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crazy coconutz

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Posts posted by crazy coconutz

  1. Was the last group off the Sunshine before drydock and had 7330. I think the room was clean and nice, but to me it felt a lot smaller than most balconies I've every had. But I have mostly cruised the newer ships in the past. Our friends had the cabin next door and said it didn't seem smaller. In the morning and some in the evenings we somehow got the fried food smell in our room, we can only assume from the Havana Bar area right above on deck 9. I mean food isn't a bad smell, but I'm weird about waking up to strong smells. Our friend's balcony door slammed all the time. It wasn't a problem because we were normally awake when they were, but something about a slamming door annoys me. I finally figured out it was them near the end of the cruise and apparently their balcony door wouldn't stay open like ours did.


    As for the Sunshine, let's just hope they have a new crew that is refreshed and ready for passengers when you get aboard............................:(


    I was mistaken; we are actually in 7333. Thank you for the info!! Not encouraging to hear about the staff though :(

  2. We had 7330 in January 2016. There was a definite moldiness to the aft of that ship. It was more pronounced at the very aft of the dining room, but also evident in the cabins. Rooms below us on 6 had flooding issues. We heard from staff that the plumbing and pools is the main focus of the upcoming drydock, so those issues will hopefully be taken care of then. Other than that, no other issues with aft balconies.


    This is the cabin we have booked for this coming November. :eek:

  3. Hi cruisers! Our countdown is in the teens now..yeah! But I have a question re: Bernard's tours in St. Maarten.


    We booked a private tour and paid the deposit via paypal.

    Does anyone have any advice on how to pay the balance? Do you recommend CC or cold hard cash?

  4. Everyone receives documents with Disney Cruise Line … first timers, seasoned cruisers, etc. It's a nice touch and the first of many you will encounter on your cruise.


    I received these at 39 days out, so you can expect around the same time frame to receive yours.


    Bon Voyage!


    Thank you :)

    Have a fabulous cruise!

  5. I agree there good but font say worth every penny or they will whack the prices up more.



    Sent from my iPad.


    LOL! That was awesome!


    We are taking our first Disney cruise this October. This will be our 2nd overall cruise; with our first being the Carnival Paradise. We loved our whole experience on the Paradise and are super cited about our upcoming cruise but the cost difference with Disney will take your breath away lol.

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