others just walked out after flushing and never washed? I do not want to get sick while on a ship I said something to each person as they were leaving the restroom about washing, All I get back was a snide look or in one case and older person then me 50+ said FU? really I just want to stay healthy, I also notice that on the Coral they was no staff person standing at the entrance of the buffet or dining room making sure people use the Purell. On the other ships there is alway someone there, on the Star you can't get past them in the buffet they will not hand you a plate till you wash/rinse with the purell.



    Is it just me thats weird about people washing thier hands? Just touching the door handles in the restrooms and the flusher is enough to make anyone want to wash up.

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  6. After I receive the time and location confirmation from Princess, I actually have invitations printed, pretty cheap with vista print about 10 bucks, then I address them on embarkation day with the names on the patter and drop them off at the pursers desk. I have had many officers show up at the meet and greet including the Captain.

  7. I use a lanyard while on the ship, I do not have pockets on all my pants or a pocket on my swim suit, and I hate carrying things in my hands (no cell phone or camera either). When I get off the ship I usually have a bag or purse with me and put it in there as soon as I get off the ship. On board I need my hands free for my cocktails.:D:D

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