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Posts posted by amie9769

  1. WOW I am certainly not as active as some of the folks who posted ! I am trying though ... I just started walking every day so I try to walk 5 km/day. Eventually I would like to add to this and try the gym but thought it would be best to start slowly. I am using "My Fitness Pal" for my weight loss journey. I used to do Weight Watchers but just decided to try something different. I had a really difficult time this weekend though because of the turkey .... stuffing ....and wine !!! It was Thanksgiving here in Canada ! Back on track today though ...:cool:



    I too am not super active. I walk 2.5 miles per day and just got the same fitness app as you. Weight watchers hates me. They try to starve me. Lol but I'm going to join a gym

  2. I didn't think you were a cheapskate at all!!! I understand what you meant. I'm a great tipper, sometimes too good but I like for people to know when they are working hard. I don't like getting a 14 page statement on the last day of my vacation of things that I could have just handled!!

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