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Posts posted by ChelseaFCFan

  1. Attached is the disembarkation information for Copenhagen. We chose the Brown tags and had a leisurely morning having breakfast in the Garden Cafe until 9 AM and waited for the ship to call our color.


    We left the ship and was able to get to our bags by 9:45 AM. Our plan was to grab a taxi for the airport. However, there was a long queue of at least 100 other families in front of us. It took over 30 minutes to go through the line. The issue here is that large families (or those with extra large luggage) needed the taxi vans rather than the regular taxi sedans.


    In the end, we got in our taxi at 10:20 AM and got to the airport at 11 AM (poor traffic going through the city). The fare was $78 (US dollar has weakened over the past few months) and was able to pay via credit card. By the time we did our bag drop and went through security, it was noon which allowed us a bit of time to eat lunch at the airport before our 1:30 PM flight.

    NCL Getaway disembarkation info.pdf

  2. Attached was the information for Stockholm bus shuttle as we docked in Frihamnen. The only thing we wanted to do in Stockholm was visit the Vasa Museum.

    Our family of three (2 adults and 1 child) took the shuttle into the city, and we were dropped off at the Opera House which is very close to Parliament. As we exited the bus, we immediately bought the HOHO boat tickets from sellers that approach the bus using a credit card (about $60 total for three people). Then, we walked over to the boat stop by the Royal Palace (letter A in the attached map).

    We arrived at the boat stop at 9:20 AM and were told that the first boat to Vasa wouldn't arrive until 10 AM. However, a boat pulled up at 9:25 AM bringing passengers from a Princess Cruise ship docked at Stadsgarden (letter F in the map). We asked the boat pilot if they were going to go over to the Vasa, and he said he would bring us and few others over before going back to Stadsgarden.

    We arrived at the Vasa boat stop 10 minutes later, and we walked around to the entrance. There was no wait for tickets for general admission, and in fact, our line was shorter than the group line for all of the cruise tours. The tickets were only $31 (used a credit card) for two adults as children under 18 are admitted free. We walked into the Museum and immediately looked for the next starting time for the 17-minute film that shows the history of the Vasa ship. Fortunately, they run every 20 minutes, and the next one was starting in 2 minutes. We went in and found a seat on the side. The film is in English language with Swedish subtitles, and it was well-produced and informative, highly recommended. After the film, we explored the many levels of the museum which give different viewing perspectives of the ship's exterior. Including a visit to the gift shop, we spent about 90 minutes there. (Bonus: the museum has free Wi-Fi that was fast, over 10 Mbps according to Fast.com)

    We then took the HOHO boat (also free Wi-Fi aboard) around Stockholm as it made a near round trip back to the Royal Palace stop. As it was approaching noon, we waited and watched the miltary march that takes place every day. Finally, we walked back to the cruise ship shuttle bus stop, and we were back at the ship at 1 PM.

    Summary: The total cost of our day was $136 for the shuttle bus, HOHO boat, and Vasa museum admission. I figured we saved at least $100 over the price of a shore excursion tour that included Vasa for our family.


    Stockholm shuttle info.pdf

    Stockholm HOHO boat map 2017.pdf

  3. Here are the Day 4 & 5 dailies. One thing I forgot to bring back was the information sheet for the laundry special which was the evening of Day 5 (our first day in St. Petersburg). It was $19.95, all you can fill in the bag they provide. They said you would get your laundry back by Day 7 but we got ours back on Day 6.

    NCL Getaway Day 4a Daily.pdf

    NCL Getaway Day 4b Daily.pdf

    NCL Getaway Day 5a Daily.pdf

    NCL Getaway Day 5b Daily.pdf

  4. I am following this with interest. I dock on the Getaway on Thursday 27th July and have a flight booked at 13.40. I would need to be at the airport at 11.40. I assume this will be possible by taxi?


    We have the same itinerary and would assume there will be taxis available around 10 or 10:30 AM, especially since taxis will be dropping people off for embarkation.

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