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Posts posted by Margaritabears

  1. I would strongly suggest that you DO NOT utilize a company called "Luggage Forward." I have just had a horrible experience with this particular company.... I returned yesterday (July 12th) from a 7-day cruise to Bermuda on Oceania Cruises Insignia which departed July 5th from NYC.  Oceania Cruises actually recommended the company Luggage Forward as an option to make traveling easier. I live approximately 88 miles west from the Manhattan pier where the cruise ship was departing and had planned a 2 day pre-cruise stay in Manhattan. Because Oceania Cruises recommended the company, I had my luggage shipped and was told it would be in my state room on arrival. I sincerely regret doing this. My suitcase was picked up on June 23rd from my residence in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. It never arrived at the pier and the ship departed without my luggage on board. After I boarded the ship on July 5th, I discovered my luggage was not in my stateroom and contacted Luggage Forward several times via telephone. I was repeatedly told that the luggage was on the ship, had been delivered to the pier and that the cruise line was just slow in delivering it to my stateroom. Fifteen minutes after the ship departed the pier, I received a telephone call informing me that my luggage had been located in some warehouse in Brooklyn. The Luggage Forward representative asked me what time the ship was scheduled to depart. I told the woman that the ship had already departed and was  assured the luggage would be sent onward to Bermuda where we would be docked for 4 days. I was assured the luggage would be forwarded there. It never was!  The day after the ship departed NYC, my husband telephoned the company from the ship and was told it was suddenly impossible for the suitcase to be forwarded to Bermuda. My only saving grace was that I had a small carry-on with clothes that I had worn in New York City; unfortunately no cruise attire. We were informed by Luggage Forward that we would receive double the money paid. The cost for the service one way was $124. It is impossible to buy an entire cruise wardrobe for $248!  Shame on me for trusting this company and the cruise line; lesson learned for sure.  Luggage Forward put the blame on the third party (Go Express) they outsourced. I hired Luggage Forward and put the blame directly on them. I know others have had luck with this compan,  but I caution anyone else who is considering using this company. I am mostly surprised at the lack of professionalism as well as basic civility from this company. As of this day, I have not received a single email from the company regarding this matter; nor have I received a phone call directly from them. All communication regarding this matter has been initiated by myself or my husband. After returning back to NYC from Bermuda yesterday,  I called the company. I was told the luggage would be delivered by July 18 which was 6 days away. That is insane considering that I live just 88 miles from New York City!!! My apologies for such long winded, but appreciate the chance to vent and warn others.

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