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Posts posted by SUNDOWNER

  1. Finally did my first solo cruise on NCL Pearl 12/11-22/2014. Enjoyed it and met some nice folks. Little disappointed that no organized activities for solos/singles. Enjoyed ship and will try to do a cruise again. Thanks for your advice on this board.

  2. Sharon --- Thanks again for your wonderful help. Like you I am very cautious and would not be out walking by myself after dark -- too dangerous. I was taught to pay attention to my surroundings and I do my best.

    I will probably choose Sleep Inn and try that resturant well before dark.

    New kink ----- mother and daughter on roll call are staying at Best Western on Sterling Road and asked me to join them. Before I committed would need to find out for dinner or just SAS shuttle to POM.

    BW does not get great reviews but then you can't always trust all the

    reviews. Rate is $16 higher than Sleep Inn which could go toward dinner, but making new friends would be great.

    I truly hate to bug you but what do you think of the BW??

    Promise no more questions.


  3. Finally booked my first solo cruise -- 12/11-22/2014 on NCL Pearl out of Miami. Questions???

    Flying Southwest into Ft. Lauderdale as nonstop and good rates and no luggage fees.

    Undecided -- should I stay in FLL or get shuttle and go to Miami hotel? In FLL -- Considering Sleep Inn Airport, Cambria Inn airport, Holiday Inn Exp. airport West or South due to rates found on LMT -- opinions please.

    In Miami -- considering Cambria airport Blue Lagoon, Hol. Inn Exp. & Suites or Hol. Inn Exp. airport Doral area from LMT.

    Which shuttle service --- SAS, QLS or (forgot name -- something with Express Tranp. in name)????

    Greatly appreciate all of your help. Thanks in advance.

  4. Booked my first solo cruise!!! Going on NCL Pearl Dec. 11-22, 2014 out of Miami. Anyone else going? They have a 150% rate for singles and thought it was a good deal for this time of year.

    Any tips or comments on the Pearl as it has been a long time since on a NCL -- way before the anytime dining, etc.

    Hope some of you are on this cruise.

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