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Posts posted by Drradical27

  1. So our Magical Wedding aboard the Carnival Pride was 2 months ago and we are still riding on the high. I want to give you all a readable story of our trip without overwhelming you, so I am going to try to break it down into parts. Hope you enjoy. This is going to be a long one.







    Leaving for the Cruise in Baltimore:



    Nov 11th 2017- I live on the very end of Long Island, as does most of the people that would be cruising with us for the week. Traveling to Baltimore by car from the Eastern End of Long Island takes about 6.5(No traffic). We all decided that we would be staying in a Hotel by the airport (about 15 mins away from the cruise terminal). So the morning of the 11th. I got up extra early, packed as much of the wedding stuff and our luggage into my very compact 2008 Kia Rio. Luckily, my parents were riding with my Aunt and Uncle and they had extra room in their car for my dress. After saying goodbye to the Cat babies I went to pick up the rest of my crew. My fiancé, Johnny, our best Man, Aaron, and the Ring Bearer, my niece Halena. The ride down to Baltimore was easy and fun. Aaron and Halena (who were meeting for the first time) bonded quickly in the backseat. About 2.5 hours into the trip we all got a phone call from Carnival, letting us know that the Carnival Pride was going to be about 4 hours late to port because of some bad weather off the coast of Florida. At the time, this did not mean much to us, however this would come into play big time later. We got to Baltimore around 3. Our hotel Hampton Inn Baltimore/BWI Airport , was right by the airport along with many other hotels. It was a decent price for all of our travelers. When we booked, they promised my fiancé and I a Suite, with a whirlpool bath and a king size bed with pull out couch. When we got there, they did not have a suite for us. I also found out that they had put my parents in a room that was literally right next to the lobby, they could hear everything. They told us it was to accommodate my Father, who walks with a crutch, but I believe they just didn’t have the rooms we requested ready. I spoke to someone who stays at the Hotel often and they told us that there was a soccer convention for kids going on and it usually is never that crowded. Once we were all settled My aunt took me, my Mom, my Niece, My Cousin and groomsman Zak and his girlfriend Catherine to a lovely Nail Salon .My now Husband and Aaron went to get some beer for our hotel room. Little did they know, Gas stations do not sell beer and they got sent (by the GPS) on a wild and stressful ride through tunnels and tolls just to find beer. They gave me a call and stressed me out before going into the salon, but everyone with me QUICKLY calmed this Bride down. And I soon got a text letting me know the boys were safe back at the hotel. We each got manicures and pedicures and really enjoyed ourselves. My vision for my nails was “Mermaid, sea princess” So I got a seafoam green gel build with glow in the dark glitter on top. They were magical I wish they were still on lol! The night in the hotel was wonderful. My sister who was driving with her boyfriend and 3 babies( yes 3 babies, 1.5 year old twins and a 2.5 year old) arrived around 9pm and boy were those babies happy to be out of that car. After some hotel fun and a good night sleep, we got up and started thinking about dealing with our day. One of the main excitements about being in Baltimore was getting some Baltimore crab. After extensive research during wedding planning we found the perfect place. It was literally 4 mins away from the port and would be great for a late lunch before boarding. The restaurant, LP Steamers, was amazing. There was 2 hour parking right near by. Our large group had to be seated upstairs, which required my Dad to have to walk up a very narrow staircase, but we made it work. Aaron, out best man, had never had real crab before and was in his glory. Baylee, my 2 year old niece, was in her glory, sucking down clams and lobster. Once finished my 2 other bridesmaids Aimee and Jillian and my 17 year old Niece Hannah, showed up to meet us.(They drove down on that Sunday because of work) It was around 3pm at this point (2 hours past when we were supposed to get on) with the delay we figured we could head to the port to at least park. This is where the delay became a huge issue. We drove to the port, they were not letting anyone that would be boarding even into the lot. The people from the last cruise were still on the boat. So my car and Jillian’s car decided to go to the Edgar Allen Poe Museum. Along the way, my bridesmaid Aimee, realized she forgot her passport. This led to a brief panic and a lot of phone calls to her BF back in Brooklyn and the cruise line. The Museum was very cool. It was in the home in lived in with his family. We learned so much about him. Aaron bought himself a Poe sweater and an action figure for Halena. We then decided to go back to the terminal and hope for the best. This time they let us in to park. All of the wedding supplies and decorations were in suit cases so we were able to check them. My dress however I had to carry on. The line when we got inside….was INSANE. It was unorganized and a nightmare. My parents had to wait outside in the cold for my other niece to get to the terminal so they could all board together. Everyone was cranky and annoyed. I mean everyone in the room. Johnny, Aaron and I did our best to make the best of it. We also still did not know if Aimee was going to make it on the boat because of the passport issue. As we were walking through we saw her on the sidelines with a nice man named “Tank” who was hooking her up! So thankfully, we ALL eventually got on the boat. Johnny and I got to our room, and extended balcony on Deck 8 and could finally take a load off. It was such an incredible relief for us all to be on the boat and for the wedding cruise to finally kick off. It was cold, rainy and dark when we finally left port at 8:30pm.



    Cruising and The Wedding:



    The first day at sea was cold and a little rainy but fun none the less. All the kids were getting used to the boat and everyone was enjoying the food. My sister and her Boyfriend had the drink package, which they found to be totally worth it. We had group seating, 3 tables of 6, for our late dining group. The service on Carnival Cruises is exceptional. Every night they had high chairs set up for the babies and a booster seat for Baylee as well as juice cups with apple juice. They had a magician, that the kids and adults ADORED! We got to switch seating overnight so everyone got to enjoy each other throughout the cruise. The food was also always amazing. Tuesday was when I finally got to meet my weeding coordinator and photographer. Tetiana and Krsna. My 2 bridesmaids came with me. Now I was very prepared. I had an entire folder explaining everything I wanted. I had examples of photos I liked. I had multiple print outs of the music playlists. I had to iphone all set up with the music on it. If anyone wants more info on my wedding planning process I will gladly make another post devoted to that.



    Tetiana seemed to know exactly what I wanted as did Krsna. At dinner I dropped off all the wedding decorations, favors, ect for Tetiana. That night we all hit the hay kind of early so to be ready for the big day the next afternoon in Port Canaveral. Jillian and I both had hair appointments in the morning. I slept alone, Johnny stayed with his best man for traditions sake. I slept great, not too nervous, just very happy. I woke up early so I could have my coffee and sit on my balcony and enjoy my last moments of being Johnny’s fiancé. But, since we were in Fl, I had cell phone reception and started getting texts and calls from the Non-sailing guests, which I relayed onto others. I set up the bridesmaid and mother of bride/groom gift bags and blew up the “Mr and Mrs” balloons that we got. I got my hair done at 10am, during this time the room steward, Jessica, set our room up BEAUTIFULLY. Once all my girls got in the room we all started to get ready together. Slowly, non sailing guests started to show up at my door to say hello. I did my best to stay focused and not be distracted. It was a wonderful time with my girls. Everyone loved their gift bags with their silk robes and jewelry. Also in the bags were little wristlet glitter purses and lip gloss. Krsna was with us the whole time taking video and photos. I had my niece Halena deliver our gifts for the groomsmen as well as my gift for Johnny. And the best man brought me my gift from Johnny, a beautiful diamond bracelet. I then got in my dress and my girls helped me but on my shoes and garter. The wedding was to begin at 1pm so the girls had to head down to do a quick rehearsal before the ceremony started. Catherine stayed with me and helped me figure out what I was supposed to do next. I did not know if someone was coming to get me or not. We walked to the elevators that would bring me down to where the ceremony would be “The Butterflies Lounge”. I stayed on the 8th floor and Catherine went down to find someone for me, just in case Johnny was out there. My Wedding Helper for the day came up and got me and brought me down where I would meet my Officiant. Our Officiant, Mary, came to meet me. She gave me a big hug and hyped me up for the moments to come. As I was waiting there for everything to start, a cruiser who was staying on that floor came around the corner and saw me. She talked to me for those moments and made me feel beautiful and calm. It was a really nice circumstance before one of the biggest moments of my life. While all the guests were getting seated we had them play the song “Waiting in Vain” By Bob Marley, but covered by the pop punk band “The Story so Far”. For the processional of the wedding party we played and instrumental version of “

    ” by The Flaming Lips. I then walked down to my future husband to the instrumental version of “
    ” by Blink182, which is our song. The ceremony was short and sweet. It was incredibly loving and romantic. After the ceremony we took a few photos with my parents and Johnny’s parents as well as the wedding party. I wanted to make sure I got these out of the way, since some of the wedding party as well as Johnny’s parents were non-sailing guests. All the guests then headed to the “Beauties Nightclub” for the reception. While we waited to be introduced our officiant brought myself and my new Husband a drink. We then got to go into our reception and walk down the beautiful staircase in the nightclub. My wedding crew had done and AMAZING job decorating the room. We then had our first dance to the song “Rainbow Connection” covered by the Band Weezer. After the first dance our best man and matron of honor gave the most INCREDIBLE speeches. They were so sweet and heartfelt. We then cut the cake and got a few more photos taken. Then it was time to PARTY. The food was incredible. My fiancé is a Vegetarian, and Carnival provided us with so many awesome veggie hors d'oeuvres. The party was so much fun. We did the garter removal and toss as well as the bouquet toss. The whole experience was amazing. If only it could have been longer than an hour and a half. After the party Krsna took us to do our photos and we could not have been happier with them.



    All in all it was the most wonderful day. It was filled with so much joy and the best people in the whole world. The rest of the cruise was just icing on the delicious wedding cake. I hope you all enjoyed my story. I would be glad to answer any questions about the planning process. I can’t wait for the day we can do it all again as a vow renewal.





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    <3 <3

  2. I am one month out from my wedding on the Carnival Pride. I wanted to give a general idea of what I am doing. I have lots more information I will be adding in the next month. Including the very few issues I have had. Feel free to ask questions :):bottle-pop:




    THE DRESS: The first thing I did before booking or planning anything was get my dress. David's Bridal was having a sale and my mom and I went together to find a dress. I tried on 2 dresses and the second one was everything I ever dreamed of. I am 32 so I grew up in the late 80's-early 90's and I have always been a huge little mermaid fan. My dress is exactly that. Think about the end of the movie when Ariel marries prince Eric on the ship. That sparkly ball gown...now just minus the puffy sleeves. The dress is by the designer Zac Posen and was originally $1300 but for some reason on that magical day it was on sale for $500. SCORE. I also got a veil, a garment bag and the dress restoration kit, (was on sale from $200 down to $60)

    I will post pictures of my dress after the wedding just so I can make sure it is secret from my man.

    I saw the easiness of getting this dress as a sign that I was on the right track for my wedding.

    HOW WE CHOSE TO CRUISE FOR OUR WEDDING: We knew we wanted to do cruise but there was apprehension for one specific reason. My sister at the time of my engagement was pregnant with twins.....on top of the daughter she had had a year before as well as two older daughters. (So as of today that is 2 6 month olds, 1 year and a half year old, a 9 year old and a 16 year old, her and her husband) I was terrified to put the pressure on her to be able to get on the boat for the wedding. Its not cheap and I knew it would be a stretch. But having my only sister and her kids there meant everything to me. So after a few months after the babies were born i sat her down and she gave me a roaring BOOK THE CRUISE. And she promised she would be there with her clan. Once I got the good to go on that....I called Carnival.

    DECIDING ON WHAT WEDDING CRUISE: I knew we wanted the pride so it was a matter of deciding on where wedding would be and what time of year we would do it. We chose the cruise to the Bahamas. (Pt. Canaveral, Nassau, and Freeport) My fiance and I have done this cruse before but the price was right (especially for our guests) . We also decided on November, because hurricane season is over and the weather should be great. The next step was...Do we get married the day of embarkation or at a port???? I have been on the boat while people are getting married during embarkation and I just didn't feel like it was for me. We decided to have our wedding on the boat at Port Canaveral. The port is a bit boring, and honestly no one in my crew is going to do any excursions there so we thought it would be great. Most people will be off the boat and we will get some great photos with the Florida Sunshine in the background.

    CHOOSING PACKAGE: As for what wedding package we chose we decided on the "Time to Celebrate Big" package. I think it came to about $2500 for the ceremony and a 1.5 hour reception. I just looked on Carnival weddings website and it seems they have changed the Brochure and whole set up for weddings.....So I guess I am lucky! Here is the new wedding Brochure https://www.carnival.com/~/media/CCLUS/Images/pdf/Weddingspricelist.pdf

    THE MUSIC: My fiance is a musician and I am a big time music lover. They have 2 options for the DJ, one is where you have a DJ who mixes the music for you. He creates a mix based off of a "general music theme" and will use your MP3's of songs for the special things like garter toss or first dance(if the song is not on the carnival music library) the other option is to make your own playlist and the coordinator just pushes play. (with this option the music plays softly in the background and you do not get to have reception in the nightclub. The price difference was about 50 dollars difference (50$ more to use the DJ) So we went with that one, we really wanted the club setting and we are going to do everything to communicate with the DJ the style we are looking for. Because under no circumstances will I want Taylor Swift or Selena Gomez played at my limited time(1.5 hours) wedding reception. There is a sheet to fill out and we plan on "suggesting" what we are looking for.

    PHOTOGRAPHY: This is one I am still brainstorming about. I am a professional photographer. If i could shoot my own wedding.... I would, So this is a big deal to me and I will do everything in my power to get what I want. The beauty of this is that Iphones take pretty amazing photos, I will have photographer friends that have their cameras and I WILL have my camera on hand lol. So if I want to partake in the shots of the Groom with the bridesmaids....Im gonna do it. I also will be more than happy with 15 prints from the photographer and just ALL of the proofs on a CD or flash drive....this is a work in process and I know I will have to be prepared to speak to the photographer on the boat and sweet talk them a bit. Any advice from previous couples?

    RECEPTION FOOD: My fiance and I are vegetarians(well I am a pescetarian) We had to ask the coordinator for a special menu to choose some of our Hors d’oeuvres so some of them can be vegan....this will be a great option and I am so glad they offer it.

    BRIDESMAIDS: I have 3 Bridesmaids proper....one friend that I would love to include are not sure if they are coming yet and I will probably have one junior bridesmaid. We found their dresses on ASOS.com they have BEAUTIFUL DRESSES. We decided to choose 4 different dresses that are all similar and let the girls pick whatever one they want. My dress has sequins on it so that is part of the theme. So When my girls choose their dresses I will share.

    I also have been making gift bags for the bridesmaids....they will have silk robes for us to get reading in, little notebooks with their initials on them, tropical themed drink tumblers(one of the best things to bring on a cruise....having a big cup full of water helps save one in the middle of the night from dehydration from too much sun and booze), the tumbler will be filled with things like advil, wet-whips, tampons lip gloss and other little emergency things. For the Groomsmen we found some really cool flask sets with little shot glasses that have skulls on them(got these at home goods during Halloween for 7$ each.

    Well this is my Journey so Far I have a lot more to share. Coming in the next few months.... Do I get a second dress to rock after the reception , so we can party on the deck? How will our song list turn out? Should I plan a small party at my beach house this summer, for those that cannot come on cruise? What should I get for my mom and new mother in law? SO many photos to come too. I am SOOOOOO excited to share our journey with you all! Thanks for Reading

    UPDATE: So as I mention we have a few options for bridesmaid dresses. I personally have a Maid of Honor (My childhood Best friend) A Matron of Honor (My Sister), A bridesmaid (My other best friend) and a Junior Bridesmaid(my 16 year old Niece) There may be one other bridesmaid but she is not sure if she can come yet. Anyway.... So the dresses are from ASOS.com. There are 2 options of the 5 or 6 we found that we liked. Linked are the pictures to the 2 the girls will choose from. I also have included pictures of the dress and pillow my 9 year old niece (and goddaughter) will wear as ring bearer. We decided since her and my fiance are best friends that she should be able to have the very important responsibility of transporting the rings to him and standing by his side. This was she is kind of like a best man without using the word "man" in her title. I got the dress for her on Amazon $39.99 and the Pillow on Ebay $6.99. Both are coming from China and I cannot wait to see them in person.

    http://**********/a/MwdKX Enjoy!

  3. Hi there! I am getting married on a carnival cruise in Nov. I am also a pro photographer. From what I understand anyone is allowed to take photo and video as long as they do not use a tripod. Also I am sure as long as they stay out of the carnival photographer's way, there should be no issue. I plan on having as many people take pics as possible. I hope your wedding is amazing! let me know how it works out!

  4. Hi There. My father is handicapped and it has been quite a while since he has cruised. We are getting married on the Pride and the whole fam will be leaving out of Baltimore. Are they accommodating? Do they have have wheel chairs that you know of that he can use till he gets on the boat? Just curious what your experience was like.



    Just off Pride cruise of July 24th. We are Platinum (and DH is handicapped).


    When we cruised out of Baltimore in January, Diamond/Platinum were off to the side, nothing special, but they did call us up fairly quickly.


    July 24th we were in a back hallway lined with folding chairs. It was okay until they called for the wedding parties -- half the people stood up (no they weren't part of those groups). Port employees then called for Diamond/Platinum by rows -- people were jumping over chairs to change rows, knocking chairs into the aisles, etc.


    Perhaps I was just hot, tired, and hoping for so much more (it was 103 degrees on the way into Baltimore that day). I'm sure the next embarkation will be much better. :)


  5. What week are you cruising in Nov?



    I'm on the Pride but not until November!


    Take this post down and I'll give it all to my room steward! :D


    We have had the same cabin 3 times - we've hidden a note with our names/dates on it in 3 different places in the cabin. They are all still there each time - only the one outside of course we can't get out of the crack and so we can't rewrite on.


    I think it would be very interesting to include a cash leftover for the next time - or if someone else finds it.


    I believe the cleaning crews probably don't look hard enough at the little places of the ship until a full dry dock period.

  6. This was the saddest part of any cruise we have ever been on. My fiancé and I are both vegetarians and those spring rolls are life! WITH THE DIPPING SAUCE! lol seriously, bad call carnival, bring back the spring rolls so I can eat them everyday of our upcoming wedding cruise!

  7. Did you have to put the rolling rack through the scanner?




    We bought a folding rolling garment rack and loaded our stuff on it (including suits and wedding dresses!). If you can get people to help you carry items to the xray you can put up the rack and roll it the rest of the way.



  8. You are getting married at sea? that is so cool. Carnival would not let us do that unless we were already married prior. But we are still excited for our adventure. Website looks great!



    I searched around and tried a few different sites. Many did not work for the cruise format as they required addresses etc for the ceremony and reception site (how do I put an address for the Atlantic Ocean?! ha). I ultimately found weddingwire.com to have the most flexibility and lots of options. You can have multiple albums, and also make lots of customizations


    Here is ours: www.weddingwire.com/whitemotha

  9. I booked my wedding only a month or two before these changes took place. I had to call to make sure it was not going to impact my wedding. (since I paid in full up front, I wasn't looking to have a whole new thing to add to my budget) For anyone dealing with booking under the new prices. CALL THEM. ask a million questions till you understand. I called by 3 times just to figure out that even though I am getting married (in port) on the 4th day of the cruise, non sailing guests can still come!

  10. So my Fiance and I are about 11 months out till our cruise wedding on the Carnival Pride.:)

    Back in May of 2016 we go engaged on the same boat. The Pride is by far our favorite boat. The size is perfect. The decor is romantic and has the perfect amount of cheesiness. The food is great as usual. But in all honestly, getting married with our friends and family on the boat we got engaged on is going to be a dream.

    THE DRESS: The first thing I did before booking or planning anything was get my dress. David's Bridal was having a sale and my mom and I went together to find a dress. I tried on 2 dresses and the second one was everything I ever dreamed of. I am 32 so I grew up in the late 80's-early 90's and I have always been a huge little mermaid fan. My dress is exactly that. Think about the end of the movie when Ariel marries prince Eric on the ship. That sparkly ball gown...now just minus the puffy sleeves. The dress is by the designer Zac Posen and was originally $1300 but for some reason on that magical day it was on sale for $500. SCORE. I also got a veil, a garment bag and the dress restoration kit, (was on sale from $200 down to $60)


    I will post pictures of my dress after the wedding just so I can make sure it is secret from my man.


    I saw the easiness of getting this dress as a sign that I was on the right track for my wedding.

    HOW WE CHOSE TO CRUISE FOR OUR WEDDING: We knew we wanted to do cruise but there was apprehension for one specific reason. My sister at the time of my engagement was pregnant with twins.....on top of the daughter she had had a year before as well as two older daughters. (So as of today that is 2 6 month olds, 1 year and a half year old, a 9 year old and a 16 year old, her and her husband) I was terrified to put the pressure on her to be able to get on the boat for the wedding. Its not cheap and I knew it would be a stretch. But having my only sister and her kids there meant everything to me. So after a few months after the babies were born i sat her down and she gave me a roaring BOOK THE CRUISE. And she promised she would be there with her clan. Once I got the good to go on that....I called Carnival.

    DECIDING ON WHAT WEDDING CRUISE: I knew we wanted the pride so it was a matter of deciding on where wedding would be and what time of year we would do it. We chose the cruise to the Bahamas. (Pt. Canaveral, Nassau, and Freeport) My fiance and I have done this cruse before but the price was right (especially for our guests) . We also decided on November, because hurricane season is over and the weather should be great. The next step was...Do we get married the day of embarkation or at a port???? I have been on the boat while people are getting married during embarkation and I just didn't feel like it was for me. We decided to have our wedding on the boat at Port Canaveral. The port is a bit boring, and honestly no one in my crew is going to do any excursions there so we thought it would be great. Most people will be off the boat and we will get some great photos with the Florida Sunshine in the background.




    CHOOSING PACKAGE: As for what wedding package we chose we decided on the "Time to Celebrate Big" package. I think it came to about $2500 for the ceremony and a 1.5 hour reception. I just looked on Carnival weddings website and it seems they have changed the Brochure and whole set up for weddings.....So I guess I am lucky! Here is the new wedding Brochure https://www.carnival.com/~/media/CCLUS/Images/pdf/Weddingspricelist.pdf


    THE MUSIC: My fiance is a musician and I am a big time music lover. They have 2 options for the DJ, one is where you have a DJ who mixes the music for you. He creates a mix based off of a "general music theme" and will use your MP3's of songs for the special things like garter toss or first dance(if the song is not on the carnival music library) the other option is to make your own playlist and the coordinator just pushes play. (with this option the music plays softly in the background and you do not get to have reception in the nightclub.

    The price difference was about 50 dollars difference (50$ more to use the DJ) So we went with that one, we really wanted the club setting and we are going to do everything to communicate with the DJ the style we are looking for. Because under no circumstances will I want Taylor Swift or Selena Gomez played at my limited time(1.5 hours) wedding reception. There is a sheet to fill out and we plan on "suggesting" what we are looking for.


    PHOTOGRAPHY: This is one I am still brainstorming about. I am a professional photographer. If i could shoot my own wedding.... I would, So this is a big deal to me and I will do everything in my power to get what I want. The beauty of this is that Iphones take pretty amazing photos, I will have photographer friends that have their cameras and I WILL have my camera on hand lol. So if I want to partake in the shots of the Groom with the bridesmaids....Im gonna do it. I also will be more than happy with 15 prints from the photographer and just ALL of the proofs on a CD or flash drive....this is a work in process and I know I will have to be prepared to speak to the photographer on the boat and sweet talk them a bit. Any advice from previous couples?


    RECEPTION FOOD: My fiance and I are vegetarians(well I am a pescatarian) We had to ask the coordinator for a special menu to choose some of our Hors d’oeuvres so some of them can be vegan....this will be a great option and I am so glad they offer it.


    BRIDESMAIDS: I have 3 Bridesmaids proper....one friend that I would love to include are not sure if they are coming yet and I will probably have one junior bridesmaid. We found their dresses on ASOS.com they have BEAUTIFUL DRESSES. We decided to choose 4 different dresses that are all similar and let the girls pick whatever one they want. My dress has sequins on it so that is part of the theme. So When my girls choose their dresses I will share.


    I also have been making gift bags for the bridesmaids....they will have silk robes for us to get reading in, little notebooks with their initials on them, tropical themed drink tumblers(one of the best things to bring on a cruise....having a big cup full of water helps save one in the middle of the night from dehydration from too much sun and booze), the tumbler will be filled with things like advil, wet-whips, tampons lip gloss and other little emergency things.

    For the Groomsmen we found some really cool flask sets with little shot glasses that have skulls on them(got these at home goods during Halloweeen for 7$ each.



    Well this is my Journey so Far I have a lot more to share. Coming in the next few months....

    Do I get a second dress to rock after the reception , so we can party on the deck?

    How will our song list turn out?

    Should I plan a small party at my beach house this summer, for those that cannot come on cruise?

    What should I get for my mom and new mother in law?

    SO many photos to come too.

    I am SOOOOOO excited to share our journey with you all!

    Thanks for Reading

  11. I am getting married on the Carnival Pride out of Baltimore.

    We leave on Nov 12th, but do not get married till the 15th.


    My dress is about as big and princessy as it gets and it wide on the bottom. (Think The little Mermaid when she marries prince Eric at the end , minus the sleeves) Anyway I am calling out to brides that have had to get their dress on board. I know I will need to carry it on. Will it need to fit through the luggage scanner? If it doesn't will they let me walk it through metal detector. I just want to make it easy as possible. What if i got one of those walk bellhop kind of racks, so all the dresses can hang from it then go through one by one? Please let me know if anyone has any advice.

    I will share pics of my wedding planning process soon

    Thanks guys!


  12. I am getting married on the Carnival Pride out of Baltimore.

    We leave on Nov 12th, but do not get married till the 15th.


    My dress is about as big and princessy as it gets and it wide on the bottom. (Think The little Mermaid when she marries prince Eric at the end , minus the sleeves) Anyway I am calling out to brides that have had to get their dress on board. I know I will need to carry it on. Will it need to fit through the luggage scanner? If it doesn't will they let me walk it through metal detector. I just want to make it easy as possible. What if i got one of those walk bellhop kind of racks, so all the dresses can hang from it then go through one by one? Please let me know if anyone has any advice.

    I will share pics of my wedding planning process soon

    Thanks guys!

    -Heather ;)

  13. Thank you so much for the info! I know this was years ago for you but I am in the process of planning my carnival wedding for me and my finace. We are not sure if we want to have the wedding on the island or on a day at sea. Honestly after reading about your guys wedding I am soooo into the day at sea wedding. I would love to hear more about your wedding!

    thanks again

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