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Cool Cruiser

Cool Cruiser (2/20)

  1. Hello I am trying to complete the shareholder benefit survey (https://rcg.questionpro.com/a/TakeSurvey) to get my OBC but I get an error during the survey (at the part where you're supposed to upload your files) "Storage limit for survey exceeded. Please continue to the next question" Any clue how to go from here? Cruise departing in about 20 days :/
  2. Going on a cruise on the Escape soon and I was wondering if someone on the ship can confirm if the guppies nursery is still closed? Thanks!
  3. Allright so here is the update. I was finally able to talk to the air department. They said that it's an error on their behalf and they will reschedule a plane to arrive on the day of departure. I argued that i won't mind paying a hotel after what everything has said here (eventhough I will have trouble with my boss to ask for an extra day off but that's a problem for another day) but they wouldn't let me since "I didnt request a deviance trip in advance". I then begged the lady but to no avail saying that i will get a new email soon with the right date. She was arguing that even if i didnt call they would of eventually realise and correct the airfare dates. I then asked to talk to the supervisor. But she was arrongant as well and said the same thing. (Customer support at NCL is getting as low as their stock value). All in all I will be flying to rome and getting there on the day of departure, lets hope all goes well. Thanks eveyone for your comments.
  4. I am not in the same situation as you or as the "idiots" you're referring too. I am not booking my flights and transfers. Its NCL who's doing it for me and taking care of it. And if ever there's a delay or anything, it's all on them so I don't give.
  5. Not far actually, from Montreal Yup thats what i was thinking. I mean NCL is supposed to take care of the plane and transfer so if they force me to be there a day early, I'm expecting them to take care of the overnight charges and all the transfers as well. I'm gonna try to get hold of the air department after the long week end.
  6. NCL air program gave us ticket that is arriving one day (31st October morning) earlier in Rome for our cruise departing 1st November. I've never requested this. I actually won't mind coming a day early but how does that work? Do they pay us a hotel? Or do we need to hang out in the airport for 24hrs?? I've been trying to call the ncl air line, they tried to transfer me twice to some other air department but after an hour on hold ive been giving up. Ill try to call again next week. But was wondering if anyone had a similar situation. P.s. according to google flight, airplane ticket were 300$ cheaper per person if we arrived one day early. I suspect this has something to do with all of this. But thats only my opinion
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