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Posts posted by I_Like_Cruising

  1. 15 hours ago, NJRonbo said:


    I don't know if that question was directed to my original post.

    No, I don't want a refund between the two packages.  Just downgrade it.  You would think it would be an easy thing to do.   

    I'll keep calling and talk to different representatives until I get one that understands what needs to be done.


    Last thing I want to do is waste my onboard time at Guest Services.

    what benefit is there in downgrading, the Zero package is included, isn't it?


  2. 12 hours ago, kwokpot said:

    Responding to my own post. Did some googling and here you go. Very interesting!





    Having said that my original point still stands. As an example, let's take two food items from New York which is supposedly a worldwide standard; Pizza and bagels. Especially bagels, besides Montreal style which is very different, NYC has been designated the home to the best bagels. Yet as a native NY'er, I don't constantly complain about how all other bagels are so terrible that they are inedible. My husband, a Jew born in the Bronx, feels the same way. He LOVES his bagel and lox with a smear, BUT he can enjoy a bagel and lox even on a cruiseship, knowing that it's nothing like a true NYC bagel. It is what is is. Of the Australians that I've met and interacted on various cruiselines, the same cannot be said about their attitudes about coffee other than Australian style.  


    The coffee issue Australians have with coffee from other countries is usually the strength of the coffee, we drink our coffee strong. Most Australians find that American coffee is too weak and while you say it doesn't matter if the quality is a bit different it does matter if you are used to strong coffee to get weak coffee. For example I usually ask for double or triple shots when on cruises or in the US. Not all countries make weak coffee, however, the US and cruises seem to.

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  3. On 1/22/2023 at 12:58 AM, leo72976 said:

    You essentially have a credit of $110 per person.  If you choose to make a $110 piece then you pay nothing additional.  If you choose to make a $200 piece, you pay and additional $90. 

    The experience is very addicting!  I can easily see why people do it every cruise.  My wife and I did this for our anniversary while onboard Solstice in October.  I made the wave bowl,top row 3rd from left.  The artist help me pick the correct color pattern and the piece turned out beautiful!  I wanted to use the bowl on our table as a centerpiece.  Everyone that comes to our house comments about how beautiful it is.  It’s fun to tell them it was hand made while at sea on a ship!  My wife made a fish that sits in our living room and again everyone comments on it.  Is it expensive?  Yes.  I’m our opinion, the experience is worth every cent.

    How hands on is it. Do you actually make it yourself, or are they making it for you? 

  4. I feel your confusion. I think it is ridiculous that we cannot easily see what we have booked through the celebrity website, and that the site continues to promote options that we already have on the booking and allows you to double book drinks packages if you are not carful or aware of what you received in the original offer.

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  5. @everyone giving relationship and life advice

    Wow some of you people are harsh.

    Someone asks for advice on a good sunscreen for her boyfriend and you give her a hard time on whether she should be doing it or not.



    I have a balding head, rest I keep in a crew-cut, I use

    Neutrogena Ultra Sheer Body Lotion SPF30+

    it is a very light spray so does not feel greasy on my head, I use it on my face as well.


    All the best

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