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1 crazy bro

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Posts posted by 1 crazy bro

  1. I know this wouldn't be a problem at Great Bay with everything to do around there, but I wanted to check on Little Bay. If I am with someone that does not snorkel is there something for them to do at Little Bay other than sit in a lounge chair while I am snorkeling? Don't get me wrong, sitting at a bar stool would be great for them or walking around shopping, but the beach stuff is most likely out. Just checking if there is anything to keep the "non-beach" people busy for an hour or two, thanks!

  2. I am doing a tour over to Orient and it only includes a couple hours on the beach so time is definitely a factor. I was just curious, once you are at Orient what are the various ways to get over to Green cay? If you rent a jet ski do they allow those over there? Not so sure about a kayak but would consider it. Also, I see it is about a half mile from Orient and I also have a water depth chart that is showing only 1 to 2 feet deep the whole way??? That doesn't sound right as I have seen videos of the boat traffic coming from Orient, which see would seem a little scary doing it by swimming/walking, plus it looked like it got deeper than 1 to 2 feet!


    Anyway, just looking for various ideas that people know of. Any snorkel trips from Orient that go out there?


    Thank you

  3. My take on a Fantasy/Vista hybrid would be a ship that is exactly like the Fantasy class, except with balconies and one dining room that allows you to walk the entire length of the ship. That is what comes to my mind when his the term "hybrid."


    Wouldn't hybrid mean it runs on recycled corn and lobster??? :confused:

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