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Posts posted by pchurchley

  1. You are MORE LIKELY to catch Noro at home, than on a cruise. It's everywhere...grocery stores, Schools, especially!, Church, hospitals, nursing homes,...anywhere there are crowds.

    That is good to know... eeerm... not that it is everywhere :eek: ... I meant, it is good to know that it is unlikly on a cruise. Thx :)


    I guess I have just picked up on a few high profile outbreaks and got concerned... well, wouldn't anyone if you hadn't cruised much before? :) :)

  2. There are many experienced cruisers about who have travelled good safe healthy cruises. If you follow reasonable lifestyle choices onboard as we have described your chances of being affected by norovirus are very very small. I think you are excessively cautious to the point of not enjoying your cruise through your own tough regime.


    Regards John



    Again... I think you have misunderstood me... I am certainly not excessively cautious. I am not anything at the moment as my cruise starts Monday (can't wait!). The reason for my questions are so that I can find out what is cautious enough WITHOUT being excessively cautious :)


    I have a plan now thanks to you helpful lot...


    We are generally very clean in our normal living habits so we will just carry on with that but thoroughly wash hands whenever we can and always before and after eating, often when in public areas, when returning to or leaving our cabin etc. We will have Purell gel but we will use that only as a adjuct and not a replacement. Avoid touching face if at all possible. Use elbows for public doors if poss etc. We will be cautious at the buffet but still use it (we will have to because that is the only alternative to the MDR on formal nights and I am not taking a DJ or suit).


    All those things are not excessive in my opinion and I see as just sensible precautions that are not likely to impact on what we do or our enjoyment.


    Thanks for discussing it everyone :)

  3. Sure. I am with you on all this. I am no "goody-two-shoes" myself... my wife knows that much!... but cruising costs everyone a lot of money and often people take a cruise for a special celebration. I just think it is encombant on all of us to try to take those sensible precautions whenever possible out of respect.


    I know many people have no respect of others (as we can see all too much on this thread alone!) and as usual they spoil it for everyone else.

  4. Thank you for your educating posts. I take everything you say on board (excuse the pun!).


    I don't believe I have the wrong idea about illness on cruise ships. I go through my life, as we all do no doubt, just living and taking normal precautions against infections. But a cruise ship is not normal life. It is a closed community of normally 1000-2000 people all eating and drinking in an enclosed living space. It really is not like normal life. The risks of cross-contamination are considerably higher than normal life and so I believe that we should take extra precautions. All I want to do is find out what extra precautions are sensible to help mitigate that extra risk.


    Cruising is definitely for us but we want to do whatever we can to keep healthy whilst on board. That is all. :)


    Your explaination about the cabin steward and cleaning procedures has helped. Thanks.


    I really don't think we are being paranoid about this. We just want to be sensible and enjoy the holiday. It is a learning process that is all.

  5. I think you may have misunderstood my post a bit...


    I am not focussed on cabin cleaning. That was just one of the things I can do at the start to make sure we have a reasonably clean cabin ourselves. Are you saying that the cleaning staff are not likely a source of contamination? Surely they clean all cabins and so could they not cross-contaminate between cabins? Don't get me wrong... I am not arguing... just trying too understand what is important and what is less so.


    So, when in public areas, it is worth carrying around with me some paper towels and using them if I need to touch anything. Does that mean using a paper towel every time I use the stairs? Again, not arguing, just want to understand to what extent is sensible/viable.


    Does it help to wear gloves?

  6. I have searched and viewed just about everything on Norovirus on this forum and else where on the web but I am still uncertain how to reduce the chance of us catching Norovirus when on board.


    I know washing hands with soap and water is the main weapon and I intend to do that regularly (as I hope others on the cruise will too!). But is there a few "must do's" apart from that if you want to minimise your chances of catching it. I know there is no guarantee but we want to try.


    Firstly we have bought some hand sprays and surface cleaners that are active against Norovirus. I know alcohol gels are not all that effective but better than nothing, but these ones say they kill Norovirus...




    When we board the first thing I shall do is clean all surfaces with that product. Shouldn't take longer than 30 mins I would guess.


    We will wash our hands whenever we get the chance and particularly before and after eating and after using any public spaces. We expect to use the spray inbetween whenever we get the chance and particularly after using the buffet serving utensils, condiments, looking at menus etc.


    I guess that is all we can do except prey!


    Just one other question... most ships have sauna and hottubs. I am assuming they are adequately sanitised to prevent any increased risk and that a sauna is hot enough (generally 80-90C) to kill any pathegens. Is this a reasonable assumption? I would like to use those facilities but not if they carry a significant increase risk of infection.


    Any help/advise would be appreciated. We sail next money!

  7. Oldbugger, thank you so much for your detailed comparison. Interesting reading for us as we are new to cruising. We have done one... 2 weeks on Sunbird (now MS Celestyal Olympia) around the Caribbean in 2005... but are now booked on Boudicca for 2 weeks Northern Lights starting next Monday!


    I think cruising is one of those things that gets into your blood.

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