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Posts posted by rhfish3

  1. ......that my wife and I will be very sorry to have booked a Carnival Cruise. She said that Carnival will be filled with loud drunks, the food will suck and why didn't I take her advice and book with Celebrity.


    Is there that big of a difference between Carnival and Celebrity?




    Our hope is for a decent room, decent food, nice staff and enjoy our ports of Grand Turk, Half Moon Cay and Nassau. The major reason for booking with Carnival is it fit our holiday schedule the best.

    After 12 Carnival cruises I have never had a problrm. We have loved and enjoyed everyone


    Sent from my SM-T800 using Tapatalk

  2. And you don't see the correlation between higher prices & future cancallations?

    Gee what would I know I am only the Comptroller of a multi-state company. :rolleyes:

    As a comptroller you must be aware of normal market fluctuations. I literally just billed a carnival Cruise for my son and his wife to join my wife and myself and guess what. The same room I boiled it $60.00 cheaper per person. I wonder how that happened?

  3. The taste bar is only a "sales" tool. Giver out "free" samples to get you to buy.


    Think of it like this. Carnival is considered the WalMart of the seas, so let's put in a tasting station, just like in the food stores, to get you to buy a product. It's kind of Cheesy on a cruise ship.

    I guess that would be your opinion!

  4. So let's discuss the effects of an economic principle (Price vs supply and demand).


    I spoke with my PVP two days ago on something unrelated to the smoking policy. But before we said good bye, I ask him the effects of the smoking policy change? He said he and his other PVPs were shocked how many cancellations they have received.


    So, now the economic math: If what he said is true, balcony cancellations have increased for those sailing after Oct 9th. Therefore, ships sailing past that date may have an excess number of unsold balconies, which may result in Carnival having to reduce price on balconies, which in turn gives Early Savers or those that have not made final payment a chance to lower their cruise rate.


    So, if it does play out that way as stated above, and I can lower my cruise rate for my upcoming cruise. This, in an odd way, is a form of compensation to me because angry smokers decided to cancel. So, the compensation question is actually answered. Just a different party received the compensation.


    In fact, a smoker that canceled due to the policy change may be able to wait for the big balcony sale (if Carnival has one) and book the same cabin they had before but at a lower price. Then in that case, they did receive compensation.

    Very funny I spoke to my PvP last evening to book a future cruise and asked her the same and she said there was no major change than normal in cancellations. So i guess its who you talk to?

  5. [quote name='gemsm']All you have to do is go to evidenced based medical sites such as Harvard Medical School which refutes your study...Go back to the damn CCL board and quit trying to start an argument with me AGAIN about this. Its not going to happen regardless of what your damn profession is. You never went to medical school and aren't a medical researcher.[/QUOTE]
    You seem angry..maybe you need a smoke?
  6. [quote name='gemsm']All you have to do is go to evidenced based medical sites such as Harvard Medical School which refutes your study...Go back to the damn CCL board and quit trying to start an argument with me AGAIN about this. Its not going to happen regardless of what your damn profession is. You never went to medical school and aren't a medical researcher.[/QUOTE]
    If your talking about Harvard newsletter than you are totally wrong. June 2010 "secondhand smoke is still a leading cause of heart disease.....
    November 2004.."secondhand smoke: Unsafe in any amount... Harvard heart letter..the long reach of cigarette smoke
    should I continue...
    besides being a cardiac nurse practitioner I also teach research to nurses
  7. When you can provide 100% proof that my smoking affects others (good luck with that) then we can discuss the issue. Your rudeness is not in question as you have proven yourself to be rude.

    All you need to do is to go to evidenced based medical sites such as CINAHL and you will find valid up to date PROOF I am a cardiology nurse practitioner and see it daily. So please get your facts together

  8. I applaud the move by CCL & RCI.

    Smoking is a choice made by the smoker!

    While some of adamantly claim you're not

    offensive smokers there are a LOT who are

    thus the reason for the change.


    I'm sure CCL & RCI thought long and

    hard before making this decision.


    They didn't say you couldn't smoke

    just not on your balcony/stateroom in which it

    can and does interfere with someone

    else's cruise.

    Well said

  9. My way or the highway, hmmm. Your right to vacation has equal merit to mine. Fact non smokers are not saying you can't smoke, just not where it effects them. And I find it funny you bring up people who smell bad. Guess what the worst smelling people are ussally smokers. As they either smell of smoke. Or know they do so they pour a gallon of perfume over themselfs to cover up the smoke.


    Sent from my LG-D959 using Forums mobile app

    Very true!

  10. Carnival has not banned smokers from cruising. Smokers just have to walk to get to a designated smoking area which might cause them to try to use lung capacity they don't have. I had nothing to do with a campaign against smoking on the balconies but am glad they are.


    Reread my analogy. Do you truly not understand that my right to not be made physically ill by your smoke wafting my way trumps your right to light up wherever you please. You cannot reason with the unreasonable. Have a good day. :)

    She will never agree. She feels that her right to smoke and harm others is more important

  11. While I firmly believe those guys earn all the money they get, I agree with you. It is not up to us to pay Carnival employees salary. If Carnival wants to give their ship staff a raise, give them a raise…don't make me give them a raise. I will give more if I see an exceptional situation, their livelyhood shouldn't depend on me, they should depend on me for that extra beer on their 2hrs off they may get a week.


    I don't mind tipping at all, but raising the automatic gratuity is kind of underhanded if you ask me.

    Either pay more in tips or pay more to cruise. It balances out

  12. I would go to my online check in & check to see if they added the no smoking clause in it yet, they have to abide by the contract you signed. If they allowed smoking when you signed it, they have to honor their agreement. I would print off multiple copies and when you are out enjoying your cigarette & the smoking police report it, just hand a copy off to whoever knocks on your door.

    That's what I would do!

    Typical defiant I'll do what I want attitude.

  13. They don't even have to go that far. Under their same umbrella is Princess with non smoking balconies.



    good for you! I wonder if poor NCL is going to be over run with people complaining about smoke once all these Carnival smokers "pack" their shops. LOL


    It cracks me up that smokers are convinced that non smokers can't really smell cigarette smoke. Uhh, yeah we can. Our senses haven't been damaged by all those toxins.

    That is the truth

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