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Posts posted by N1kk1

  1. Not sure if they stick to a specific area or not

    We are mid 60's & have had some young people on our cruises to the Baltic, Norway, British Isles, Caribbean, Panama


    You just pick a cruise to places you want to go then go enjoy & not worry about the age of your fellow ship mates


    If you do not want a lot of families on your cruise pick one of the upscale lines

    Not everyone on them is ready for the bone yard ..yet :D


    I have seen some 80 yr olds that can run rings around us ;)




    There *may* be a few single friends coming with us so we most definitely need to worry about the age/type of people certaine cruises attract.

    I had the most miserable in time in Cancun with my BF a few years ago because everyone was single & the average age was 19 so there was NO ONE on our resort to interact with.

    I understand that there will be different people, but like bars & restaurants they attract a certain type & that's all I'm hoping to figure out on these forums.

    For now, haha.

    Next comes what cruise line to even research.

  2. Well you have a couple of options

    cheap cruises with lots of kids & families or more upscale cruises with people your parents age ;)


    Hope you find something that suits you




    Where do young couples cruise to?

    Or is this why they stick with all inclusive resorts?

    Personally, I've done the latter & was rarely satisfied.

    I was looking forward to the organization that comes with a cruise.

  3. you may want to read this thread



    Most main stream lines cater to families


    I would find a TA in your area that specializes in cruises

    tell therm exactly what you want, budget

    Not sure if you will find everything you want in one cruise line ...you will have to compromise on some of your wants ;)


    I did read that, thank you, :).

    I was prepared to spend a fair amount of money, but it looks like the more money we spend the older the age group which is something we don't want.

    I guess that's good news!

  4. My BF & I are trying to plan a cruise, but we have no idea where to START,:confused:.


    My biggest fear is that we're going to get stuck on a cruise line that attracts a specific demographic like families/singles/couples ONLY.

    We're basically looking for an adult group that is comprised of singles, couples, groups of friends, etc.

    (No kids would be preferred.)


    We're looking @ a longer period (11-15 days) in more culture based places (Greece) rather than hot spots (Cancun).

    Keep in mind we're a young couple (27/28) & like to party, just not with a bunch of 19 year olds.


    Where do we START looking?

    I'm so lost.

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