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Posts posted by CamenNSW

  1. Thanks CarmenNSW. I won't be cancelling but I'm still not bursting with excitement like I usually am. Of course our cabin just also happens to be on level 10!!!!


    Will watch out for the spitting. Will be avoiding the buffet as much as possible to try & minimise risk. But as you say, could pick it up anywhere really.


    Once you see this beauty sitting in the harbour you will be bursting to get on board. passengers boarding after we disembarked were not allowed to board until after 3pm instead of the 11am. that was because they were going to do a thorough deep clean and sanitisation of the ship. You watch you will get on there and it will be all spick and span. I think part of the problem is that all persons are off by 8am and the new lot are boarding by 11am that doesn't give the poor crew much time to get the ship in ship shape condition pardon the pun. In the olden days there like 10 year ago they would have a 24 hour layoff to clean the ship now that doesn't happen and this practice will bite them in the ass literally (another one I'm firing this morning).. Enjoy the majestic beauty of this beautiful ship that has sadly been lacking a good clean, don't get me wrong all the places you see look clean but it is not as clean and the Radiance now that was a clean ship people cleaning and polishing all day, come to think of it we didn't see that type of activity on the Voyger Hence the underlying problem.

  2. That sounds just awful. I'm so sorry some of you had such a terrible experience.


    For the 1st time ever, I'm actually not looking forward our cruise on Voyager in a few weeks. Having been the victim of Noro on Princess in December (and I was super careful with washing hands etc...) the memory is still fresh in my mind.


    If I could, I think would actually cancel my cruise :(


    Don't do that, just keep washing your hands it really is no more risky than ridding on an escalator in the shopping centre. What makes it nasty are the bad smells but that is magnified because of the closed corridors. Keep away from Chinese in the Windjammer it is a culture thing they spit on the floor regardless of where they are - it is mainly the peasants from the country that do it nowadays since the Olympics the Chinese government has been running advertisements about NO SPITTING IN PUBLIC PLACES. I had to report two couples during the height of the outbreak for spitting on the floor in the Windjammer restaurant.

  3. We were on deck 10 too. Did you notice the smell in the hallways? We assumed it would go when the old carpet was ripped up. Unfortunately it stayed even once the new carpet went down. We thought the sloshing of that solution on the walls could have caused a mould issue but also could be done to mask the smell.


    you maybe right about masking the smell with the sloshing. the hall way had nothing on our cabin some days, I would spray my perfume around the cabin to mask the smell this became an expensive fix. We had to pick up some room freshener in VIC but the smell at times was bigger than the room freshener. I think there is something growing on deck 10 and 9 also. I failed to check under the bed maybe there was a dead passenger under there. I know!!!!! that is where couple that jumped over board have been hiding.

  4. Also just off the Voyager and believe me.....the norovirus really was alive and well. Lots of passengers suffered. Thank goodness we didn't - but we really were extra careful.


    I am a Royal Caribbean fan and it is usually my choice of cruise line if possible. However, I will never sail on Voyager again. We were in an inside cabin on Deck 7 aft and our hallway smelt heavily like a sewer from Day 1 until Day 9 when we disembarked. We, and many others also on our deck, complained and the only response we got from Customer Service was "we're working on it". We never saw any evidence anywhere of "them" working on it.


    Generally we just go with the flow and don't complain about things - but by Day 4 when talking to others on our deck who had put in complaints about the smell, we decided that we would add our complaint to theirs. Funny thing....Guest Services told us that there had been no other complaints. Hmmmm. Strange. And not true!


    Many times you could smell the sewer smell in the Library and sometimes in our cabin. Not pleasant. But in the hallway it was just horrible and I felt for Patrick our cabin steward who worked in that environment ALL day.


    Now my questions are ..... Was that sewer smell on the cruise before us? And will the cruise after us suffer the same awful smell? Could this smell and its source be a contributing factor to the norovirus?


    We are receiving a 10% refund on our cruise price paid because of the inconvenience.....



    We were on deck 10 and halfway through the cruise they ripped up the carpet in the hallways. It was after that the virus on our deck took hold. Most people affected with the virus were from deck 10. I do this type of bio-science for a living and when they removed the carpet the infectious spores that were in the carpet were able to find there way into peoples lungs and blood steam after being placed into the airflow system. I think they knew that was the case as they washed the walls from top to bottom every day during and after the carpet process. I actually found them washing the underfelt one afternoon, suspicious with disinfectant. We were told that they were doing a full decontamination of the ship after we disembarked in Sydney.

  5. We're just off this cruise too.

    Overall it was an enjoyable holiday and unless you actually fell I'll, the norovirus issue would not have affected you. I prefer the servers in Windjamer than the messy free for all without them.


    agree there should be people serving all the time, I seen some disgusting displays of food handling.

  6. So, can you tell us if this happens if you have a bartender get your drinks, or does this happen at the actual bar? I would just like to know so I might be able to prepare for what I might likely expect.


    Drinks are a big problem on the ship, we were told that the cruise previous had a lot of trouble with drunks so I got the impression that they were on a go slow. It wasn't just one bar that we had a problem with it was all bars and each bar was out of different spirits, beer, mixers. By the way don't buy the package, we did and had nothing but trouble with it, but that is another story. The drink service was extremely bad. Hope you have better luck getting your order than our gang. By the way we are all in our 50-60s and don't wont you to get the wrong impression that we were a bunch young piss pots complaining about not getting wasted, that's not the case but I do like a drink or two.


    Sorry to answer your question, if you go to the bar yourself you will get served fast, but all the bar waiters are shockers some worse than others.

  7. Not good, one of my golfing mates from down here and his wife, left on VOS yesterday, they were going to take some anti virus medication, never heard of it.


    Have you ever been shopping and not allowed to touch things. Try buying a watch and you have to point and then the sales person picks it up and holds it just out of site so you don't breath or touch it. Voyger is one big virus floating on the water. Most people we spoke to had some sort of digestive problems, us included. Our cabin constantly smelt like a sewer, it was coming from the drains in the bathroom.


    Don't try and get a drink on deck 11 by the pool it could take anything up to 45min to arrive and guess what, they were out of what was ordered so they took it upon themselves to bring an alternative. Funny thing is exactly what you ordered, and what they were out of, just walked past on another waiters tray. Harry the bar waiter what a joke, he should have been working on the welcoming committee because all he wanted to do was talk to all, bugger about your order. It took three days for the scotch to be delivered from down stairs - only god knows where down stairs is because it must have been a long way, then hey presto day 4 the scotch arrived, but I wanted a scotch on day one, in the mean time I took a shine to beer, guess what "were out of VB so I bought you a XXXX gold' were is the VB I ask ÏTS DOWN STAIRS". Were is the cherry in the cocktail, non of them they too are down stairs. Someone down stairs is having a good party because all the grog is down stairs. :rolleyes::(

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