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Posts posted by mattsmall1972

  1. I just got off this cruise with you and am home now. My 8-year old son named Will says he met your granddaughter in the Fun Factory, and I think that I saw you in the World Class Bar because my family met there every night before shows and dinner.  I got to know Lalta very well and took the mixology class with her and Santos. They are the best!


    I have been on 5 Celebrity cruises so far and this one had the best service and food, by far.  The only problem with this cruise was the Semana port which was terrible.


    Semana was sketchy at best. Without enough time to research and plan excusions, the only option was to go on the whale watching tour (offered by Celebrity) or  check out the town. The locals were aggressive and a taxi cost $5/person to town... a two-shop tourist trap literally three minutes from the port.


    My brother’s family went to the whale museum and he said they felt like they were being herded to somewhere to be robbed and it was underwhelming.


    I loved this boat but not the itinerary.  That was fine since I like to relax.


    Glad you had fun.

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