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Cool Cruiser (2/20)

  1. I apologize in advance if this has been asked/answered elsewhere, but with all of the constant changes, it's hard to keep track of it all. I will be on the same cruise as the OP. My question is around the timing of testing. The latest email from RC this morning states that an antigen test should be taken "no more than 48 hours prior to sailing". However the Healthy Sail Center page states the test needs to be "within 48 hours ... before boarding day". This is somewhat conflicting information as we will be flying out 2 days prior to the cruise, and obviously don't want to risk getting to Italy, then testing positive and missing the cruise. We would much rather test positive before leaving the US, and dealing with having to cancel on this side of the pond. In everyone's experience is this 48 hours before the day of the cruise? 48 hours before check in? Or 48 hours before the ship departs? Just looking for some clarification if anyone can help.
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