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Posts posted by lumines

  1. 7 minutes ago, jon81uk said:

    Yes you would still receive deep blue extras on the fifth cruise. From the terms 

    Sailors who join the Sailing Club via Status Match will receive Blue Extras on their first ever voyage, and continue to receive Blue Extras until they unlock Deep Blue Extras, on their fifth voyage, in line with the standard Sailing Club program requirements.”


    and the current loyalty programme seems to have an end date of December 2025 so there might be something new for 2026 anyway.

    Thanks, that’s good to know

  2. We have done the October transatlantic on Britannia a couple of times. We live 45 minutes from Manchester airport, so it works out well for us to drive to the airport and leave our car there so it’s waiting for us when we fly back into Manchester two weeks later. One thing to be aware of is that although the coach is included, you do need to phone P&O to book your seats on it. They will then tell you which coach you are on and what your departure time is. The coach leaves from the coach terminal at the airport. 

    On all other cruises we drive to Southampton rather than using coaches, but for the transatlantic the coach really is the most straightforward. As Megabear said, you would probably want to come down the night before from Scotland and maybe stay in one of the airport hotels.


    We are on the Arvia transatlantic this October, I phoned P&O last week to book our seats on the coach down. Our departure time is 8.30am. Hope you enjoy your cruise!

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