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Posts posted by Cruisebro0509

  1. Hello Woodcycl, I certainly appreciate the advice, but I think I want to do it on Cayman. Her family has gone there a couple times before and she loves it. I will keep Nochi Cochum in mind if the weather looks like it will be bad for the Cayman day, but I fear it will be too late to purchase the excursion at that time. I have been to Cozumel 3 times and have never tried the Nochi Cochum. We usually just go to Sanchos. I think the plan for now is to go to RP and get chairs. My mom (photographer), her, and I will head down the beach to "look for another beach bar." When we stumble upon an empty beach, that is where I will do it and we will return to RP. Thanks for all your help everyone.

  2. I appreciate the help! I might just do that. I think that no matter where I do it, she will love it. Hopefully we can be some of the first off the boat and I can do it early. Thanks for all your help. I think what I will do is go to RP and have my parents save our chairs while her and I go for a long walk. I just hope the weather cooperates. Otherwise, I will have to do it in Jamaica or Cozumel. Neither of these would be bad, but I just really had my mind set on Cayman. I'll let you know how it goes next month!

  3. Bookbabe, I knew you'd come to the rescue as you seem to be the Cayman expert. I know that she really wants a beach proposal, so I feel that I need to do it in the sand. We are certainly open to going to other beaches, just not too terribly far away. I have looked at SMB, Governor's, and maybe Rum Pointe. I was just wondering how crowded these would be and how far out they are. My parents are going with us and my dad is a real stickler for getting back to boat on time (way early). I am open to any suggestions you may have, but yea we all thought RP sounded like the best place (minus the proposal). Thanks for all your help. Would it be possible to get out to Governor's or SMB really fast and back to RP?

  4. Hello all, I was wondering if there was a secluded beach near Royal Palms where I could pop the question to my girl? We plan on going to Royal Palms in a month and there will be about 7,000 people between the two ships in port that day. Should I do it at another beach then come back to Royal Palms? Do you think there will still be chairs left? Any help that anyone could provide would be awesome. I have been trying to research for the past few months but I still cannot decide. And no worries, she never looks at these sites and will have no clue :)

  5. I forgot to ask... How is the snorkeling through Mr. S? I snorkeled right off the beach and there was nothing to see. Do they take you to an area with lots of sea life?



    Thanks for this. We were thinking of doing the Snuba instead of the snorkeling and I was wondering if it is much better. Also, I am very curious about the Pay As You Go side too, since we are doing the snuba and I would hate to pay for 2.5 hours of AI.

  6. My girlfriend and I are planning on visiting Cozumel on an upcoming Carnival cruise. We just had a few questions about the differences between Mr. Sanchos & Paradise beach and some clarification on some terms. We plan on drinking and were wondering how much drinks cost at each place if we PAYG (beers & specialty drinks). Has anyone done the Snuba at Mr. Sanchos, if so how was it (worth the $)? Does the AI include a cabanna or massages at either location? When you say, "water toys" does this include Jetskis? How much are Jetskis with the AI? Which location has less kids/more poeple in their twenties and thirties? I know I am asking a lot, but any adice you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

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