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Posts posted by Dameon

  1. While the Loyalty program is a part of RCI's marketing, this test is not based on loyalty and has nothing to do with giving a small group some privilege. This is an operational test.




    While some here are accustomed to 'privilege' as they have what they feel is superior status to others, most of us selected were very excited to participate in this test.




    They need to also see all the data related to these test bookings for their planning. They have a new product and need to see how it is will work both for the benefit of those passengers participating in the test and for all future passengers enjoyment.




    The booking patterns of Dynamic Dining will also give them information for the planning of all shipboard opening hours, entertainment and activities.




    They also have a 2nd and 3rd ship in the same class being built and may need to even consider adaptions to their plans based on this data.




    I think the percentage of bookings being tested is actually under 3 % and they would want to get a large sample across all booking categories, regions, age groups and previous cruise history.




    While I was not first allowed to book Coastal Kitchen and fully understood why, I think one of the problems they discovered quickly was that some of the early test candidates did get to book. They were not promoting Coastal Kitchen to those of us that called back, but when we noted later that others had been allowed to book, they let us book as well. This step, I feel, was done to avoid issues within the test group and not in some way to 'slight' passengers that were not selected for the random test.




    I think they are willing to face the few cancellations they will have over this fact as they know they will avoid many more future cancellations by avoiding any major issues with the roll-out of this exciting new product.



    It's easy to speak in-favor of the preselection dinning when you were part of the few who were preselected. Where are all the travelers who was not preselected and find this system fair?



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  2. Am I the only one out there that thinks this pre selection thing is unfair.?


    I keep reading how this one is excited and that one got their times and here the rest of sit on the side lines not because we not at the right membership level which I would have been fine with there should be perks and not because we didn't book a suite again something I would be fine with but simple because I was not chosen by a computer. I think we have been incredible patient waiting for our chance. And now I am reading that when it finally does come down to our turn we will not be able to book coastal kitchen again because a computer decided we shouldn't? Every day I sit here i am more and more convinced I should just cancel.the whole thing is leaving a bad taste in my After all everyone is suppose to treated equally and fairly. I guess I am just venting but wondering if I am alone?



    I couldn't agree with you more and I may be a bit slow but I really don't understand why you will have a preselection for dinning unless you anticipate chaos and foresee certain groups not being able to have the freedom to choice when and where they want to eat. I guess money is the modern day discrimination.



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  3. I hope they don't do away with formal nights. I was planning on going all out on our cruise.


    Quite frankly, I would be shocked if that happens. It is a huge money maker for cruise lines with spa treatments and photo sessions the nights that are formal.


    Whete did you hear the rumor?


    I totally agree, i was planning on doing the whole work up, dressed and photo ops. I will definitely be paying close attention to that.




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  4. I'm sorry, but that was a poor comment in a forum that mostly about traveling the brand new Quantum of the sea. Just to answer you question, there is enough information to make a sound investment in something I feel dearly about, and that's traveling. Plus the best staterooms were going fast



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