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Posts posted by lilricky67

  1. -out in the open on the freeway I always drive a min 8mph over the speed limit

    -I always smuggle a bottle of coke into the movie theater, not paying more for a fountain drink then the movie ticket. wife always take 99cent jr mints instead of paying $5 for the exact same box in the movie.

    -I even shop for the best deal on cruise fares and don't think I'm screwing the cruise lines when I buy at a good price and then ask for a credit if I catch the price lower.


    Well, you are obviously some sort of derelict with a lust for anarchy and the destruction of our society!! How dare you?!?:D:D:D

  2. I did not notice any poster on this thread saying that they never broke any traffic rules - which were the type of rules to which you referred in trying to deflect attention from the topic -- which was, and remains - cruise lines' rules concerning smuggling booze.


    Such transparent attempt at relativity is only slightly less immature than the claims of those who state that they only smuggle because the only brand/blend they can tolerate is not carried by their line of choice. (As if such a delicate palate would be satisfied with the effect the plastic of their rum runner would have on the bouquet of their cherished Old Whatever .)


    Again, it was addressed to those on here that say they don't break rules. So, I just gave a couple of example of rules commonly broken. If one is going to cast judgement on the behavior of others in regards to following rules, then I think it's fair to ask about other common mundane rules. Because if they don't abide by those all of the time, why then should they expect others to follow these rules.


    It is not an immature question it just broadens the scope a bit to ascertain the validity of one's position. If I were one of those smuggling, I would find it absurd to have someone chastising me over breaking rules on the ship when they themselves don't necessarily follow all of the rules in other areas.


    Don't expect that when you throw civility out the window, that you don't get challenged (not necessarily speaking of you specifically). If these boards were civil, then the response to the OP's question could have been "I don't smuggle alcohol. The cruise lines have their policy and I abide by it.". End of story, leading by example. Instead, the thread denigrates into a litany of name calling: "cheapskates, lazy, immature, idiots, etc.".


    Regardless of which side you fall with regard to this argument, imagine this same discussion was held in person and these same things said. Tell me that the lack of civility and respect don't violate the rules of civilized behavior.

  3. The penalty can be much more severe. There are provisions that would deny you boarding or you could find yourself being put off in the next port. No refunds. Read the contract you signed and the guest conduct policy (RCI).


    Haven't heard of any of the harsher penalties being used but really, the penalty isn't the point. Either you honor a contract, your word, or you don't.


    I still think we are making a bigger deal of it on this board than the cruise lines themselves make of it. In general, if people want to smuggle it, I have no control over it and am not going to bother worrying about it. They are aware that it's against the policies, hence they smuggle it. That being said, they should not be surprised or complain if they suffer the penalties.


    I personally don't smuggle, one because I don't drink that much, but secondly because I don't want to have to worry about it. Not worth it to me. I like to be above board (pardon the pun) with things like that and just enjoy my cruise. If others want to risk it, that's up to them and I won't begrudge or belittle them for it.

  4. You lack of knowledge is impressive. Q: Can I bring liquor or non-alcoholic beverages (from home or from a port) onboard?


    A: Guests are not allowed to bring beer, hard liquor or non-alcoholic beverages onboard for consumption or any other use.


    So NONE of it is allowed under the rules. Sorry but buying a cruise at any advertised price is NOT against ANY rules. Smuggling booze, soda, or any beverages other then the stated 2 bottles of wine per cabin is against the rules. Justify it however you want but it boils down to being a cheapskate because you dont want to buy RCI booze.


    Way to focus on one sentence, and one in which if you read it as a reasonable adult would realize that I understood I could have been wrong on that one point. That's why I ended that sentence with "I thought" which would imply that I'm not positive on that. But it's great that you focus on that one thing and ignoring the rest. Well done.


    It is also apparent that you cannot engage in a civilized discussion and your support for your argument is name calling and degradation. Again, well done. You argument was that smugglers are cheap and when someone challenges that idea, you switch to smugglers are breaking the rules. When challenged on that, you switch back to them being cheap.


    Based on the rules that have been posted in this thread, the penalty from the cruise lines for bringing on alcohol is that it might be taken away from them. If the cruise lines themselves considered this a major problem, then the penalty for this offense would be a bit more severe. Instead, they just take it from you and then return it at the end. No big deal.

  5. Good god! With all the free food onboard and bring your own snacks? If you are smuggling water and soda then yes I would have a problem with it. Last time I checked shopping for a good deal isnt against any rules of the cruise line. And if you dont think you end up paying for the cheap idiots then think again. Stealing a towel? Why not, its only one.


    You are allowed to bring soda and water on I thought. But now you are switching your argument to it being against the rules and just using the cheapskate route to belittle. But you are okay with being cheap, as long as it doesn't break rules.


    Guess what, when you get a good deal on a cruise, someone else is paying for it. That cruise line is going to do everything they can to meet their revenue goals, so, if you buy a lower fare, that just means they have to make that up somewhere else. If you don't book excursions through the cruise, they loose some revenue. They take that into account and jack up prices elsewhere to make up for that. So, if you've done either of those, count yourself as one of "the cheap idiots". Welcome aboard!

  6. You are right about that. Last time I checked Rosa Parks was not a cheapskate. The sorry ass excuse about having a drink on my balcony. I drink on my balcony too. Takes 5 minutes to find a bar and get 2 drinks. But then I'm no cheapskate.


    So your argument has nothing to do with the policy, but rather the frugalness of the people who bring their own. This means you have a problem with anyone who brings their own soda, water or snacks. What about the people who by a drink package because it will be cheaper for them than buying as you go?


    Using this line of argument, you should be posting on every thread here about getting good cruise deals and saving money and telling them they are cheap. But since you're no cheapskate, you've probably never visited those threads. You probably find them appalling ;).


    Sad thing is, I hardly drink, I don't smuggle alcohol and I don't really care that much either way on the topic. I'm just wanting to help fuel the fire. It can be quite entertaining.

  7. This thread's topic deals with sneaking alcohol aboard ship. I think your question might be more logically asked on a thread dealing with traffic violations.


    My question is addressed to those who say they don't break any rules, which was brought up on this thread and deals with the topic of this thread. It wasn't just a random question with no ultimate purpose.

  8. Perry Mason you're not. From the RCI Guest Conduct Policy:


    "Guests are not permitted to bring alcoholic beverages onboard; with the exception of

    embarkation day when guests are permitted to bring onboard with them up to two (2)

    bottles of wine (which are subject to a corkage fee) per stateroom."



    Perry Mason I am not, which I pretty much fully admitted. And I was referring to the snippet you originally posted, which was apparently not the rule but the punishment. What you have just posted is the rule and better supports your argument.

  9. "Passenger further agrees that Carrier may prohibit or restrict Passenger from bringing any alcoholic beverages for consumption onboard the Vessel and agrees to comply with any Carrier policy covering such matters."



    Now, I'm no lawyer, but I have seen them played on TV but it doesn't say that they DO prohibit or restrict it, just says that they MAY. Sounds discretionary on the part of the cruise line (this one at least). So if you do bring alcohol with you, you are technically not violating their rule, provided you accept that they might take it away.


    Just to stir the pot some....have you guys ever gone faster than the posted speed limit or ever done a rolling stop at a stop sign? :D

  10. My wife and I are not big drinkers and we might have a few drinks on a night or two of a cruise. For the remaining days, we aren't purchasing alcohol. From the sounds of it on this board, we are also responsible for higher prices. I would like to apologize to everyone here for that...lol.


    I would also like to apologize for being "cheap" as I have:shopped around for low prices before booking, have booked an inside stateroom, purchased a drink package (sodas) which allowed me to not pay as much for my coke (which in turn is driving up the price for those buying ala carte), booked an excursion privately because the price was less, drove to the ship instead of flying, was bumped up a class without paying for it, etc., etc. I think I even brought a bottle of coke on board one time in my carry on. I now see the errors of my ways.


    You know what, if you want to spend your time, your energy and your vacation getting all worked up over stuff, go right ahead. I will spend mine avoiding the complainers and enjoying my vacation.


    That's my 1 cent. I would give 2, but I'm cheap!

  11. I think that the other passengers deserve to know ahead of time if a booked group is going to be having parts of the ship reserved (I'm not talking about conference rooms and such) on some nights or if their events are going to be taking away staff from the rest of the cruisers.


    The last cruise I was on was almost half occupied by a large group. Throughout the cruise, I heard quite a few complaints and experienced it myself where there were extremely long wait times at the bars and lounges. Two different evenings, 4 of us had to wait 20 minutes or so each time we ordered for our drinks to be delivered. And that does not count the time we had to wait to put in each order. This was due to the fact that the large group had purchased a lot of drink packages and had their own parties where bar staff had to be placed. They also had one night club reserved for most if not the entire cruise as well as the pool deck one evening.


    I understand that with every cruise you are going to be with people of different backgrounds, beliefs, cultures, lifestyles, etc. I'm okay with that. But when all cruisers are paying full price but not getting full access and full service, I think we have a right to know ahead of time. Bottom line, if the cruise line is going to be catering to this group, then they should let others know beforehand.

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