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Posts posted by Klcypher1

  1. chesterka,


    Yes we are traveling on the Carnival Freedom June 22nd, we haven't officially decided what to do but I believe we would like to visit the Curacao liquor factory then the beach. We're still deciding what beach we would like to visit at this point. As for other islands, we broke up the islands between the 4 of us in our 20's to branch out and come back to the group with ideas on what we think is the best bang for our buck so I can't comment on DR at this time. I will let you know when I hear back!

  2. Curacaoqueen and other locals,


    What are good beaches to visit in Curacao that can be done in the short time I have on the island (2-11pm)? I think we will be doing a quick walk through downtown to see some of the sites than grabbing 2 cabs or a bus to the beach and back. Thanks for everyone's help ahead of time!

  3. What are some great beaches to snorkel at that are close to the cruise dock as we won't have much time between arrival and sunset? Preferably ones with a restroom and that are safe! Also which ones should orient tours take us to if we go through them? Thanks for your help isa 65! As for more questions asked to isa65 I'm ok with it as long as they are. I'm also open to any other locals helping to answer some questions on "the best of Curaçao."

  4. What are some great beaches to snorkel at that are close to the cruise dock as we won't have much time between arrival and sunset? Preferably ones with a restroom and that are safe! Also which ones should orient tours take us to if we go through them? Thanks for your help isa 65! As for more questions asked to isa65 I'm ok with it as long as they are. I'm also open to any other locals helping to answer some questions on "the best of Curaçao."

  5. On June 26th, 2014 We will be arriving in Curacao at 1pm and will be in port until 11pm. I am traveling with a group of 8 that includes 2 adults, 4 in their 20's, a 17 year old and a 10 year old. I have seen many posts that you have responded to with excellent advice so I am hoping you can help us! After doing some research and reading reviews I believe that the two best options for our group are as fallows.

    -A private tour through Irie Tours to the East Side or

    -A walk to the bus terminal hitting things like shops, the Queen Emma Bridge, the floating market, and the old market. From there heading to a beach Caracas Bay or Cabana/Mambo Beach.


    Questions I have:

    -How long would the walk take to the bus depot excluding stops along the way?

    -I heard you can get a batitos (a drink, sorry for spelling) for $2 at a stand near the floating market, is that still true and what do you think?

    -I'm looking to try a pastiche (again sorry for spelling, the fried dough with cheese) when we are there, is their a place around the markets to get one?

    -We love to snorkel, would Mambo, Cabana, or Caracas area of the beach be better for that?(I know Mambo and Cabana are the same beach but which area of the beach would be best between those, and them compared to Caracas Bay which has the tugboat)

    -I've seen that some people are having a hard time finding the tugboat at Caracas Bay from the shore, do you have any tips to help?

    -Some of us like to sit in the shade, do all of these beaches offer shaded areas?

    -I'm hearing mixed reviews about the price of a cab (for 4) to the beaches. Prices are ranging from $12-25. I don't know which area our ship will dock, but do you have any idea what they normally run?


    I know this is a lot of questions so I'm hoping you can help with some if not all. Thanks for your help in advance as I would have a lot more questions if for not reading your responses to posts.

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