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Posts posted by queety23

  1. So we are all sending written messages to RC right? I will advocate for 2 hour reservations



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    I'm with you on sending a message. I contacted them a few weeks ago and was told they would do a better job surveying the area. Hmphf.....not sure what that will do but they recognize it is a constant issue with guests.



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  2. Such a simple solution here (in fact, one used by some premium/luxury lines when the occasional chair hogs make their way onboard):

    At any time where available deck chairs (or daybeds) become scarce, pool attendants leave laminated cards with the time-of-day possible hoarding (stuff left but no people) was noticed by/reported to them. After 30 minutes of additional "no show" left items are removed.



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    That's brilliant! Is there anything we can do to get this implemented on the Harmony?



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  3. You can't have 12 daybeds with the 'no reservation needed' cruise mentality and expect everything to be just peachy. I say if stuff is in a chair...move the 'stuff' to another empty chair and sit down. Chairs are to be sat in not looked at. If someone comes back and says hey where's my stuff?, point to the empty chair you placed it in. If they don't like it, tell them there are plenty of other empty chairs, grab one. If I have a need to sit down and there is an empty chair, I'm sitting.




    [emoji41] OK!



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  4. They are called chair hogs. They tend to herd up in open pool deck loungers, open deck loungers, solarium chairs, and of course those day beds, scratching...sniffing around and claiming their territory as their own before they herd up again and head off to run people over in the WJ for a plate full, then they may go back to the shade of their cabin and take a nap.


    All the while feeling secure that their little pig pen lounger is staked out as their own all day. ;p


    Chair Hogs threads are one of the most popular hot button topics on CC. ;) They never go away.




    Wow! There's a name for them?? Lol. So fitting!



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  5. Serious question. How much would you pay for this prized real estate? Maybe a Suite only sea pass? Perhaps purchase for the hour, morning, afternoon, or the entire day? My point is with 12 'daybeds' for 6,000 guests, 5,988 people are always going to be without. So... would you pay for the pleasure of claiming this specific area as your 'space' ?


    It may come down to that.



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  6. One time on the Rhapsody, I was sitting on the pool deck on a lounger. The one next to me had sunglasses, a hat, etc. I sat there approx. 1 1/2 hours and nobody showed up to claim the chair next to me. At that time a lady came by and asked if the lounger next to me was taken. I brushed the contents on the floor and said... "it is now". I sat for another hour and nobody came back to claim "their" lounger.




    No matter how many chair hogs are in evidence, we always find a comfy spot to relax, have an adult beverage, read, etc.. I would never let it get me all stressed out. And yes I feel it is inconsiderate. I just choose to enjoy my vacation in spite of it.




    I understand. I guess it is up to me to address the inconsiderate people and get comfortable with confrontation. However, I will never be OK with selfishness.



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  7. During one of our cruises I was out in the Solarium around 6 each morning. There was always a lady there sleeping in "Her" lounger. She left frequently throughout the day to go to play trivia or to go to arts/crafts, or eat breakfast/lunch. I only know this because she would holler to a friend where she was off to each time. She commandeered that chair all day. I left around 1:00 but, her towel and sandals were still there every time I walked by later on. I just don't understand people who do this and probably never will. I did not witness the staff ever remove anyone's items from unoccupied chairs. There was also a father with his young child with floaties who was splashing in the Solarium pool. The staff walked by without saying a word. Finally one of the other passengers approached the parent and they left.




    Wow! People never cease to amaze me!



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  8. I will relate our experience on Legend to Hawaii couple years ago...again.

    6 days at sea from San Diego to Hawaii means everyone wanted to be in Solarium! Needless to say, you had to be there very early in the morning to get one or take your chances.


    One bunch of folks were playing cards at a table in Solarium as we entered. There were empty loungers near by, but with hats and sunglasses on them. We stood there and waited to see if the owners would come back, after 30 minutes, we began to remove the stuff and set it near the glass windows and sit down, at which point the card players started chiding us that those were their chairs!:evilsmile: We politely pointed out that they were sitting in "their" chairs and you can't occupy 2 at one time! There was a big bru ha ha, but we stood our ground. My last reply was "Go ahead and complain to the attendants!"....of course they didn't dare.


    But the entitlement of some people knows no bounds. You just have to be willing to stand up for your rights and confront the abusers head on.




    Thank you! I'm so glad you understand! I try to avoid conflict on vacation as much as possible, but there may be no other way around this.



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  9. What I find is that the people who do this simply don't care about the others they are impacting. You are a mug for not doing it too in their book. They got up early and claimed it, 'fair and square'. If they didn't do it at 7am it wouldn't be available when they wanted to use it for 30 minutes at 4pm.


    You're right that the only way this will be changed is if Royal either steps up enforcement of their rules, or changes them (i.e. start charging). Asking others to 'do the right thing' is a complete waste of energy.


    And yes I leave my shoes and towel by a chair when I'm in the hot tub, I'm not entirely sure where else anyone thinks I should leave them. I'd happily leave all of the deck chairs and loungers free if they offered somewhere else to leave a bag with sunscreen and flip flops. Our family of 4 only ever takes up one chair, and only when we're in the pool/hot tub.




    Sigh. Asking others to do the right thing is a waste of energy? I'm only saddened and disappointed because you may be right. The direction that some are heading into is absolutely terrifying. I guess I will keep up my one person army in trying to do right. Hopefully, others will join me.



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  10. RCI does not get rid of things that are overcrowded, they add charges to manage demand. I would not be surprised if there were charges for these daybeds before year end. In fact, I'd be surprised if there were NOT charges added before year end.




    I agree, it is selfish to commandeer the daybed all day if you are not using it. But if you are using it, that's fair play.




    I understand OP's frustration in paying a lot for a vacation and never getting to use a listed amenity because supply was far below demand.




    I agree with you. The problem is the guests were not using them. Simply reserving them in case they felt like it later on. It does suck to pay for amenities that I never had the opportunity to utilize simply because people are selfish.



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  11. It really is not a matter of normalizing the issue. It is more a matter of when I know I am going to encounter an issue that might prove to be aggravating I try to prepare ahead of time for the situation so that I don't let it annoy me. Your getting worked up about this is not having the slightest impact on those selfish people that you are talking about. It is no different that selfish drivers on the road. I can scream my head off at them in my the car which only serves to hurt my throat or I can continue chilling to the music that I am listening to.




    I understand that, but the bigger issue is there are too many people that are self entitled, rude, and just plain selfish and I witness how over and over again their actions impact others negatively. I always speak up for others. Whether it is the elderly getting shoved on the elevator and being pushed aside, or the waiters being berated and mistreated by vile guests. I just like to help others. We just have to speak out against terrible people more. That's the only way to get them to stop.



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  12. Technically, the deck chairs are also not for that. The rule is no sharing or hoarding of chairs. The reality is it's done on every cruise ship and in every resort.




    That's not to say I don't agree with the OP. I personally saw two workers on Anthem in deep discussion overlooking one such seat - it was pretty obvious they didn't want to move the offending items. They likely don't want to deal with screaming guests and are appreciative when other guests do it.




    I'm fully aware that the deck chairs are not to be reserved either, but unlike the daybeds, there are more than enough deck chairs on the Harmony to go around twice. So if a guest chooses to break the rules and be selfish, it would make more sense to do it with the abundance of deck chairs instead of the paltry offerings of the daybeds.



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  13. OP, did you bring this up with a pool attendant? Or with any crew member?




    I did. They claimed they would remove them after 30 minutes, but when I approached them hours later, I was told they were just out eating or swimming. It was ridiculous. They don't get paid enough to bother. Royal Caribbean will have to change their policy. Plain and simple. There are just so few of them to spare and they are quite pricy costing around $1400 per daybed. They are not going to be putting more on the decks in spite of their popularity.



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  14. We were on Allure on spring break and I asked a pool attendant for help. I pointed out several chairs that had stuff unattended for 45+ minutes. He declined to help, saying "they are probably just in the bathroom or getting food". Yeah, right.




    I asked for help as well and it didn't do any good. Literally this woman and her young son who wasn't supposed to be allowed in there anyway, came down and put a bag and some shoes in the chair. She went off to enjoy her day. I came back four hours later and her stuff was still there!



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  15. Just move the items and make yourself comfortable. If the person returns within 30 minutes, apologize and move. If they come back after 30 minutes, tell them the chair was empty when you got there and they should find a pool attendant.


    Royal won't police this- so you have to!




    I am not going to touch someone else's belongings. That is asking for a fight. We must all work together to fight this terrible attitude of entitlement and selfishness! That is really what this is about. Not just chairs! We all pay to enjoy our vacations. Why make excuses for those that try to ruin it for others with their selfishness??



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  16. We recently cruised the Harmony of the Seas in June. I was appalled to see how selfish people were! There are plenty of deck chairs to go around but no more than about 15 day bed canopies. I literally witnessed people putting towels and books in them and reserving them for hours on end! This has to stop! I think Royal should put a new protocol in place that if day beds are left unattended then they become free for use for the next guest. No one should be holding on to these. There are only about a dozen to share between almost 6000 guests! It should be used for lounging and relaxing purposes only! Not as a resting spot while you go off to breakfast, lunch, dinner, shop, swim, etc. There are deck chairs for all of that! There were so many people who were angered by this and something needs to be done. Please join in my contacting Royal Caribbean in order to get this changed! It may be a small issue to some, but to others like myself that paid upwards of 5k for this trip only to never have gotten the opportunity to relax in the day beds due to the selfish hoarding of others it was highly upsetting!


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