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Posts posted by Cyberburn

  1. I just wanted to post a summary of my thoughts about NCL, and the complete debacle over the canceled 17th February 2020 Hong Kong to Singapore Jade sailing.
    As a guest on this voyage, I can say that without a doubt, NCL handled this terribly. Not just bad, but "how do you continue to function as a brand?" bad.  
    Let this be a warning to everyone considering an NCL cruise at this point, or at any point in the future: NCL did this to me, and they can do it to you too. You may not know when, and you may not know how, but as a corporate organization, they are actually, demonstrably bad people, who seem incapable of mustering up even a basic human level of compassion of understanding for their guests or passengers.
    All I really wanted during this entire debacle was someone, anyone at NCL to say “you know, this really stinks, but we’re working on it because we appreciate you spending your time and money with us.”
    Sadly, that’s not what we got.

    WOW!! I’ve just had family go on NCL for the first time this past year and they had such a good experience that I’ve been considering trying it out. This completely changes everything.

    This virus hasn’t put me off cruising at all; it has given me the opportunity to watch to see how the cruise lines react. I know that this is all very costly, but it’s just inexcusable what they put you and others through.

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    PS Lawyers can't call the family after an accident it's a violation of the Florida Bar Rules regarding solicitation.


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    I wish that was the law in Minnesota. I knew someone who was the partner (aka not married) of this man who was killed in an accident. It happened on an interstate and was very public. Lots of photos, etc. Very sudden random error by a trucking company.


    Anyways, her phone started ringing like crazy. Lawyers would not leave her alone. Even worse, his family, who he was estranged from, showed up to seize property from their shared home and stake their claim to the proceeds of a payout.


    Stuff in the mailbox would have been kinder.




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  3. It's sad that you choose to use a child's death for your political agenda.:(




    How is saying that it might be "fake news" a political agenda?

    There is that recent incident up in Chicago where that teenager died from freezing to death in a hotel freezer. A few people online thought there was a major conspiracy and that she had been murdered.

    The full high quality video and autopsy has been released which show that there was no great conspiracy. A number of the "accused" have received many death threats and have been stalked. One person became so afraid that she has moved to an undisclosed city.

    I saw a few places report the conspiracy theory as though it was fact. I think it was a clear case of 'fake news'.


    Even with the case where I had children on my ship doing extremely unsafe things, they were all very nice. None of the children were 'bad' children. They were just active children, and very curious children too, which I respect, but were unaware of the danger they were in at times.



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  4. I was on a Celebrity Cruise and there was one large group with very active children who were unsupervised nearly the entire trip.

    I ended up on an excursion with them and I nearly had a panic attack. It was a tour of the Panama Canal and the adults in the group sat on the top deck of the ferry. The children were climbing and hanging over the railings, and climbed up the outside of the metal staircase to the upper deck. There was free bottle water on the trip and they started dumping bottles out into the canal and then throw the empty bottles in. I counted over a dozen bottles and other garbage thrown in. They threw down one full bottle and it hit someone on the head. Another fell and hit me in the leg.

    There was an issue with docking, so we had to tender to the ship. The children were sticking their heads out of the railings, and one nearly got his head crushed between the boats. I couldn't help myself at this point and I screamed in terror. One adult noticed at this point that their children might get hurt so they came down and stared at them. Luckily no children were injured. Some of the cruise ship crew started yelling about the children.

    Anyways, when we got on the ship, the group/family/parents seemed a little shocked and offended when they got yelled at by a few passengers.

    Reports were turned in, and they lost the right to go on excursions and the children were mostly supervised after that. I think they were threatened with being kicked off the ship.

    I saw children from that same group sitting on the railings over the atriums at the very beginning of the cruise. I think cruises need to get more strict about behavior guidelines and what can cause your group to be removed, and banned for life even.



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  5. I forget what was happening at the time (it was heightened security alert at TSA) but one agent tried to confiscate one family member's CPAP machine. The family member was "allowed" to go back and check it, even though they had traveled decades with it as a carry on.

    Another family member had trouble with their insulin pump, CGM, and diabetic supplies. Even with the proper paperwork and forms from the doctor it took 40 minutes with the agents. His father became very angry (CPAP owner) and I got very worried that he might miss his daughter's wedding.

    Anyways, the head of TSA showed up and cleared the medical devices.

    I would always recommend having the proper paperwork, printouts of what the current laws/rules state, and backup plans. Also, stay calm!

    Thus, in that situation, if the insulin pump was not allowed, he wasn't going. For certain cruises, find out if you can pick up more medication. If you could die without it and it gets taken away, do not go.

  6. I take a digital picture of my medicines so I have a copy of the prescription and I take them in the bottles. I only take a couple of days extra than what I need, and leave the extra at home.


    Also, do not pack them in your luggage!! Take them with you in your carry on. Someone on the last cruise I was on put them in her checked luggage, which was lost by the airline. I don't know why she was yelling at the cruise ship reception staff. They were doing everything they could to help.

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