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Cool Cruiser

Cool Cruiser (2/20)

  1. But the thing is a priced all those trips with reasonable costs and value. We went RTW in 2019 (3 month trip) for about £5K TOTAL.
  2. Thanks for all the replies. I realise this is "top end" -with "No competition" but I cannot see this as value for money, more a "what the market will bear" so obviously not for me. I was looking at the 22 day Buenos Airies to Antratic-Valpariaso Chile cruise for $1532, for far better value and priced accordingly. Each to his own.
  3. New to cruising so apologise if I'm missing something here but: Why is a 7 day cruise from\to Tahiti with either PG or Windstar a staggering £3K (discounted minimum) per person? Equates to £1000 PER NGHT for a couple?? Seems a crazy price.
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