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CruisinG DivA 08

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Posts posted by CruisinG DivA 08

  1. I totally agree with you!


    I'm the "travel agent" for my family. In 2001 I planned a trip for 17 to Sedona, AZ for 10 days. (Couldn't convince them then to take a cruise). But this time around, I finally got what *I* truly wanted......a cruise!


    I do all the planning for the entire family. They just gave me credit card numbers and I take care of the whole thing. I LOVE the planning process. I even did everyone's online documentation (it's only 13 this trip......little sis and family think a cruise would be "boring" - fools!!)


    I've got more lists than I know what to do with. Cabin numbers for everyone, so they know where everyone else is staying, what to bring, what NOT to bring (NO walkie talkies!!). The family has come to depend on me to take care of every detail (I had to laugh, because we leave in 3 weeks and my sister said to me last week.....what cruise line are we taking?). I surf every night looking for more info to share with them. And the best part of it? THEY think I'm "working so hard" that they usually buy me a gift to thank me! In AZ they got me a spa day........sure hope I get some spa time on the Zenith!!


    Happy Cruising everyone!


    Luckyroot, why not walky talkies?? haha im trying to convince my parents not to make me take them...

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