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Posts posted by cklun

  1. I am shocked no one has added any comments here! 
    I never understood the lack of storage as well. 
    My biggest complaints are

    -NO storage in the bathroom 

    -nightstands being so small

    -the phone across the cabin, not close to the bed 

    -some cabins have a large open area.  I would love to see a small table and a couple chairs. 

    I did come up with a solution in the bathroom.  
    I use a magnet to hold a small bag to the wall to put some toiletries in.  

  2. WIll be on Seaside Saturday! 

    I will be turning 60 on the cruise and I have MS. 

    I am not worried.

    We have been on close to 50 cruises.  Never got sick.  

    Remember the norovirus? We were on ships where passengers disembarking were confined to their cabins. The ships were cleaned and boarding was delayed.   

    I am packing extra meds "just in case" we are delayed getting home. 


  3. I learned the hard way to always check out the terminals before you go. I have never had any issues in the US, Europe is a different story. Many terminals are operated by the local government. The worst experience I ever had was in Venice. I have Multiple Sclerosis and depending on the kind of day I am having, I use a cane, a walker, or a wheelchair. We asked over 45 minutes for a wheelchair to get through the terminal and onto the ship. The Cruise line tried many times but explained they do not operate the terminal. I finally decided to walk on my own. There was a typical maze of posts and ropes to walk through. There is usually a "handicapped" entrance and an employee will lift the rope to let me through. There was no such entrance marked and no one was in line! My husband lifted the rope for us to gain closer access to the entrance (again..no one else was in line) and the security guard yelled and said we had to go thru the line! So we walked thru the maze. I had to stop a couple times to rest! SO lesson learned! Always look up the port and terminal.

  4. I posted my comment on the feature article "Passengers Behaving Badly: 8 Cruisers Everyone Hates" on Cruise Critic.


    The intention was not to resurrect this thread.

    Nevertheless, it is not a bad thing to revisit this discussion.

    Normally I would use all caps for the word "not" in that last sentence. It is a (bad) habit I have when I want to emphasize a word. I apologize for offending anyone for the 3 all caps words in my original post.


    And ty for those who mentioned invisible symptoms. Most of my symptoms are invisible. I use a walking aid on ships because I am more likely to fall on a ship that is moving.


    So other than MS. I have scoliosis. I have extreme fatigue that hits me out of nowhere. I have vertigo. I have bad balance. I have antiphospholipid antibody syndrome. 2 days before my 9/13 cruise I fell and tore 3 meniscus in my knee.


    But I do not feel that I am entitled to special treatment.

    I do not feel someone should ever be told to exit an elevator to make room for me.


    I just know common courtesy.


    Beanb41....you knew I could not ignore your comment.


    You said "Whilst I accept it cant be pleasant having mobility problems , those that are please give a thought to the inconvenience you may be putting your fellow passengers through in order that you can have a holiday. Your attitude may be the cause for your discomfort."


    No, I did not post your enitre comment. All anyone needs to do is look up a couple posts.


    Indeed there are people with mobility issues who have bad attitudes or are bitter. Much like people with no mobility issues.


    Oh how I would love to pick apart your comments piece by piece but I am going to try to just forget I read them.












  5. WHEN those of us with canes, walkers, wheel chairs or scooters get onto an elevator that is empty (or close to empty) I suggest you do NOT go to the back of the elevator! People CAN walk around you. It is much easier for everyone when you need to exit. More than once I have been wheeled onto an empty elevator and pushed all the way to the back by others. This also applies to days when I use a walker. Nothing worse than trying to get the attention of everyone in a packed elevator when you reach your deck.


    There are times when I can get by with a cane. I have yet to go a single day on a cruise without having my cane kicked out from under me by people pushing their way onto the elevators.


    I have Multiple Sclerosis and have balance issues. My husband stands with me until I get onto an elevator and then he takes the stairs if it is a busy elevator usage time. I am used to waiting for things. He is very patient except for one time every cruise....the Life Boat Drill.


    I use my cane or small 3 wheel walker most times for this because we know it will be crowded, and we head out to the drill at least 15-30 minutes early. We often wait 15 minutes or more for one spot on an elevator. On our last cruise (Anthem 9/14/2017) our cabin was on deck 6. Our muster station was on deck 5. Countless elevators stopped and not a single person offered to exit and continue down the one or two flights of stairs to their muster station on decks 5 or 4 so that I could get on.


    Of course by the time we got there, no seats were available and again, not a SINGLE person offered their seat. I place more blame on Royal Caribbean staff for this, especially when several employees excused themselves to get around me. And again on their way back.


    Common sense like "let people out before you get on" and "wait until the door closes before you push the up or down button again" is apparently not so.

  6. I will also be on this cruise! I have MS and use a cane at home on good days, but a walker every day when I am traveling, and a wheelchair when able.


    The thing I am most interested in finding out is if there are shuttles on these piers! These ships are so large than I would be exhausted if I must walk the length of the pier.


    i have found that trying to get this info from the Port Authorities that operate each port is sometimes possible.


    I will check into that.


    Great thread btw! TY!

  7. I agree. I work with accessibility needs in office buildings and i know your frustration. I too hate the hop on hop off next floor as well. People do it at work all the time. Elevators are for everyone but priority should be given to those who have no chioce but to use them. Besides. We are on freaken vacation. Where the heck does one need to go in such a hurry? The buffet? It will still be there when you arrive 2-5 minutes late.


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    I have MS and always walk with a cane. When I am particularly fatigued I use a wheel chair. I have yet to go a single day on a cruise without having my cane kicked out from under me by people pushing their way into the elevators. On days when I am in a wheel chair we just wait for crowds to thin out to get onto an elevator. And for those who are in wheelchairs or scooters or use walkers, etc...do NOT go to the back of the elevator. People CAN walk around you! More than once I have been wheeled onto an empty elevator and pushed all the way to the back...as more people got in, the person who was pushing my wheel chair was practically knocked over by people not realizing I was in front of him.

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